

10:49 Changeset [398] by blanch
It takes into account the level over the see of MAGIC


16:34 Changeset [397] by blanch
*** empty log message ***
16:31 Changeset [396] by blanch
I introduced a member function that selects the 15 slices after Trigger. This class still needs a big improvement.
16:08 Changeset [395] by blanch
*** empty log message ***
16:07 Changeset [394] by blanch
It contains threshold, multiplicity and topology of the analysed trigger configuration and pixel and time of FirstLevel trigger
15:36 Changeset [393] by blanch
It owns to MTrigger.cxx version 1.7
15:35 Changeset [392] by blanch
Functions to Set threshold_channel, trigger_multi and trigger_geometry, which are private members, are implemented. The threshold_file option in MTrigger.card gives a file where program reads threshold value for each pixel. Some Clear() functins have been implemented to clear trigger level by level.
15:23 Changeset [391] by blanch
Thi version owns to the version 1.4 of creadparam.cxx.
15:22 Changeset [390] by blanch
New input card option has been introduced: trigger_loop lt ut lm um lg ug It forces the camera program to study several condition trigger implementations. Integers after key word fix limits of loop over thershold, multiplicity and topology.
14:58 Changeset [389] by blanch
This version of camera.h owns to the version 1.8 of camera.cxx.
14:57 Changeset [388] by blanch
The option to loop over several trigger configurations has been included. Some non-sense with triggertime range has been solved. Montecarlo information and ADC counts are saved in a root file. There was a problem with the maximum number of phe that the program could analyse. Now there is not limit.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.