

21:01 Changeset [350] by harald
The member function get_deviations has changed!!! That is all at the moment!
20:53 Changeset [349] by harald
A smaller change concerning the random pointing. I got from Jose Carlos the information: >>The point was that the get_new_ct_pointing routine now generates >>the right coordinates randomly from the original direction with >>a maximum deviatiation given by the user, but this new directions >>were not uniformly distributed. Now they are !! need to be check soon!!


09:19 Changeset [348] by harald
A new version from JoseCarlosGonzalez. The old routine for random_pointing was not correct. This one should be okay!!
08:59 Changeset [347] by harald
smaller changes


16:25 Changeset [346] by blanch
A sign problem in get_new_ct_pointing was solved
15:21 Changeset [345] by petry
config file for Linux using ROOT 2.23 or later
08:36 Changeset [344] by petry
The pixelization in previous versions was buggy. This is the first version with a correct pixelization.


16:39 Changeset [343] by petry
One cosmetic change and a change in the naming of the cer and sta output file: the sign of the DEC is now ignored. (Have to think of something better later).
16:36 Changeset [342] by petry
Changed calculation of the R magnitude to use the temperature derived from B-V rather than that assuming a black body.
13:36 Changeset [341] by petry
First version of the Starfield Generator in this repository. Fully functional version using the SKY2000 star catalog.


18:22 Changeset [340] by petry
Found little bug which makes camera crash if it finds a photon of invalid wavelength. This bug is now fixed and the range of valid wavelengths extended to 290 - 800 nm. This is in preparation for the NSB simulation to come. Dirk


16:39 Changeset [339] by blanch
Previous version modified by blanch are wrong. Now the change in the theta distribution is right.
16:34 Changeset [338] by blanch
Sin(theta) distribution has been implemented in the get_new_ct_pointing subroutine.
16:30 Changeset [337] by blanch
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