

08:26 Changeset [382] by harald
*** empty log message ***
08:25 Changeset [381] by harald
small bug in aliases. no okay!small bug in aliases. no okay!!
08:01 Changeset [380] by harald
adding the directory MFadc. Including this subproject into TimeCam.


18:35 Changeset [379] by blanch
The trigger is already implemented but it does not save the trigger information in any file as it is implemented in timecam. In the next days there will be a version which also creates the files with the trigger information. It is going to be a mixing of the current camera and timecam programs.
13:40 Changeset [378] by harald
This is the startpoint for the further development of the FADC system. This implementation of the class MFadc is based on the implementation of the class MTRigger (see ../include-MTrigger ).
13:33 Changeset [377] by harald
Due to some conflicts on merge this is the new version.
08:25 Changeset [376] by harald
Some changes in the timecam.cxx to run with the updated functions of the class MTrigger.
08:18 Changeset [375] by harald
I found in the implementation of Oscar a smaller bug concerning the procedure of copying two arrays.


09:27 Changeset [374] by harald
some small changes to get out the timestamp of the event.
09:12 Changeset [373] by harald
This is the Version of MTrigger Class from the 10th of March 2000. Some work was done by Oscar Blanch and Harald Kornmayer.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.