# # ChangeLog for trunk # # Generated by Trac 1.5.2 # 03/16/25 05:06:36 Mon, 05 Mar 2018 15:04:07 GMT tbretz [18952] * trunk/FACT++/src/ftmctrl.cc (modified) Improved debugging Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:53:38 GMT tbretz [18951] * trunk/FACT++/Makefile.am (modified) * trunk/FACT++/Makefile.in (modified) On Ubuntu 16.04 rootifysql requires that the libmysqlclient is ... Mon, 05 Mar 2018 12:24:00 GMT tbretz [18950] * trunk/FACT++/gui/FactGui.h (modified) the ifdef's to compile without root support were not correctly placed ... Mon, 05 Mar 2018 12:22:59 GMT tbretz [18949] * trunk/FACT++/gui/BasicGlCamera.cc (modified) The Indirect Rendering produces a problem in the library on Ubuntu ... Tue, 27 Feb 2018 10:34:27 GMT tbretz [18948] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/doDriveToggle.js (modified) Fixed a typo. Tue, 20 Feb 2018 10:52:16 GMT (none) [18947] * trunk/www/data/index.html (modified) Mention github issues Fri, 09 Feb 2018 23:10:56 GMT Daniela Dorner [18946] * trunk/Mars/fact/processing/magicweather.C (modified) allow values +-45sec from the run Fri, 09 Feb 2018 23:04:39 GMT Daniela Dorner [18945] * trunk/DataCheck/Processing/FillAuxCam.sh (modified) moved filling of camera temperature to this script Fri, 09 Feb 2018 23:03:23 GMT Daniela Dorner [18944] * trunk/DataCheck/Processing/FillAuxMagic.sh (modified) added new values Fri, 09 Feb 2018 13:29:52 GMT Daniela Dorner [18943] * trunk/Mars/fact/processing/magicweather.C (modified) added more values and fixed bug with diff Fri, 09 Feb 2018 13:28:16 GMT Daniela Dorner [18942] * trunk/Mars/fact/processing/magicweather.C (moved) renamed as more information than only temperature will be filled Fri, 09 Feb 2018 12:48:39 GMT Daniela Dorner [18941] * trunk/DataCheck/Processing/FillAuxCam.sh (moved) renamed script to better suit planned upd Fri, 09 Feb 2018 12:47:32 GMT Daniela Dorner [18940] * trunk/DataCheck/Processing/FillAuxMagic.sh (moved) renamed script to better suit planned upd Sun, 28 Jan 2018 20:12:20 GMT Daniela Dorner [18939] * trunk/DataCheck/Tools/fill_r750.sh (modified) updated correction formula and reference values for periods Fri, 26 Jan 2018 23:19:00 GMT Daniela Dorner [18938] * trunk/DataCheck/Setup/setup.fact.isdc (modified) * trunk/DataCheck/Setup/setup.fact.wue (modified) added encryption for mysql Mon, 22 Jan 2018 23:21:30 GMT Daniela Dorner [18937] * trunk/DataCheck/Tools/fill_r750.sh (added) added (script to fill corrected R750 and references) Sat, 02 Dec 2017 21:11:35 GMT Daniela Dorner [18936] * trunk/Mars/fact/processing/swtrig.C (modified) added more values for artificial trigger rate Sat, 02 Dec 2017 21:11:10 GMT Daniela Dorner [18935] * trunk/DataCheck/Processing/FillRates.sh (modified) added more values for artificial trigger rate Fri, 01 Dec 2017 14:10:02 GMT (none) [18934] * trunk/www/data/index.html (modified) Comment out DL1 to DL3 for now, add QLA Thu, 30 Nov 2017 16:49:14 GMT (none) [18933] * trunk/www/data/index.html (modified) Add "raw data format" in photon stream explanation Thu, 30 Nov 2017 15:27:17 GMT (none) [18932] * trunk/www/data/css/milligram.min.css (modified) Change color Thu, 30 Nov 2017 15:08:32 GMT (none) [18931] * trunk/www/data (modified) * trunk/www/data/css (added) * trunk/www/data/css/milligram.min.css (added) * trunk/www/data/css/site.css (added) * trunk/www/data/index.html (added) * trunk/www/data/open_crab_sample_runs.csv (added) Add first version of open data homepage Thu, 30 Nov 2017 15:03:48 GMT (none) [18930] * trunk/www/data (added) Add new directory for open data webpage Sun, 12 Nov 2017 20:02:22 GMT tbretz [18929] * trunk/FACT++/src/rootifysql.cc (modified) Allow to skip filling the tree to debug speed of reading the ... Sun, 12 Nov 2017 19:58:16 GMT tbretz [18928] * trunk/FACT++/src/root2sql.cc (added) First version of a tool to fill a SQL table with data from a root file. Thu, 09 Nov 2017 13:40:41 GMT tbretz [18927] * trunk/FACT++/src/rootifysql.cc (modified) Changed StoreQueryResult to UseQueryResult to allow access to huge ... Sat, 04 Nov 2017 17:49:46 GMT tbretz [18926] * trunk/Mars/mcore/nova.h (modified) Some fixes to make Mars compile at ISDC with an old compiler and ... Wed, 25 Oct 2017 13:33:15 GMT tbretz [18925] * trunk/FACT++/www/smartfact/struct/control-irq.page (modified) Included a source reload trigger. Wed, 25 Oct 2017 13:32:51 GMT tbretz [18924] * trunk/FACT++/www/smartfact/struct/irqReloadSources.page (added) A new page to trigger a source reload. Wed, 25 Oct 2017 13:28:06 GMT tbretz [18923] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Main.js (modified) Implemented a new interrupt ('ReloadSources') to trigger reloading ... Wed, 18 Oct 2017 13:08:52 GMT tbretz [18922] * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/erfaextra.h (added) Updated to ERFA 1.4.0 Wed, 18 Oct 2017 13:07:51 GMT tbretz [18921] * trunk/FACT++/erfa/README.rst (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/RELEASE.rst (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/configure.ac (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/Makefile.am (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/a2af.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/a2tf.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ab.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/af2a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/anp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/anpm.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apcg.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apcg13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apci.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apci13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apco.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apco13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apcs.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apcs13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/aper.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/aper13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apio.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/apio13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atci13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atciq.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atciqn.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atciqz.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atco13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atic13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/aticq.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/aticqn.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atio13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atioq.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atoc13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atoi13.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/atoiq.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/bi00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/bp00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/bp06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/bpn2xy.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2i00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2i00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2i06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2ibpn.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2ixy.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2ixys.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2s.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2t00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2t00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2t06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2tcio.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2teqx.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2tpe.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/c2txy.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/cal2jd.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/cp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/cpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/cr.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/d2dtf.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/d2tf.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/dat.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/dtdb.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/dtf2d.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ee00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ee00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ee00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ee06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/eect00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/eform.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/eo06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/eors.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/epb.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/epb2jd.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/epj.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/epj2jd.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/epv00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/eqeq94.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/era00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/erfa.h (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/erfam.h (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fad03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fae03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/faf03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/faju03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fal03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/falp03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fama03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fame03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fane03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/faom03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fapa03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fasa03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/faur03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fave03.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fk52h.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fk5hip.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fk5hz.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fw2m.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/fw2xy.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/g2icrs.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gc2gd.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gc2gde.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gd2gc.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gd2gce.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gmst00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gmst06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gmst82.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gst00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gst00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gst06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gst06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/gst94.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/h2fk5.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/hfk5z.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/icrs2g.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ir.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/jd2cal.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/jdcalf.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ld.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ldn.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ldsun.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/num00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/num00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/num06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/numat.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/nut00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/nut00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/nut06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/nut80.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/nutm80.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/obl06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/obl80.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/p06e.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/p2pv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/p2s.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pap.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pas.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pb06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pdp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pfw06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/plan94.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pm.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pmat00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pmat06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pmat76.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pmp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pmpx.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pmsafe.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pn.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pn00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pn00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pn00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pn06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pn06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pnm00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pnm00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pnm06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pnm80.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pom00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ppp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ppsp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pr00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/prec76.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pv2p.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pv2s.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvdpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvm.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvmpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvppv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvstar.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvtob.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvu.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvup.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pvxpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/pxp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/refco.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/rm2v.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/rv2m.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/rx.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/rxp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/rxpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/rxr.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ry.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/rz.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s2c.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s2p.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s2pv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/s2xpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/sepp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/seps.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/sp00.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/starpm.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/starpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/sxp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/sxpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/t_erfa_c.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/taitt.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/taiut1.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/taiutc.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tcbtdb.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tcgtt.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tdbtcb.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tdbtt.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tf2a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tf2d.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tr.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/trxp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/trxpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tttai.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tttcg.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/tttdb.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ttut1.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ut1tai.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ut1tt.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/ut1utc.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/utctai.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/utcut1.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/xy06.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/xys00a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/xys00b.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/xys06a.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/zp.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/zpv.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/erfa/src/zr.c (modified) Updated to ERFA 1.4.0 Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:54:41 GMT tbretz [18920] * trunk/FACT++/dim/README_v20.txt (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/WebDID/did.js (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/dim/dim.h (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/dim/dim_common.h (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/dic.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/diccpp.cxx (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/dim_thr.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/dis.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/discpp.cxx (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/dna.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/dns.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/examples/test_server.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/examples/test_server.cxx (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/tcpip.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/utilities.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/webDid/webDid.c (modified) * trunk/FACT++/dim/src/webDid/webServer.c (modified) Updated to v20r20 - This also includes some minor fixes, I requested. Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:46:09 GMT tbretz [18919] * trunk/FACT++/www/smartfact/struct/biastemp.page (added) New page displaying bias crate temperatures Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:45:47 GMT tbretz [18918] * trunk/FACT++/www/smartfact/struct/status.page (modified) Added Bias Temp Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:45:23 GMT tbretz [18917] * trunk/FACT++/src/smartfact.cc (modified) Added BIAS_TEMP server Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:44:23 GMT tbretz [18916] * trunk/FACT++/src/HeadersBiasTemp.h (modified) * trunk/FACT++/src/biastemp.cc (modified) Renamed DimData to Data and moved definition to header Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:27:41 GMT tbretz [18915] * trunk/FACT++/src/drivectrl.cc (modified) Minor improvements to the log output - being more verbose Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:25:28 GMT tbretz [18914] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Main.js (modified) * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Startup.js (modified) Added BIAS_TEMP to checks. Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:25:03 GMT tbretz [18913] * trunk/FACT++/src/biastemp.cc (modified) Fixed some parts of the help output, changed default interval to 15s Wed, 18 Oct 2017 12:24:36 GMT tbretz [18912] * trunk/FACT++/Makefile.am (modified) Added biastemp Fri, 06 Oct 2017 16:11:34 GMT tbretz [18911] * trunk/FACT++/src/biastemp.cc (modified) Some typos Fri, 06 Oct 2017 16:10:33 GMT tbretz [18910] * trunk/FACT++/src/HeadersBiasTemp.h (added) * trunk/FACT++/src/biastemp.cc (added) First version of the program reading the bias crate temp sensors Mon, 18 Sep 2017 15:43:32 GMT tbretz [18909] * trunk/FACT++/src/ConnectionUSB.cc (modified) * trunk/FACT++/src/ConnectionUSB.h (modified) Moved setting connection parameters from a global variable (without ... Mon, 18 Sep 2017 12:27:07 GMT tbretz [18908] * trunk/FACT++/src/smartfact.cc (modified) Added output for ongoing crate reset. Sat, 16 Sep 2017 11:37:40 GMT tbretz [18907] * trunk/FACT++/www/smartfact/struct/help-about.page (modified) Updated some informations. Thu, 14 Sep 2017 22:22:39 GMT Daniela Dorner [18906] * trunk/DataCheck/QuickLook/FlareAlerts.sh (modified) fixed two bugs, added filling of informaion in DB Tue, 12 Sep 2017 07:57:48 GMT dneise [18905] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Startup.js (modified) Remove SQM_CONTROL check in Startup, since the device is broken. Thu, 07 Sep 2017 16:15:07 GMT dneise [18904] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Startup.js (modified) increase timeout to 30sec, just to make sure it is not too short, ... Thu, 07 Sep 2017 12:55:57 GMT dneise [18903] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Startup.js (modified) Setting startup Handler loop timeouts to 5000ms. We saw endless ... Mon, 04 Sep 2017 19:26:03 GMT dneise [18902] * trunk/FACT++/src/smartfact.cc (modified) Adjust container temp window; use /newdata instead of /daq Mon, 04 Sep 2017 19:19:41 GMT dneise [18901] * trunk/FACT++/www/smartfact/struct/status.page (modified) rename Free Space (daq) -> (newdata) Thu, 17 Aug 2017 11:52:31 GMT dneise [18900] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Startup.js (modified) hack to allow for data taking while agilent not available, done ... Thu, 17 Aug 2017 11:50:10 GMT dneise [18899] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/Main.js (modified) hack to allow for data taking while agilent not available, AND new ... Thu, 17 Aug 2017 11:47:50 GMT dneise [18898] * trunk/FACT++/scripts/CheckUnderflow.js (modified) hack to allow for data taking while agilent not available, done ... Thu, 17 Aug 2017 11:38:36 GMT dneise [18897] * trunk/FACT++/src/fadctrl.cc (modified) commit modifications done 19.08.2016 and still not checked in. Why ... Thu, 17 Aug 2017 11:27:47 GMT dneise [18896] * trunk/FACT++/src/fscctrl.cc (modified) allow a 10sec timeout in case of a disconnection Fri, 04 Aug 2017 13:40:42 GMT Daniela Dorner [18895] * trunk/DataCheck/Tools (added) * trunk/DataCheck/Tools/get_data.sh (added) * trunk/DataCheck/Tools/prepare_db.sh (added) added (tools to get data/fluxes from DB) Fri, 30 Jun 2017 09:07:38 GMT dneise [18894] * trunk/FACT++/src/biasctrl.cc (modified) re-introduce patch for OC in ch 91, from rev.18800 Tue, 27 Jun 2017 18:18:04 GMT Daniela Dorner [18893] * trunk/www/dch/memberlist.php (modified) implemented printing of authorlist in differen formats Sat, 24 Jun 2017 10:00:07 GMT tbretz [18892] * trunk/FACT++/src/rootifysql.cc (modified) The second positional argument is '1' not '2' because it is the ... Sat, 24 Jun 2017 09:59:23 GMT tbretz [18891] * trunk/FACT++/src/FitsFile.h (modified) Catch the exception as const reference. Sat, 24 Jun 2017 09:58:32 GMT tbretz [18890] * trunk/FACT++/src/EventImp.h (modified) Propagate some variables as references where it makes sense. Sat, 24 Jun 2017 09:57:56 GMT tbretz [18889] * trunk/FACT++/src/DataWriteFits.h (modified) * trunk/FACT++/src/DataWriteFits2.cc (modified) * trunk/FACT++/src/DataWriteFits2.h (modified) Propagate some variables as references where it makes sense. Thu, 22 Jun 2017 23:34:46 GMT Daniela Dorner [18888] * trunk/Mars/mhflux/MHAlpha.cc (modified) make sure that label of thetasq plot is plotted Sat, 17 Jun 2017 17:05:14 GMT Daniela Dorner [18887] * trunk/www/dch/memberlist.php (added) added (script to print member list depending on date) Sat, 17 Jun 2017 17:02:46 GMT Daniela Dorner [18886] * trunk/www/dch/datataking_efficiency.php (added) added (tool by Thomas to plot data taking efficiency) Sat, 17 Jun 2017 16:49:41 GMT Daniela Dorner [18885] * trunk/www/dch/obs_time.php (added) added (tool by Thomas to plot observation time) Sat, 17 Jun 2017 16:49:06 GMT Daniela Dorner [18884] * trunk/www/dch/obs_summary.php (added) added (tool by Thomas to plot summary of observations of one night) Sat, 17 Jun 2017 16:48:22 GMT Daniela Dorner [18883] * trunk/www/dch/db_explorer.php (added) added (tool by Thomas to plot DB content) Sat, 17 Jun 2017 16:45:15 GMT Daniela Dorner [18882] * trunk/www/dch/shifteval.php (modified) adapted to stricter server Sat, 17 Jun 2017 13:06:40 GMT Daniela Dorner [18881] * trunk/www/dch/quality.php (modified) * trunk/www/dch/ratescans.php (modified) updates to text Sat, 17 Jun 2017 13:05:57 GMT Daniela Dorner [18880] * trunk/www/dch/shiftinfo.php (modified) fix to avoid errors when used on command line, changes as discussed ... Sat, 17 Jun 2017 12:45:33 GMT Daniela Dorner [18879] * trunk/www/dch/scheduling.php (modified) added swift schedule Tue, 06 Jun 2017 10:13:29 GMT (none) [18878] * trunk/Mars/msim/MSimPointingPos.cc (modified) fix typo Tue, 06 Jun 2017 10:10:27 GMT (none) [18877] * trunk/Mars/msim/MSimPointingPos.cc (modified) fix uniform sampling of dtheta to be sampled uniform in r**2 and ... Mon, 22 May 2017 09:21:01 GMT tbretz [18876] * trunk/FACT++/src/tools.cc (modified) * trunk/FACT++/src/tools.h (modified) Added new function 'WordWrap' Sun, 21 May 2017 09:42:02 GMT Daniela Dorner [18875] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/RsyncAuxToISDC.sh (modified) adapted to use newdata instead of data for transfer Sun, 21 May 2017 09:41:23 GMT Daniela Dorner [18874] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/CheckTransfer.sh (modified) added additional check for QLA results Sun, 21 May 2017 09:40:55 GMT Daniela Dorner [18873] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/RsyncRawToISDC.sh (modified) fixed small bug in logging Sun, 21 May 2017 09:34:57 GMT Daniela Dorner [18872] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/ZipRawData.sh (modified) implemented option to use /data1 instead of /scratch Sun, 21 May 2017 09:33:52 GMT Daniela Dorner [18871] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/RsyncAuxLP.sh (modified) adapted to use proper rsync-temp-dir for each transfer Sun, 21 May 2017 09:32:54 GMT Daniela Dorner [18870] * trunk/DataCheck/Setup/setup.fact.lp.data (modified) adapted settings to run QLA and transfer on newdata Sun, 21 May 2017 09:32:05 GMT Daniela Dorner [18869] * trunk/DataCheck/QuickLook/Step1.sh (modified) fixed bug and implemented option to use /data1 instead of /scratch Tue, 16 May 2017 16:56:10 GMT tbretz [18868] * trunk/FACT++/src/WindowLog.h (modified) * trunk/FACT++/src/WindowLogColor.h (added) Moved colors to a dedicated file. Sun, 14 May 2017 22:38:52 GMT Daniela Dorner [18867] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/CheckTransfer.sh (modified) adapted logging to usage of newdata Sun, 14 May 2017 22:31:12 GMT Daniela Dorner [18866] * trunk/DataCheck/DataCheck/PlotRatescans.sh (modified) adapted path to run on newdata Sun, 14 May 2017 22:07:33 GMT Daniela Dorner [18865] * trunk/Mars/fact/plots/plotratescan.C (modified) adapted path to run on newdata Sun, 14 May 2017 20:08:31 GMT Daniela Dorner [18864] * trunk/DataCheck/Monitoring/FillVisibilities.sh (added) * trunk/DataCheck/Monitoring/ToOVisibility.sh (added) added (tools to fill satellite visibilities for our sources to the ... Sun, 14 May 2017 20:05:33 GMT Daniela Dorner [18863] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/CleanupNewdata.sh (added) added (script to clean up newdata) Sun, 14 May 2017 20:04:52 GMT Daniela Dorner [18862] * trunk/DataCheck/Cron/crontab.fact1 (modified) * trunk/DataCheck/Cron/crontab.fact2 (modified) moved jobs from daq and data to newdata Sun, 14 May 2017 20:04:17 GMT Daniela Dorner [18861] * trunk/DataCheck/Cron/crontab.newdata (added) added (crontab file for jobs on newdata) Sun, 14 May 2017 20:03:07 GMT Daniela Dorner [18860] * trunk/DataCheck/Setup/setup.fact.lp.data (modified) updated settings to run QLA on newdata Sun, 14 May 2017 20:02:33 GMT Daniela Dorner [18859] * trunk/DataCheck/QuickLook/FlareAlerts.sh (modified) fixed bug Sun, 14 May 2017 20:02:14 GMT Daniela Dorner [18858] * trunk/DataCheck/DataCheck/PlotQuality.sh (modified) updated to run on newdata Sun, 14 May 2017 20:01:41 GMT Daniela Dorner [18857] * trunk/DataCheck/Monitoring/CheckDU.sh (modified) added newdata, improved handling of limits Sun, 14 May 2017 20:01:03 GMT Daniela Dorner [18856] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/BackupQLA.sh (modified) updated for newdata as download machine in LP Sun, 14 May 2017 20:00:03 GMT Daniela Dorner [18855] * trunk/DataCheck/QuickLook/Step1.sh (modified) updated to run on newdata Sun, 14 May 2017 19:59:09 GMT Daniela Dorner [18854] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/RsyncAuxLP.sh (modified) updated to run on newdata and create a second copy Sun, 14 May 2017 19:58:29 GMT Daniela Dorner [18853] * trunk/DataCheck/Transfer/ZipRawData.sh (modified) updated to run on newdata and create a second copy