# ChangeLog for tools/pixelmap_test
# Generated by Trac 1.5.2
# 03/28/25 09:21:56

Mon, 23 Mar 2009 16:04:37 GMT qweitzel [18]
	* pixelmap/PixelMap.cc (modified)
	* pixelmap/PixelMap.h (modified)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/PixelMapTest.cc (modified)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/Test_PixelMap.txt (moved)

	change in pixelmap: file now defined via construtor

Mon, 23 Mar 2009 15:38:22 GMT qweitzel [16]
	* pixelmap/Pixel.cc (modified)
	* pixelmap/PixelMap.cc (modified)
	* pixelmap/PixelMap.h (modified)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/PixelMapTest.cc (modified)

	bug fixed in pixelmap, verbose mode added

Tue, 10 Mar 2009 10:34:17 GMT qweitzel [12]
	* pixelmap/Pixel.cc (modified)
	* pixelmap/PixelMap.cc (modified)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/PixelMap.txt (modified)

	update of pixelmap class, whitespaces now ignored in pixelname, ...

Fri, 06 Mar 2009 16:43:47 GMT qweitzel [11]
	* tools/pixelmap_test (modified)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/Makefile (modified)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/PixelMapTest.cc (modified)

	Makefile of pixelmap_test adjusted

Fri, 06 Mar 2009 16:04:19 GMT qweitzel [10]
	* tools (added)
	* tools/pixelmap_test (added)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/Makefile (added)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/PixelMap.txt (added)
	* tools/pixelmap_test/PixelMapTest.cc (added)

	dir tools added with pixelmap test program