24 years |
domingo |
MaxiSingle project. README added
24 years |
domingo |
Version 1 of the MaxiSingle sources
24 years |
domingo |
Version of GuiSimone for a "single file per run" output of Mmcs.
The ...
24 years |
harald |
Added the functionality that is runs moerless proper. It is now
able ...
24 years |
domingo |
small changes to adapt Simone on single file version of Mmcs. Not ...
24 years |
harald |
There was an error if one starts simulation from zenithangle = 0.
Ciro ...
24 years |
harald |
Changes of Ciro and Dennis to write all events of one run in only
one ...
24 years |
harald |
Small change in the define of START_DIRECTORY, to run it on all
25 years |
harald |
The former version was not running on alpha. On the event distribution ...
25 years |
harald |
Added some Message boxes to inform what is going on.
25 years |
harald |
In the tab frame for EventDistributions, now the informations about ...
25 years |
harald |
first version with the possibility of drawing event distributions
25 years |
harald |
Filled the Event distributions frame with live....
25 years |
harald |
Added the Layout for the Event distrbution display. Only the layout ...
25 years |
harald |
Changed in a way that SIMONE is able to read CER files and print
the ...
25 years |
harald |
add information about the progress during readin the cer files.
25 years |
harald |
small changes to read in also cphotons
25 years |
harald |
Import to start CVS control
25 years |
harald |
Able to read in all photons of one event. So this may be the start ...
25 years |
harald |
only to run it on linux without a error message at the begining.
25 years |
magiccvs |
This is the starting point for further development of the checkmc ...
25 years |
harald |
This is the start point for the development of this
Statisic ...
25 years |
harald |
Some minor changes in the files main.f and start.f due to some ...
25 years |
harald |
This is the start point for further developments of the Magic Monte ...