

14:48 Changeset [428] by harald
During the Monte Carlo Software meeting, a new version of attenu.f was promised by Jose Carlos, Frank Schroeder and Aitor Ibarra. I got this version for the repository. A small change in the Makefile was also neccessary. Thanks to Jose Carlos for his support to run it on alpha!


11:59 Changeset [427] by harald
Added some Message boxes to inform what is going on.


12:43 Changeset [426] by harald
In the tab frame for EventDistributions, now the informations about the shower are available.
09:05 Changeset [425] by harald
first version with the possibility of drawing event distributions


12:15 Changeset [424] by harald
Filled the Event distributions frame with live....
10:31 Changeset [423] by harald
Added the Layout for the Event distrbution display. Only the layout was implemented.
10:30 Changeset [422] by harald
One additional member function more to get the pixel id for an entry.
10:29 Changeset [421] by harald
One member function more to get the height of first interaction.


13:09 Changeset [420] by harald
add the member function SetZeroLevel().
13:03 Changeset [419] by harald
small changes.
11:19 Changeset [418] by harald
Changed in a way that SIMONE is able to read CER files and print the content of the shower on screen.
11:17 Changeset [417] by harald
Added the memberfunction Print() to show some members of a instance of the class.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.