# # ChangeLog for trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc # # Generated by Trac 1.5.2 # 03/06/25 11:11:24 Mon, 22 Oct 2018 19:54:30 GMT tbretz [19269] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) Fixed a typo. Mon, 22 Oct 2018 19:50:24 GMT tbretz [19266] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/callisto_data.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto_data.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/ganymed.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/merpp.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/merpp_file.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/star_file.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/plots/plotratescan.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/plots/quality.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/processing/drstemp.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/processing/fillratescan.C (modified) Fixed some minor issues with the cling based interpreter - this ... Tue, 06 Sep 2016 09:25:30 GMT tbretz [18579] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto_data.C (copied) A copy of mc/callisto.C, removed the pedestal processing, adapted the ... Tue, 15 Jul 2014 14:44:29 GMT tbretz [17914] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) Turned on bad pixel treatment as in data; replaces signal extractor ... Fri, 16 May 2014 13:53:40 GMT tbretz [17871] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified) This version should run uncompiled as well. Fri, 16 May 2014 13:53:23 GMT tbretz [17870] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) This version should run uncompiled as well. Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:49:36 GMT tbretz [17736] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified) Do not require MTime... callisto allows now to use a root file as input. Tue, 29 Apr 2014 18:42:19 GMT tbretz [17733] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/ganymed.C (added) Sat, 26 Apr 2014 14:35:48 GMT tbretz [17699] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified) Improved the calling convention. There is really no need to give so ... Tue, 01 Apr 2014 13:38:58 GMT ftemme [17641] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified) Added the calculation of Disp and ThetaSq in the MC-Star macro and ... Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:12:53 GMT ftemme [17310] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified) Changed the name of the mc_star macro and commented the inclusion of ... Mon, 28 Oct 2013 15:12:25 GMT ftemme [17309] * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) Changed the name of the mc_callisto macro and commented the inclusion ... Mon, 09 Sep 2013 11:39:18 GMT ftemme [17148] * trunk/Mars (modified) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/callisto_buildable_no_sequence_file.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/callisto_buildable_no_sequence_file_orig.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/callisto_for_monte_carlo_simulated_data.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/star.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/fact/analysis/sandbox_dneise/star_for_monte_carlo_simulated_data.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/macros/fact/fake_drs_calibration.C (copied) * trunk/Mars/mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mextralgo/MExtralgoSpline.h (modified) * trunk/Mars/mfileio/MWriteFitsFile.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mfileio/MWriteFitsFile.h (modified) * trunk/Mars/mjobs/MJSimulation.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mjobs/MJSimulation.h (modified) * trunk/Mars/mmc/MMcEvt.hxx (modified) * trunk/Mars/mraw/MRawEvtData.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mraw/MRawEvtData.h (modified) * trunk/Mars/mraw/MRawEvtHeader.h (modified) * trunk/Mars/msimcamera/MSimCamera.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/msimcamera/MSimCamera.h (modified) * trunk/Mars/msimcamera/MSimReadout.cc (modified) Merging changes from the MC branch in the trunk Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:17:12 GMT dneise [17056] * branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/mc/callisto.C (modified) * branches/Mars_MC/fact/analysis/mc/star.C (modified) edited both scripts, so we can use them on phido for processing of ...