13 years |
ogrimm |
GUI bug fix for negative array index
13 years |
ogrimm |
Less digits deplayed in widgets
13 years |
ogrimm |
History handling in Edd faster, improved drag and drop functionality, ...
13 years |
ogrimm |
EvidenceServer::ToString() can handle all DIM formats as long as ...
13 years |
ogrimm |
Improved filter function for History server
13 years |
ogrimm |
Updated Edd for history plotting of more complex arrays
13 years |
ogrimm |
New inCallback() method of DIM version v19r23 used
14 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to make Edd more responsive with high incoming event rate
14 years |
ogrimm |
pthread_attr_init() was missing in Evidence class constructor
14 years |
ogrimm |
Adaptions to allow compilation on Ubuntu
14 years |
ogrimm |
Updates to Edd. History server now periodically saves histories to disk.
14 years |
ogrimm |
History allows to exclude services
14 years |
ogrimm |
Edd allows to set plot update rate
14 years |
ogrimm |
Improved responsiveness of GUI at start-up
14 years |
ogrimm |
Separated Edd into generic Evidence part and FACT-specific part
14 years |
ogrimm |
Non-blocking configuration request did not recognize default value
14 years |
ogrimm |
DAQ page shows message service of drsdaq or FADctrl
14 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted various programs to new PixelMap class
14 years |
ogrimm |
Added persistance mode to event scope
14 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed warning if alarm server down
14 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed bug in display of physical pipeline
14 years |
ogrimm |
Alarm window opens if Alarm/MasterAlarm increases
14 years |
ogrimm |
Alarm has 5 s minimum period, updates to Edd
15 years |
ogrimm |
Alarm server can be switched off
15 years |
weitzel |
Evidence dir moved to fact dir
copied from Evidence
15 years |
ogrimm |
drsdaq publishes some more run-related services