10 years |
dneise |
removed all pylint warnings and errors
10 years |
dneise |
more convenient way of opening Fits files and better __str__ and ...
10 years |
dneise |
more pythonic way of getting the number of events
10 years |
dneise |
making pyfact a py-package
10 years |
dneise |
deleted private stuff, that accidentally found it's way into pyfact.py
10 years |
dneise |
added convenience class AuxFile
11 years |
kraehenb |
Added fact03.ethz.ch to libz-list.
11 years |
dneise |
got rid of ugly loading libz
11 years |
dneise |
debugged relative ROOT loading path
11 years |
dneise |
using old revision since current revision does not work here anymore.
11 years |
dneise |
adjusted libz loading to new_pyfact/pyfact.py
11 years |
dneise |
some help text
11 years |
dneise |
reverted externals link to older revision, since current version ...
11 years |
dneise |
new version
11 years |
kraehenb |
Added TPK-Mobile to libz variants...
11 years |
dneise |
these files are not needed anymore
11 years |
dneise |
Removed the dependency of SlowData class from the special Python ...
11 years |
dneise |
taking back commit 17692
11 years |
dneise |
was missing
11 years |
dneise |
removed: warning: narrowing conversion and adjusted two includes
11 years |
dneise |
removed rm in externals folder
11 years |
dneise |
removed warning about time marker channels, since it is there since ...
11 years |
dneise |
removed warning: "list-initializer for non-class type must not be ...
11 years |
kraehenb |
The file extern_Mars_mcore/factfits.h was imported instead of ...
11 years |
dneise |
reverting back to copied headers, because SVN externals do not yet ...
11 years |
dneise |
some new deveolpment. not really working .. just some thoughts
11 years |
dneise |
adjusted class name FactFits to factfits
11 years |
dneise |
differs from Mars/mcore only in special python accessors like ...
11 years |
dneise |
towards using only C++ Header files from Mars/mcore
11 years |
dneise |
adding externals link
11 years |
dneise |
adjusted to new C++ header files
12 years |
kraehenb |
CalFactFitsTest.py: Fixed error on some systems about missing ...
12 years |
kraehenb |
Updated the comments in calfactfits.h.
12 years |
neise |
new full photon table added to Run object after reading the entire file.
12 years |
neise |
initial commit; run before actual photon tracing.
12 years |
neise |
initial commit
12 years |
neise |
debugged pointer f**k in implementation of despiker in calfactfits
12 years |
neise |
new class FastSlidingAverage with Weave! 50Hz .. yeah
12 years |
neise |
implemented spike destruction algo from TB into calfactfits class
12 years |
neise |
just a snippet of Juchanan how to make a nice simple GUI stype ...
12 years |
neise |
fixed identation of former checkin
12 years |
neise |
added example for stacking SlowData
12 years |
neise |
added UnixTimeUTC member to RawData class - called unixtime - seconds ...
12 years |
neise |
added 2D support
12 years |
neise |
added Max's laptop to the list of known boxes
12 years |
neise |
initial commit
12 years |
neise |
no comment
12 years |
neise |
some sanitychecks
12 years |
neise |
minor changes
12 years |
neise |
initial commit
12 years |
neise |
forgot to define f=self.f in SlowData::register
12 years |
neise |
added destructor to SlowData and checked if constructor file path exists
12 years |
neise |
changed the testing section
13 years |
kraehenb |
plotevents.py is python script which really reads and plots the ...
13 years |
kraehenb |
fileplotter.py allows to browse a file, and saves root plots as ...
13 years |
neise |
adjusted absolute path to files for RawData iterator test
13 years |
neise |
forgot helper.hxx
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
I know it shouldnt be here
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
the fit is nice3
13 years |
neise |
und so weiter
13 years |
neise |
added find groups
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
can now create trees
13 years |
vogler |
inital filling of my sandbox
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
SlowData.register() had a bug, input_str was not renamed everywhere to ...
13 years |
neise |
initial commit
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
... working on the docu
13 years |
neise |
added a lot of docu
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
added sphinx automodule support. just 3 lines of self.__module__ = ...
13 years |
neise |
added member euch2chid and debugges map file access
13 years |
neise |
minor mods
13 years |
neise |
added SlowData autoclass
13 years |
neise |
added case for PC factcontrol at TU Dortmund
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
moved stupid intro course into my sandbox
13 years |
neise |
explained new makelibs.C script
13 years |
weitzel |
new python script added to sandbox
13 years |
weitzel |
plot_trigger_rate.py adapted to new data structure
13 years |
neise |
added import ctypes
13 years |
neise |
RawData.board_times and RawData.start_cells are now numpy array. They ...
13 years |
neise |
added comments
13 years |
neise |
just a note
13 years |
neise |
initial commit of my tests and so on
13 years |
neise |
removed new class DRSSpikes_2D ... not needed
13 years |
neise |
return_dict=True is now default
13 years |
neise |
debugged memory allocation bug.
mem of trigger_offset was allocated ...
13 years |
neise |
removed some multiplications from GetCalEvent() to Constructor ... not ...