20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Added input card command gain_fluctuations_off to switch off PMT ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Cleaned up makefiles, it is not necessary longer to recompile ...
20 years |
moralejo |
Adapted headers to current c++ style, removed -Wno-deprecated from ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
Added some ERROR print out information
21 years |
blanch |
Change in variables name to clarify the meaning.
Small change to write ...
21 years |
blanch |
Change in variables name to clarify the meaning.
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
[A. Moralejo]
Naem variables change and new number VERISION 1002.0
21 years |
blanch |
The compilation option -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions has been removed.
21 years |
blanch |
A define VERSIONSR has been introduced, now it is 1000.0
21 years |
blanch |
A check of the StarResponse version has been introduced.
If the one ...
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
Added __STARRESPO__ definition to avoid compile with MARS
21 years |
blanch |
Removed warning about no main type.
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
23 years |
blanch |
The precision of number of phe per ns has increased up to 0.01 for ...
23 years |
blanch |
Now the fadc signal from NSB is stored after substracting the baseline ...
23 years |
blanch |
Some values have been changed to have the same default values than in ...
23 years |
blanch |
The operation system was set as linux and have been change to osf1.
24 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
blanch |
Header file for srreadparam.cxx 1.2
24 years |
blanch |
Commads to enter the FADC and trigger properties have been added. ...
24 years |
blanch |
The properties of the FADC and trigger are read from the input card.
24 years |
magicsol |
A redundant class has been removed.
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for starresponse.cxx version 1.1
24 years |
magicsol |
It produces the database for the NSB.
24 years |
magicsol |
Makefile for the sterresponse program.
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for srreadparam.cxx version 1.1
24 years |
magicsol |
It read form an input card (defeult=starresponse.par) the parameters ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Parameters file.
24 years |
magicsol |
Member functions needed to treat the MStarLight class described in ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Format of the database for the NSB.
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***