16 years |
daqct3 |
Added shared library path for qwt
16 years |
ogrimm |
Corrected typo
16 years |
ogrimm |
Slight GUI improvements
16 years |
ogrimm |
Fixed segmentation violation bug (was due to repeated calls to tmpfile())
16 years |
daqct3 |
Scripts for starting DAQ-related programs
16 years |
qweitzel |
M0 display in ddd is now upside down
16 years |
qweitzel |
MO event display improved: start- and stopbin spinbox added
16 years |
ogrimm |
Matlab interface for reading raw FACT data
16 years |
ogrimm |
Updated for new event format including trigger cells
16 years |
ogrimm |
Updated for event data format
16 years |
ogrimm |
Updated event data format
16 years |
qweitzel |
comments added for M0 display code
16 years |
qweitzel |
first version of M0 display implemented (for files only) - to be improved
16 years |
ogrimm |
Makefile is now correctly ignored (case was wrong)
16 years |
ogrimm |
Example reading routine for root
16 years |
ogrimm |
Updated for change to NBoards
16 years |
ogrimm |
Removed makefile from repository. Use qmake to generate makefile.
16 years |
ogrimm |
Update to reflect change from NCMCBoards to NBoards
16 years |
ogrimm |
Modified ddd.pro to automatically bind in qwt
16 years |
ogrimm |
Excluded binary from repository
16 years |
ogrimm |
First commit of raw file inspection tool
16 years |
ogrimm |
Adapted magic number to change in RawDataCTX.h
16 years |
ogrimm |
Slight change in graphics display
16 years |
ogrimm |
Data transmission over socket contains now frequency and scale factor
16 years |
ogrimm |
Added local ignore for QT-generated compiler files
16 years |
ogrimm |
First check-in of ddd. There is still an occasional segmentation fault ...
16 years |
ogrimm |
Added headers to allow compilation on ihp-pc26
16 years |
ogrimm |
executable SocketClient ignored
16 years |
qweitzel |
change in pixelmap: file now defined via construtor
16 years |
qweitzel |
bug fixed in pixelmap, verbose mode added
16 years |
ogrimm |
SocketClient checked in
16 years |
qweitzel |
update of pixelmap class, whitespaces now ignored in pixelname, ...
16 years |
qweitzel |
Makefile of pixelmap_test adjusted
16 years |
qweitzel |
dir tools added with pixelmap test program