13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed that within the script <IsReadyForDataTaking> is called from ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
small bugfix
13 years |
Jens Buss |
small bugfix
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed that within the script <IsReadyForDataTaking> is called from ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed that within the script <IsReadyForDataTaking> is called from ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
deleted TestMrkTracking from svn cause it was exidentally added
13 years |
Jens Buss |
deleted TestCrabTracking from svn cause it was exidentally added
13 years |
Jens Buss |
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
13 years |
Jens Buss |
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
13 years |
Jens Buss |
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
13 years |
Jens Buss |
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
13 years |
Jens Buss |
exchanged <echo> output command against <#> output
13 years |
Jens Buss |
some comment edits
13 years |
Jens Buss |
check statuses of bias, feedback, fad and drive before starting a data run
13 years |
Jens Buss |
additional mini scripts to tidy up the data taking scripts
13 years |
Jens Buss |
some spellchecking in the comments
13 years |
Jens Buss |
some spellchecking in the comments
13 years |
Jens Buss |
some changes in the commenmts
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed position of reminder for opereator to measure sky brightness
13 years |
Jens Buss |
added commenmts for new log comments
13 years |
Jens Buss |
added commenmts for new log comments, still echos in script, will ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
log output alignment
13 years |
Jens Buss |
log output alignment
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed waiting time before track command
13 years |
Jens Buss |
added check if bias, feedback, drive and fad are in the correct state ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
short script to check if bias, feedback, drive and fad are in the ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
added check before data run to assure that bias, feedback, drive and ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
added check before data run to assure that bias, feedback, drive and ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed the output
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed the output
13 years |
Jens Buss |
resume data taking after it had to be aborted during first run of four
13 years |
Jens Buss |
spell check
13 years |
Jens Buss |
Script for Crab data taking, that automatically takes both wobble ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
changed the time waited before sending commands to drivectrl
13 years |
Jens Buss |
DimScript for data taking, that only takes the 4 5min data runs, can ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
DimScript for data taking MRK421, that automatically takes both wobble ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
added a sanity check for fadctrl being in state connected before ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
added a sanity check for fadctrl being in state connected before ...
13 years |
Jens Buss |
with this one can do the Amplitude Calibration for ROI 300
13 years |
neise |
incl 45sec wait for current control
13 years |
neise |
incl. 45sec wait after bias ramped up
13 years |
neise |
complete rework, based on comments of TB
13 years |
neise |
13 years |
neise |
intitial commit of fb_ped_n_lp
13 years |
neise |
intitial commit of fb_data
13 years |
neise |
intitial commit of fb_on
13 years |
tbretz |
Replaced SET_CHANNEL_DAC by SET_GLOBAL_DAC; adapted FFEDBACK state ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Added new states in the feedback which allow to run the temp feedback ...
13 years |
neise |
renamed DataTaking Scripts ... removed Wobble from File name-script is ...
13 years |
neise |
script is functional but for experts only. still wait statements in ...
13 years |
neise |
bugfix: forgotten to switch on Temp control after calibration. now fixed
13 years |
neise |
including feebback/calibrate_currents ... still a lot of wait ...
13 years |
neise |
initial commint SpecialTimeCalibRuns -- UNTESTED
13 years |
neise |
introduced runtype drs-time-upshifted into DataTakingWoblle1
13 years |
kraehenb |
Added bias reconnect at the beginning and fixed the bug that the dark ...
13 years |
tbretz |
One of the crosscheck pedestals had the wrong ROI
13 years |
neise |
ignoring *.log now
13 years |
neise |
initial commit of DimCtrl Script for DataTaking