21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
Header file for MFadc.cxx vrsion 1.17
21 years |
blanch |
[A. Moralejo ]
Two main characteristics have been introduced to be ...
21 years |
blanch |
Bug fixed in MFadc::Pedestal() and in print out.
21 years |
blanch |
Now it writes in the screen its cahracteristiques while the ...
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
22 years |
blanch |
CAMERA_PIXELS changed to member variable numpix.
Less noise slices to ...
22 years |
blanch |
Header file for MFadc.cxx 1.12
22 years |
blanch |
Low gain implemented
Faster noise simulation
Different signal for ...
23 years |
blanch |
A default value for the parameter of ElecNoise has been introduced.
23 years |
blanch |
ElecNoise routine has been change, now the noise is added to all the ...
23 years |
blanch |
Header file for MFadc.cxx 1.10
23 years |
blanch |
Several changes to speed up the camera program have been done and some ...
24 years |
magicsol |
The pedestal member array has been changed from UChar_t to Float_t
24 years |
blanch |
Haedaer file for MFadc.cxx version 1.8
24 years |
blanch |
Several new mwmber function have been introduced to treate the NSB ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Header file for MFadc.cxx version 1.7
The defines, which described the ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Two member functions for the pedestal simualtion have been ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Minnor changes due to some renaming of files.
24 years |
magicsol |
A define that fixs the number of time slices written to the raw format ...
24 years |
harald |
Some changes in the MFadc class were neccessary for the StarResponse ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Minor changes to remove some warnings
24 years |
magicsol |
Baseline and offset functions have been implemented.
24 years |
magicsol |
Baseline and offset functions have been implemented
25 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
25 years |
blanch |
I introduced a member function that selects the 15 slices after ...
25 years |
harald |
This is the startpoint for the further development of the FADC system. ...