24 years |
magicsol |
Some modification in filling the number of photons at each step of the ...
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
blanch |
Some cout has been removed.
24 years |
magicsol |
The pedestal member array has been changed from UChar_t to Float_t.
24 years |
harald |
Added the first implementation of macro to calculate the
trigger ...
24 years |
blanch |
Header file for MMcFadcHeader.cxx version 1.2
24 years |
blanch |
THe private member pedestals is an array of UChar_t.
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
It has some definition about the FADC simulation that were in ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It has been renamed to MMcTrigHeader.cxx
24 years |
magicsol |
It has been renamed to MMcTrigHeader.hxx
24 years |
magicsol |
It has few changes to update the member functions to the new ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Some changes in the naming convention have been introduced and it has ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Some changes has been done to adapt the member function to the new ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Introduction of MMcFadcHeader class.
24 years |
magicsol |
A boolean Map of the fired pixels when trigger happens has been ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It has been modified to introduce the new files MMcFadcHeader.cxx .hxx ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It comes from MHeaderTrig and has the member function fro the class ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It comes from MHeaderTrig. There has been a change in the naming ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It has the needed member functions for the class that is discribed in ...
24 years |
magicsol |
Output class, which has information about the FADC properties (shape ...
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
harald |
Introduced a Task to read in the data from CT1 files to study the ...
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
Minnor changes due to moving of files.
24 years |
magicsol |
It cames from include-MTrigger
24 years |
tbretz |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
tbretz |
see Mars/Changelog
24 years |
magicsol |
This wa thw file /MagicSoft/include-classes/Mdefine.h.
24 years |
magicsol |
It was the file /MagicSoft/include-classes/LinkDef.h.
24 years |
magicsol |
This file has been moved to ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
The files has been moved to ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
This file has been moved ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
This file has been moved to ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
The files has been moved to ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
The file has been moved to ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
This file has been moved to ./MmcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
This file has been moved to ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
This files has been moved to ./MMcFormat.
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
It is the old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcTrig.hxx, which has ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It is the old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcTrig.cxx, which has ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It is the old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcEvt.h, which has been ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It is teh old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcEvt.cxx, which has ...
24 years |
magicsol |
It is the ols file MagicSoft/include-classes/MHeaderTrig.hxx, which ...
24 years |
magicsol |
This is the old /MagicSoft/include-classes, which has been moved to ...
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
24 years |
magicsol |
First version. Defines MAGIC base information.
24 years |
magicsol |
First version.
24 years |
magicsol |
*** empty log message ***
25 years |
harald |
Added a lot of changes done by oscar.
25 years |
harald |
Changed the format for root to store the raw data from the pixels. ...
25 years |
harald |
Adding the RawDataFormat for the Crate Data to the repository. This ...
25 years |
harald |
One additional member function more to get the pixel id for an entry.
25 years |
harald |
add the member function SetZeroLevel().
25 years |
blanch |
*** empty log message ***
25 years |
blanch |
It contains threshold, multiplicity and topology of the analysed ...
25 years |
harald |
some small changes to get out the timestamp of the event.
25 years |
harald |
Changed the namespace for all the members. To be more readable all the ...
25 years |
harald |
This is the status of this directory as it was at the time of the ...
25 years |
harald |
This is the start point for the further developments of the Classes ...