# # ChangeLog for trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation # # Generated by Trac 1.5.2 # 03/16/25 14:19:21 Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:59:03 GMT blanch [3046] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-CORSIKA/COREvent.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-CORSIKA/COREventEnd.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-CORSIKA/COREventHeader.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-CORSIKA/CORParticle.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-CORSIKA/CORRunEnd.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-CORSIKA/CORRunHeader.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-CORSIKA/CORStatfile.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MC/MCCphoton.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MC/MCEventHeader.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MC/MCEventHeader_2.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MC/MCRunHeader.hxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:44:49 GMT blanch [3045] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.darwin (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.general (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.linux (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.linux-gnu (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.osf1 (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.osf5.1 (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.rules (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/config.mk.Linux (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/config.mk.linux (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/config.mk.linux-gnu (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/config.mk.osf1 (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:39:24 GMT blanch [3044] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) Compiling with root 3.05 and updating MARS files. Tue, 03 Feb 2004 12:10:08 GMT blanch [3008] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/MStarLight.cxx (modified) Added some ERROR print out information Mon, 02 Feb 2004 12:15:30 GMT blanch [2998] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:16:40 GMT blanch [2989] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx (modified) [A. Moralejo] Change from TRUE to KTRUE (convention). Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:12:53 GMT blanch [2988] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MLons/MLons.hxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:12:45 GMT blanch [2987] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MLons/MLons.cxx (modified) Change in varaibles names to clarify the meaning. Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:02:21 GMT blanch [2986] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.hxx (modified) Header file for MFadc.cxx vrsion 1.17 Fri, 30 Jan 2004 15:01:40 GMT blanch [2985] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx (modified) [A. Moralejo ] Two main characteristics have been introduced to be ... Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:36:03 GMT blanch [2978] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/starresponse.cxx (modified) Change in variables name to clarify the meaning. Small change to ... Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:34:59 GMT blanch [2977] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/srreadparam.cxx (modified) Change in variables name to clarify the meaning. Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:33:02 GMT blanch [2976] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/MStarLight.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/Makefile (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 30 Jan 2004 10:32:37 GMT blanch [2975] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/MStarLight.cxx (modified) [A. Moralejo] Naem variables change and new number VERISION 1002.0 Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:58:39 GMT blanch [2965] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) [Changes done mainly by A. Moralejo] Two new commands of the input ... Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:55:33 GMT blanch [2964] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h (modified) New "trigger_delay" and "sigma_xy_cm_spot" commands. Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:52:59 GMT blanch [2963] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/config.mk.linux (modified) The option to link the camera statically has been introduced. Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:51:18 GMT blanch [2962] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) [Changes mainly done by A. Moralejo] Several minnor changes have ... Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:24:18 GMT moralejo [2701] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/magic.def (modified) Removed some obsolete command from the definitions file. Added a ... Mon, 03 Nov 2003 12:58:40 GMT blanch [2453] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) Independent reference time for each telescope. Mon, 03 Nov 2003 12:49:42 GMT blanch [2452] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx (modified) Bug fixed in MFadc::Pedestal() and in print out. Mon, 03 Nov 2003 12:44:14 GMT blanch [2451] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MLons/MLons.hxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Mon, 03 Nov 2003 12:43:01 GMT blanch [2450] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MLons/MLons.cxx (modified) We add a function member to set seed of rundom numbers. Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:16:23 GMT blanch [2444] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.hxx (modified) New constructot added to decouple the StarResponse from MARS. Wed, 29 Oct 2003 19:13:11 GMT blanch [2443] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx (modified) New constructor needed to decouple StarResponse from MARS. Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:18:58 GMT blanch [2433] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx (modified) Now it writes in the screen its cahracteristiques while the ... Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:12:30 GMT blanch [2432] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/config.mk.Linux (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/config.mk.linux (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/config.mk.linux-gnu (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/config.mk.osf1 (modified) The compilation option -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions has been removed. Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:03:46 GMT blanch [2431] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/MStarLight.hxx (modified) A define VERSIONSR has been introduced, now it is 1000.0 Sun, 26 Oct 2003 20:01:45 GMT blanch [2430] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/MStarLight.cxx (modified) A check of the StarResponse version has been introduced. If the one ... Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:51:30 GMT blanch [2429] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h (modified) Header file for creadparam.cxx version 1.25 Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:45:38 GMT blanch [2428] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) The write_all_data input card command has been removed. Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:43:00 GMT blanch [2427] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) - The screen output information has been improved to prevent some ... Tue, 21 Oct 2003 07:42:50 GMT blanch [2418] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) A factor 2.35 to transform the fwhm into the sigma of gaussian was ... Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:56:53 GMT blanch [2393] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.hxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.hxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:41:00 GMT blanch [2392] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/input.card (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:40:24 GMT blanch [2391] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) The gain ratio between the high and low FADC gain is controlled from ... Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:39:30 GMT blanch [2390] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.h (modified) Factor used for the NSB scaling for several qe files is defined. Fri, 17 Oct 2003 19:38:31 GMT blanch [2389] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) Now the camera program will stop if a undefined Geometry is required. ... Fri, 03 Oct 2003 11:18:16 GMT blanch [2376] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/Makefile (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 03 Oct 2003 10:53:41 GMT blanch [2375] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/Makefile (modified) Added __STARRESPO__ definition to avoid compile with MARS Fri, 03 Oct 2003 10:53:00 GMT blanch [2374] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/starresponse.cxx (modified) Removed warning about no main type. Fri, 03 Oct 2003 10:33:55 GMT blanch [2373] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx (modified) A define variable has been introduced to compile StarResponse ans ... Fri, 26 Sep 2003 11:25:07 GMT blanch [2362] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) Modification to be able to read MGeomCam branch for any Geometry. Thu, 25 Sep 2003 17:09:20 GMT blanch [2361] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) Bug on the number of phe from diffuse NSB fixed. Tue, 23 Sep 2003 17:38:59 GMT blanch [2356] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h (modified) *** empty log message *** Tue, 23 Sep 2003 17:38:48 GMT blanch [2355] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) ana_pixels command has been removed. Tue, 23 Sep 2003 16:52:43 GMT blanch [2354] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h (modified) Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.22 Tue, 23 Sep 2003 16:52:07 GMT blanch [2353] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) We do not read ct_file anymore. Tue, 23 Sep 2003 16:50:55 GMT blanch [2352] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) WE do not read ct_file anymore since all Telescope information is in ... Mon, 22 Sep 2003 11:38:47 GMT blanch [2351] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) Removal of unused variables Tue, 16 Sep 2003 16:49:43 GMT blanch [2349] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.general (modified) *** empty log message *** Tue, 16 Sep 2003 12:06:57 GMT blanch [2346] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi-coat.RFL.dat (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi.RFL.dat (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-emi.dat (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-intevac_hpd.RFL.dat (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-intevac_hpd.dat (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-ipd.RFL.dat (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/qe-ipd.dat (modified) *** empty log message *** Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:48:51 GMT blanch [2344] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.darwin (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.general (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.linux (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.linux-gnu (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.osf1 (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.conf.osf5.1 (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile.rules (modified) *** empty log message *** Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:38:42 GMT blanch [2343] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MC/MCEventHeader_2.hxx (modified) Member function to get view_cone. Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:35:38 GMT blanch [2342] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.hxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Mon, 15 Sep 2003 11:30:28 GMT blanch [2341] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx (modified) The number of pixels in the trigger region is a new variable member. Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:58:12 GMT blanch [2340] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.hxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:53:33 GMT blanch [2339] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx (modified) CAMERA_PIXELS changed to member variable numpix. Less noise slices ... Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:40:47 GMT blanch [2338] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/input.card (modified) *** empty log message *** Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:23:31 GMT blanch [2337] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h (modified) Hedaer file for creadparam.cxx 1.21 Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:17:09 GMT blanch [2336] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) Some modifications in the input card has been done for the ... Mon, 15 Sep 2003 10:06:47 GMT blanch [2335] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.h (modified) Header file for camera 1.58 Number of CT is passed in some ... Mon, 15 Sep 2003 09:59:53 GMT blanch [2334] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) The concept of the camera prgoram has not changed but this version ... Wed, 10 Sep 2003 14:07:52 GMT blanch [2329] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera-v.h (modified) Version updated to 0.7 Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:09:40 GMT blanch [2293] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.hxx (modified) Header for MTrigger.cxx 1.17 Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:09:15 GMT blanch [2292] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/MTrigger.cxx (modified) Fater ElecNoise simulation Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:07:40 GMT blanch [2291] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.hxx (modified) Header file for MFadc.cxx 1.12 Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:07:24 GMT blanch [2290] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.cxx (modified) Low gain implemented Faster noise simulation Different signal for ... Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:05:13 GMT blanch [2289] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.h (modified) Header file for creadparam.cxx 1.20 Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:04:53 GMT blanch [2288] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) Some new parameters to be read have been introduced - FADC ... Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:03:03 GMT blanch [2287] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.h (modified) Header file for camera 1.57 Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:02:46 GMT blanch [2286] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) Several new features introduced as well as fixed bugs - ... Thu, 17 Jul 2003 18:00:04 GMT blanch [2285] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/input.card (modified) Some new commands have been added (qe_file, fadc_outer, ... Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:16:06 GMT blanch [2203] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile (modified) Remove .o in other subdirectories while doing mrproper. Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:14:52 GMT blanch [2202] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MTrigger/TABLE_PIXELS_IN_CELLS (modified) A couple of bugs fixed. Wed, 18 Jun 2003 17:13:35 GMT blanch [2201] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 30 Apr 2003 17:22:48 GMT moralejo [2051] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Changelog (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/ph2cph.c (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 30 Apr 2003 07:32:17 GMT moralejo [2047] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Changelog (modified) *** empty log message *** Tue, 29 Apr 2003 22:47:38 GMT moralejo [2046] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Changelog (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/geometry.c (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/ph2cph.c (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 16 Apr 2003 16:32:37 GMT moralejo [1960] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/axisdev1000.dat (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/eco1000.def (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Changelog (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 04 Apr 2003 20:15:24 GMT moralejo [1908] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/axisdev2.dat (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/magic2.def (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Changelog (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/geometry.c (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/init.h (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/ph2cph.c (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 12 Feb 2003 13:47:32 GMT blanch [1756] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/creadparam.cxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 12 Feb 2003 12:22:10 GMT blanch [1755] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 12 Feb 2003 11:55:01 GMT blanch [1754] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Tue, 11 Feb 2003 16:16:52 GMT blanch [1753] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/StarResponse/config.mk.linux (added) *** empty log message *** Thu, 30 Jan 2003 15:14:47 GMT blanch [1739] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/Makefile (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.h (modified) *** empty log message *** Thu, 30 Jan 2003 11:43:06 GMT moralejo [1738] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/magic.def (modified) *** empty log message *** Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:38:44 GMT blanch [1732] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MC/MCRunHeader.hxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Thu, 23 Jan 2003 19:22:58 GMT blanch [1731] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/lightguides.dat (modified) *** empty log message *** Thu, 23 Jan 2003 18:35:21 GMT blanch [1730] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 22 Jan 2003 19:02:49 GMT moralejo [1726] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/Tdas0211.ps.gz (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/Tdas0211.tex (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/colimation.eps.gz (modified) *** empty log message *** Wed, 22 Jan 2003 16:27:11 GMT moralejo [1725] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Changelog (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/reflector.c (modified) *** empty log message *** Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:12:38 GMT moralejo [1724] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/reflectivity.dat (modified) *** empty log message *** Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:07:50 GMT moralejo [1723] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Data/reflectivity.dat (added) *** empty log message *** Tue, 21 Jan 2003 15:02:35 GMT moralejo [1722] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Changelog (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/Makefile (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/atm.c (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/atm.h (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/attenu.f (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/Tdas0211.ps.gz (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/Tdas0211.tex (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/absorplot.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/aerosol.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/airmass.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/atmoscheme.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/mie.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/ozone.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/rayleigh.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/doc/eps/reflec.eps.gz (added) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/init.c (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/init.h (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/parms.c (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/ReflectorII/reflector.c (modified) *** empty log message *** Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:19:20 GMT blanch [1720] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) It fills the MMcCorsikaRun. Mon, 20 Jan 2003 17:15:58 GMT blanch [1719] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/include-MC/MCEventHeader_2.hxx (modified) Variable members with inforamtion about elec, muon and other fraction ... Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:48:38 GMT blanch [1708] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/Makefile.osf (added) *** empty log message *** Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:48:11 GMT blanch [1707] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Starfield/star.cxx (modified) It fixes some bugs while reading skycatalogue. Tue, 14 Jan 2003 13:40:17 GMT blanch [1706] * trunk/MagicSoft/Simulation/Detector/Camera/camera.cxx (modified) MRawRunHeader::fNumEvents has been filled with the number of events ...