13 years |
tbretz |
Send only calibration events to feedback system.
13 years |
tbretz |
Adapted the datalogger state checks
13 years |
tbretz |
Evaluate the new status which shows if an FAD is configured.
13 years |
tbretz |
Send a different status for FADs which are currently configured.
13 years |
tbretz |
Allow derived classes to access CloseImp from handlers.
13 years |
tbretz |
Improved error messages; replaces PostClose by CloseImp in handlers.
13 years |
tbretz |
Improved error messages; switched to hardware flow control -- does ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a problem with the pixels 0-159 in the Rates tab.
13 years |
tbretz |
Added some more debug output.
13 years |
tbretz |
Debuged to make it work.
13 years |
tbretz |
Unifiy instantiation and assignemnt of initial numbers.
13 years |
tbretz |
13 years |
tbretz |
Removed some obsolete output in PrintUsage
13 years |
tbretz |
Added ratescan.
13 years |
tbretz |
First version of a tool performing a rate scan.
13 years |
tbretz |
Removed obsolete files.
13 years |
tbretz |
Added PixelMap to feedback.
13 years |
tbretz |
Updated efeaults.
13 years |
tbretz |
Fixed startup.
13 years |
tbretz |
Fixed several mappings.
13 years |
tbretz |
Replaced dic_cmnd_service by DimClient::sendCommandNB.
13 years |
tbretz |
Added the missing channel spin-box.
13 years |
tbretz |
Removed a lot of obsolete code; many simplifications; started to clean ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Removed a lot of obsolete code, added some code to unify the GUI class ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Implemented the possibility to adapt the voltage according to the ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Implemented new Feedback states.
13 years |
Daniela Dorner |
update hostname of mysql server
13 years |
tbretz |
Removed the obsolete use of the Trigger-Patches.txt, the fPatchHW and ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Added treatment of new buttons fThresholdEnable/DisablePatch
13 years |
tbretz |
Added buttons to enable disable all pixels of a singel patch.
13 years |
tbretz |
Added new commands ENABLE_PATCH and DISABLE_PATCH
13 years |
tbretz |
Switched off overwriting of scale when auto scale is switched off.
13 years |
tbretz |
Updated usage information and Configuration class usage.
13 years |
tbretz |
Added the needed stuff for the DRS Calibration.
13 years |
tbretz |
Fixed a weird asymmetric color scale; fixed the wrong DRS calibration ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Updated graph; unified paths; updated compilation of file-names; ...
13 years |
tbretz |
13 years |
tbretz |
Added bool-cast operator to PixelMapEntry.
13 years |
tbretz |
Choose better name for PCTime column
13 years |
tbretz |
Adapted to latest change in Makefile.am
13 years |
tbretz |
Undo last revision.
13 years |
tbretz |
Added PixelMap.cc to fact_SOURCES
13 years |
tbretz |
Removed definition of PixelMapEntry::empty -- it simple does not ...
13 years |
lyard |
oops, forgot .h
13 years |
lyard |
changed PC time to human-readable
13 years |
lyard |
improved update of curves
13 years |
lyard |
changed calibrated view
13 years |
lyard |
changed calibrated view
13 years |
lyard |
removed the text display
13 years |
lyard |
changed from v5 to 5a
13 years |
lyard |
removed pixelMap static def
13 years |
lyard |
bug fix - fitsdump
13 years |
lyard |
bug fix - fitsdump
13 years |
tbretz |
Added writing of more information into header.
13 years |
tbretz |
Switched the enable/disable of the bias widget on again.
13 years |
tbretz |
Some little changed to layout hints in the Bias tab
13 years |
tbretz |
Another improvement to the mouse tracking
13 years |
tbretz |
Another improvement to the mouse tracking
13 years |
tbretz |
Removed a spurious debug output.
13 years |
tbretz |
Updated for which cameras the cursors are shown.
13 years |
tbretz |
Improved exception output.
13 years |
tbretz |
Improved exception output.
13 years |
tbretz |
Made pritning of event more compatible with help2man
13 years |
tbretz |
Made --help output more compatible with help2man
13 years |
tbretz |
Made --help output more compatible with help2man.
13 years |
tbretz |
Made the empty description for SET_PRESCALING really empty.
13 years |
tbretz |
Added green bar/check/warn
13 years |
tbretz |
Some convenience updates.
13 years |
lyard |
turned off autoShine of pixel/patches by default
13 years |
tbretz |
Some more small improvements and fixes to status, camera displays and ...
13 years |
lyard |
changed action taken when stopping run (not closing files yet)
13 years |
lyard |
fixed bug
13 years |
lyard |
forgot to set the time
13 years |
lyard |
added a first entry to the run numbers queue
13 years |
tbretz |
Fixed something about the enable of the FTM start and stop button.
13 years |
tbretz |
Some more updates to the Slow control values and some fixes to the MCP ...
13 years |
tbretz |
Relaxed a bit the requirements for a vlid file.
13 years |
tbretz |
Exchanged voltages and currents for Crate 1 and 2
13 years |
lyard |
removed one more Font set
13 years |
tbretz |
Fixed missing template argument.
14 years |
tbretz |
Replaced red LED in FAD tab by GreenBar
14 years |
tbretz |
14 years |
tbretz |
Added states for the status of the voltage.
14 years |
tbretz |
14 years |
tbretz |
Enable/disable some control buttons depending on the state; added MCP state
14 years |
lyard |
fixed viewer
14 years |
lyard |
fixed viewer
14 years |
lyard |
added auto highlight of pixels
14 years |
tbretz |
Added some output to better understand the configure procedure.
14 years |
lyard |
enabled the Logging state
14 years |
tbretz |
Show info in the status line when 'mouseOver'
14 years |
tbretz |
Removed a compiler warning
14 years |
lyard |
removed -1 run report
14 years |
Daniela Dorner |
improved layout
14 years |
Daniela Dorner |
switched on ldap authentication
14 years |
Daniela Dorner |
updated ldap info
14 years |
tbretz |
Fixed the feedback units.
14 years |
lyard |
set nan values color to purple
14 years |
lyard |
got rid of crappy nan display
14 years |
tbretz |
Updated to the latest event builder version which includes runEnd and ...