# ChangeLog for tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot
# Generated by Trac 1.5.2
# 03/27/25 11:40:02

Fri, 25 Sep 2009 07:19:23 GMT dneise [122]
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/Makefile (added)

	Makefile for the 3 plotting routines

Fri, 25 Sep 2009 06:50:47 GMT dneise [121]
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot (modified)

	set ingnore flag for executables

Fri, 25 Sep 2009 06:24:59 GMT dneise [120]
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/plot_old_Trigger_slow_files.c (added)

	added code to view older temp format files as well. ...

Thu, 24 Sep 2009 14:51:42 GMT daqct3 [116]
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot (modified)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/main.c (deleted)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/plotTempsViaGnuplot (deleted)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/plotTempsViaGnuplot.c (added)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/plot_pt100_temps.c (added)

	set ignore flag on executables

Tue, 22 Sep 2009 10:52:24 GMT daqct3 [107]
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/main.c (modified)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/plotTempsViaGnuplot (modified)

	added time info to gnuplot title

Tue, 22 Sep 2009 10:41:09 GMT daqct3 [106]
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/main.c (modified)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/plotTempsViaGnuplot (modified)

	fixed the column numbers in main.c according to our corrrect slowdata ...

Tue, 22 Sep 2009 09:33:17 GMT dneise [103]
	* tools/ListenToArduino (added)
	* tools/ListenToArduino/listen_to_arduino (added)
	* tools/ListenToArduino/main.c (added)
	* tools/ListenToArduino/readme (added)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot (added)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/main.c (added)
	* tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot/plotTempsViaGnuplot (added)

	initial commit: tools/ListenToArduino & tools/PlotTempsViaGnuplot