20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
Added input card option pmt_jitter_ns to simulate the time jitter of ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Made the necessary changes in starresponse to account for the new ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Added input card command "noise_gain_fluctuations_off", to disable ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Added input card command gain_fluctuations_off to switch off PMT ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Removed unused variables fTelesTheta and fTelesPhi from ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Added fFadcTimeJitter to root output, in container MMcEvt. Added
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Added option to switch off gain fluctuations (gain_fluctuations_off) ...
20 years |
moralejo |
Added option gain_fluctuations_off
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Fixed error recently introduced in MLons::GetResponse. The NSB ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
- Added calibration_run option to produce calibration MC files.
- ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Lots of changes intended to make it possible to select the FADC ...
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
20 years |
moralejo |
Added comment
20 years |
moralejo |
Added ROOTLIBS = root-config --libs to the compilation flags
20 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
Added. Example input card for reflector program
21 years |
moralejo |
Commited changes to adapt header files to current c++ syntaxis.
21 years |
moralejo |
Commited to CVS all changes to adapt headers to current C++ syntaxis
21 years |
moralejo |
Fixed typo
21 years |
moralejo |
21 years |
moralejo |
Changed the installation script to make it easier to use
21 years |
moralejo |
Cleaned up makefiles, it is not necessary longer to recompile ...
21 years |
moralejo |
Changes to adapt headers to c++ style.
21 years |
moralejo |
Adapted headers to current c++ style, removed -Wno-deprecated from ...
21 years |
moralejo |
Simplified. Now the Mars libraries are simply used for linking, but ...
21 years |
moralejo |
Simplified. Now Mars code is not compiled by camera. Instead, ...
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
Updated some calls to current version of Mars:
- ...
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
Updated in CVS after some time...
21 years |
moralejo |
Updated in CVS after some time (see changes below)
21 years |
moralejo |
Updated on CVS after long time...
21 years |
moralejo |
Changed "flashadc" and "trigger" in procedure produce_nsbrates from ...
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
moralejo |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
Compiling with root 3.05 and updating MARS files.
21 years |
blanch |
Added some ERROR print out information
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
[A. Moralejo]
Change from TRUE to KTRUE (convention).
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
Change in varaibles names to clarify the meaning.
21 years |
blanch |
Header file for MFadc.cxx vrsion 1.17
21 years |
blanch |
[A. Moralejo ]
Two main characteristics have been introduced to be ...
21 years |
blanch |
Change in variables name to clarify the meaning.
Small change to write ...
21 years |
blanch |
Change in variables name to clarify the meaning.
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
[A. Moralejo]
Naem variables change and new number VERISION 1002.0
21 years |
blanch |
[Changes done mainly by A. Moralejo]
Two new commands of the input ...
21 years |
blanch |
New "trigger_delay" and "sigma_xy_cm_spot" commands.
21 years |
blanch |
The option to link the camera statically has been introduced.
21 years |
blanch |
[Changes mainly done by A. Moralejo]
Several minnor changes have been ...
21 years |
moralejo |
Removed some obsolete command from the definitions file. Added a ...
21 years |
blanch |
Independent reference time for each telescope.
21 years |
blanch |
Bug fixed in MFadc::Pedestal() and in print out.
21 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
21 years |
blanch |
We add a function member to set seed of rundom numbers.
21 years |
blanch |
New constructot added to decouple the StarResponse from MARS.
21 years |
blanch |
New constructor needed to decouple StarResponse from MARS.
21 years |
blanch |
Now it writes in the screen its cahracteristiques while the ...
21 years |
blanch |
The compilation option -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions has been removed.
21 years |
blanch |
A define VERSIONSR has been introduced, now it is 1000.0
21 years |
blanch |
A check of the StarResponse version has been introduced.
If the one ...
21 years |
blanch |
Header file for creadparam.cxx version 1.25
21 years |
blanch |
The write_all_data input card command has been removed.