4 years |
tbretz |
Made consitsent return codes.
4 years |
tbretz |
ObjectTemplates can not hold non primitive values anymore, therefore ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Updated port number.
4 years |
tbretz |
Updated, server uses SSL connection now.
4 years |
tbretz |
Fixed an (un)signed comparison; in case of a bad file descriptor, it ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Trying to improve exception safety of closing a connection. Calling ...
4 years |
tbretz |
First argument not required anymore
4 years |
tbretz |
Replaced my own PersistentCopy by UniquePersistent, repaired Thread ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Updated where the program looks for fact++.rc: 1) current working ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Updated where the program looks for fact++.rc: 1) current working ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Allow for a fallback solution to look for fact++.rc, which is the ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Allow for different names in fact and famous.
4 years |
tbretz |
Moved from famous repository
4 years |
tbretz |
That is a better solution.
4 years |
tbretz |
typo in the po description.
4 years |
tbretz |
comparison warning of signed vs unsigned
4 years |
tbretz |
New headers
4 years |
tbretz |
A fix.
4 years |
tbretz |
Added from famous git repository and updated to be used in a FACT ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Added comments with some example transactions.
4 years |
tbretz |
Added an enum for roles.
4 years |
tbretz |
Added printing of connection information and a default query on all in ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Allow to output interpreted connection information for debugging purposes.
4 years |
tbretz |
Added TIMESTAMP as SQL type.
4 years |
tbretz |
Some changed to fix some problems with the recent compiler -- looks ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Disable a gcc wanring on shadowed parameters in dim headers.
4 years |
tbretz |
Handle an exception if a MC file does not contain MC information.
4 years |
tbretz |
Implemented in place update of header where possible
4 years |
tbretz |
Minor fixes
4 years |
tbretz |
Mostly updated to the console output, implemented supression the ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Etienne's tool for repairing fits/raw files.
4 years |
tbretz |
For the moment, threads are disabled.
4 years |
tbretz |
This adds a version that was tested at least with V8 6.8 and a wrapper ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Fixed some compiler warnings by letting the compiler decide the exact type.
4 years |
tbretz |
In favor of boost 1.70, replaced get_io_context
4 years |
tbretz |
In favor of boost 1.70, replaced get_io_context; The comments in a ...
4 years |
tbretz |
In favor of boost 1.70, replaced get_io_context
4 years |
tbretz |
In favor of boost 1.70, replaced get_io_context
4 years |
tbretz |
Made ready for boost 1.70 by replacing get_io_context; the SSL ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Readline 8 behaves differently. The best fix is to use the readline ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Readline needs to be told which are the printable charcters in the ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Improved handling of multiline cases.
4 years |
tbretz |
For gcc 4.8.5, I hope this workaround also works for gcc 4.7.
4 years |
tbretz |
Had to change to pointers, emplace_back and ofstream do not work in ...
4 years |
tbretz |
Compiler warning, overwriting existing name.
4 years |
tbretz |
The API in boost 1.70 changed.
4 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a problem with newer boost versions.
5 years |
tbretz |
Cleanup of commandline options, files are not obverwritten anymore per ...
5 years |
tbretz |
The selector for the data is required as there is always an AND in the ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Added more histogram titles.
5 years |
tbretz |
Title was wrong.
5 years |
tbretz |
Added histogram titles.
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed... didn't work without a simsel option.
5 years |
tbretz |
Improve some error output (red), added the possibility for MC file ...
5 years |
tbretz |
A typo in axis labels
5 years |
tbretz |
Added a binning in Impact Parameter for crosschecks
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a bug that broke the meaning of 'max'
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed another last minute change.
5 years |
tbretz |
Added an accurate mode in which all SQL column types are converted as ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Added a decription for more (particularly SQL) types, such as kTime, ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Fix a none compile issue.
5 years |
tbretz |
Program to insert corsika input cards.
5 years |
tbretz |
Added some comment.
5 years |
tbretz |
Added some comment
5 years |
tbretz |
Added a streaming mode which ignores the number of rows in the file.
5 years |
tbretz |
Forgot to also replace the actual limit!
5 years |
tbretz |
Minor updates.
5 years |
tbretz |
New header.
5 years |
tbretz |
New server.
5 years |
tbretz |
fixed a typo
5 years |
tbretz |
Set Temp Limit to 60°C
5 years |
tbretz |
Added a temp limit of 55°C for all sensors
5 years |
tbretz |
The default observatory should be the preset default not per se 'ORM'
5 years |
tbretz |
Is using nova, so print out the default observatory.
5 years |
tbretz |
Write spectrum.C again.
5 years |
tbretz |
Added comment
5 years |
tbretz |
Forgot to adapt the upper limit calculation to the fact that the BG is ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Forgot to adapt the upper limit calculation to the fact that the BG is ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed some axis labels for the spectrum histograms.
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed Error calculation for final spectrum, it is difficult to keep ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Implemented the Flux Sigma and control plots to check if a point ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Made sure that all columns (except ResolutionW) are defined NOT NULL ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Some simplification for a better structured root file.
5 years |
tbretz |
No Integral histograms for Theta binning.
5 years |
tbretz |
Updated to include Integral and Integrated Results.
5 years |
tbretz |
Completele redone the logic, now the program produces all kind of ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Added counting triggered events (Triggered) to display cut ...
5 years |
tbretz |
There was a stray dot from the prev changes.
5 years |
tbretz |
In contrast to clang, gcc requires the initilizer list to be in order ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Added descriptions to command line options, respect verbose=0
5 years |
tbretz |
Spectrum program and external query files.
5 years |
tbretz |
Fixed compiler warning...
5 years |
tbretz |
Additional comment, unfold if.
5 years |
tbretz |
Allow for detection of empty fields and fields containing NULL.
5 years |
tbretz |
Branches must always be written, branch names must not start with a ...
5 years |
tbretz |
Wow... somebody hit the configuration in which this is relevant!
5 years |
tbretz |
Sorry, works with 6.18 and not 6.14
5 years |
tbretz |
Alias on two argument functions does not work with root 5.24/28 but 6.14/04
5 years |
tbretz |
Copy and Paste error
5 years |
tbretz |
Spaces removed.