- 18:19 Changeset [387] by
- I have included the include-MFadc directory.
- 18:17 Changeset [386] by
- Now, it compiles and links to the MFadc class.
- 18:15 Changeset [385] by
- *** empty log message ***
- 18:14 Changeset [384] by
- Parameters that tell as if we are going to see the diskriminator and/or FADC signal have been included.
- 18:10 Changeset [383] by
- A first FADC simulation and a trigger simulation are already implemented. The calculation of the Hillas Parameters have been removed, since it was decided that it should be in the analysis software. A loop over trigger threshold and some corretcions in the time range where it looks for a trigger will be implemented as soon as possible.
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.