12 years |
Jens Buss |
add getters
12 years |
Jens Buss |
add getters
12 years |
Jens Buss |
add getters
12 years |
Jens Buss |
changed order
12 years |
Jens Buss |
commented unused code out
12 years |
Jens Buss |
calculated model attributes
12 years |
Jens Buss |
calculated model attributes
12 years |
Jens Buss |
init: CSV File Handler
12 years |
neise |
just a snippet of Juchanan how to make a nice simple GUI stype ...
12 years |
Jens Buss |
class for pulse fit modell
12 years |
neise |
fixed identation of former checkin
12 years |
neise |
added example for stacking SlowData
12 years |
neise |
added UnixTimeUTC member to RawData class - called unixtime - seconds ...
12 years |
neise |
added 2D support
12 years |
neise |
added Max's laptop to the list of known boxes
12 years |
neise |
further evolving
12 years |
neise |
changed DNS server name to daq
12 years |
neise |
added dims-list after startup
12 years |
neise |
removed drafted schedule and tried some minor printing issues
12 years |
neise |
debugged some printing issues
12 years |
neise |
starting to think about schedule
12 years |
neise |
deleted more overhead
12 years |
neise |
deleted quite some overhead
12 years |
neise |
further evolving
12 years |
neise |
no immediate syntax errors
12 years |
neise |
to be tested
12 years |
neise |
to be tested
12 years |
neise |
12 years |
neise |
intial commit
12 years |
neise |
initial commit
12 years |
neise |
no comment
12 years |
neise |
some sanitychecks
12 years |
neise |
minor changes
12 years |
neise |
initial commit
12 years |
neise |
forgot to define f=self.f in SlowData::register
12 years |
neise |
added destructor to SlowData and checked if constructor file path exists
12 years |
neise |
changed the testing section
13 years |
kraehenb |
plotevents.py is python script which really reads and plots the ...
13 years |
kraehenb |
fileplotter.py allows to browse a file, and saves root plots as ...
13 years |
lusterma |
updated spike removal thresholds
13 years |
lusterma |
added SpikeRemoval2.C
13 years |
neise |
adjusted absolute path to files for RawData iterator test
13 years |
ogrimm |
Added modified calibration procedure for FADctrl for new FAD-based ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
Initial Commit: Recalculate gainfits for an allready calculated ...
13 years |
neise |
forgot helper.hxx
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
I know it shouldnt be here
13 years |
ogrimm |
Default initialisation for FADctrl InitSequence
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
factdimserver has more timeouts and the eventviewer is coming
13 years |
ogrimm |
Edd will use localhost if DIM_DNS_NODE not set
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
the fit is nice3
13 years |
Jens Buss |
bug fix in scaled spectrum fit, took of likelihood fit
13 years |
Jens Buss |
whitespace changes
13 years |
Jens Buss |
titles for histograms and axes editted, fit-method reset to ch2, bug ...
13 years |
Daniela Dorner |
added parameters to give in command line runfile, drsfile and ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed name of status display,defined errors, changed fit
method to ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
add function to fit gaussians to spectrum to determine cross
talk, ...
13 years |
neise |
und so weiter
13 years |
neise |
added find groups
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
ogrimm |
If DIM_DNS_NODE not set, EvidenceServer tries to run in local mode, ...
13 years |
ogrimm |
Simplified history plot selection for numeric arrays
13 years |
Jens Buss |
add array of gaussions to fit to spectrum, calculation pulseheights in ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
fitt to sum spectrum added
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed binning and maximum of 2D histogramm, now 5er and 6er are ...
13 years |
neise |
can now create trees
13 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed hanging signal handler in Evidence before abort() was called. ...
13 years |
vogler |
inital filling of my sandbox
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
Jens Buss |
implemented algorithm for integration from halfmaximum 30 slices into ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
edited function name
13 years |
Jens Buss |
with thomas changes
13 years |
Jens Buss |
13 years |
Jens Buss |
extract pulses from pedestal run and calculate gain from spectrum
13 years |
Jens Buss |
playground for developing marsmacros
13 years |
neise |
SlowData.register() had a bug, input_str was not renamed everywhere to ...
13 years |
neise |
initial commit
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
... working on the docu
13 years |
neise |
added a lot of docu
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
added sphinx automodule support. just 3 lines of self.__module__ = ...
13 years |
neise |
added member euch2chid and debugges map file access
13 years |
neise |
minor mods
13 years |
neise |
added SlowData autoclass
13 years |
neise |
added case for PC factcontrol at TU Dortmund
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
some more examples
13 years |
neise |
moved stupid intro course into my sandbox
13 years |
neise |
explained new makelibs.C script