# # ChangeLog for trunk/Mars/mbase # # Generated by Trac 1.5.2 # 03/06/25 22:51:48 Mon, 18 Jul 2011 08:57:05 GMT tbretz [11434] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MZlib.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MZlib.h (modified) Removed the need of fill_buffer Mon, 18 Jul 2011 08:31:05 GMT tbretz [11433] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MZlib.h (modified) There is no need to make the derivative from istream virtual. Mon, 18 Jul 2011 08:30:07 GMT tbretz [11432] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MParContainer.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MParContainer.h (modified) Added function DataMember which will return a pointer to a data ... Fri, 15 Jul 2011 14:46:14 GMT tbretz [11426] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MMath.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MMath.h (modified) Added GaussProb2D Fri, 15 Jul 2011 14:43:08 GMT tbretz [11424] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MZlib.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MZlib.h (modified) Fixed seeking in gzipped files; increased buffer size Thu, 14 Jul 2011 17:43:21 GMT tbretz [11412] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc (modified) Fixed a problem with a possible infinite loop in the display. Thu, 14 Jul 2011 17:35:09 GMT tbretz [11409] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MLut.cc (modified) Some name change to get rid of some compiler warnings. Thu, 14 Jul 2011 17:32:47 GMT tbretz [11408] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MThread.h (modified) Propagate argument to fThread.Run Thu, 14 Jul 2011 17:32:16 GMT tbretz [11407] * trunk/Mars/mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc (modified) Some improvements to get rid of compiler warnnings. Mon, 21 Feb 2011 15:06:41 GMT tbretz [10166] * trunk/Mars/manalysis/MMcTriggerLvl2.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mastro/MAstroCamera.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbadpixels/MBadPixelsCam.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbadpixels/MBadPixelsTreat.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MLog.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MMath.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrateData.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationBlindPix.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCalc.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationChargeCam.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mcalib/MCalibrationIntensityChargeCam.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mfbase/MFEventSelector2.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mfilter/MFCosmics.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mgui/MHexagon.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhbase/MBinning.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhbase/MH.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhcalib/MHCalibrationChargeCam.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhcalib/MHCalibrationHiLoCam.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhcalib/MHCalibrationPulseTimeCam.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhflux/MHFalseSource.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhflux/MHThetaSqN.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhist/MHCamera.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mhvstime/MHSectorVsTime.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mimage/MNewImagePar2.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mmuon/MHSingleMuon.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mpedestal/MExtractPedestal.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mpedestal/MHPedestalCor.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mpedestal/MPedCalcFromLoGain.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mpedestal/MPedCalcPedRun.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mpedestal/MPedestalSubtract.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mpedestal/MPedestalSubtractedEvt.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mranforest/MHRanForestGini.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mranforest/MRanForest.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/mranforest/MRanForestCalc.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/msignal/MArrivalTimeCam.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/msignal/MExtractTime.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/msignal/MExtractTimeAndCharge.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeDigitalFilter.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/msignal/MExtractTimeAndChargeSpline.cc (modified) * trunk/Mars/msql/MSQLServer.cc (modified) Removed the old obsolete cvs header line. Mon, 22 Nov 2010 16:10:36 GMT tbretz [10055] * trunk/Mars/Changelog (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc (modified) Display canvas title in status line. Wed, 22 Sep 2010 08:14:17 GMT tbretz [9934] * trunk/Mars/Changelog (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MContinue.cc (modified) Removed obsolete MTask:: from call to GetFilter() in MContinue Mon, 30 Aug 2010 08:52:12 GMT tbretz [9901] * trunk/Mars/Changelog (modified) * trunk/Mars/mbase/MLut.cc (modified) Added the possibility of having comments in MLut. Mon, 09 Aug 2010 10:49:05 GMT tbretz [9627] * trunk/Mars (moved) Mon, 28 Jun 2010 15:07:08 GMT tbretz [9598] * trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/Changelog (modified) * trunk/MagicSoft/Mars/mbase/MStatusDisplay.cc (modified) *** empty log message ***