

16:28 Changeset [701] by tbretz
fixed some minor errors in Hillas calculation
12:57 Changeset [700] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
12:42 Changeset [699] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
12:24 Changeset [698] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***


19:15 Changeset [697] by blanch
Some cout has been removed.
18:52 Changeset [696] by blanch
*** empty log message ***
17:25 Changeset [695] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***


19:53 Changeset [694] by blanch
Some print outs have been removed.
19:32 Changeset [693] by magicsol
The pedestal member array has been changed from UChar_t to Float_t.
19:31 Changeset [692] by magicsol
The pedestal member array has been changed from UChar_t to Float_t
19:30 Changeset [691] by magicsol
Minor changes have been done to improve the FADC pedestals treatment.


11:23 Changeset [690] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
11:20 Changeset [689] by harald
calculation of errors for collection area included!


16:41 Changeset [688] by harald
There was an error if one starts simulation from zenithangle = 0. Ciro send me the solution.
16:20 Changeset [687] by harald
Changes of Ciro and Dennis to write all events of one run in only one file. Be careful, from now on you need also a new reflector.
14:12 Changeset [686] by harald
Added the first implementation of macro to calculate the trigger collection area. the macro is called getCollArea.C
11:14 Changeset [685] by magicsol
I changed the position of readinf a parameter. It is a minnor change.
11:02 Changeset [684] by blanch
*** empty log message ***
11:02 Changeset [683] by blanch
Header file for srreadparam.cxx 1.2
11:01 Changeset [682] by blanch
Commads to enter the FADC and trigger properties have been added. There is also a new command that allows to writte the root files or not
10:58 Changeset [681] by blanch
The properties of the FADC and trigger are read from the input card.
10:54 Changeset [680] by blanch
Header file for MMcFadcHeader.cxx version 1.2
10:54 Changeset [679] by blanch
THe private member pedestals is an array of UChar_t.
10:52 Changeset [678] by blanch
Haedaer file for MFadc.cxx version 1.8
10:52 Changeset [677] by blanch
Several new mwmber function have been introduced to treate the NSB data base.
10:49 Changeset [676] by blanch
Header file for MTrigger.cxx version 1.12
10:49 Changeset [675] by blanch
Member function SetNSB has been renamed to AddNSB and noe it adds the NSB contribution instead of setting it.
10:47 Changeset [674] by blanch
New commands have been added.
10:44 Changeset [673] by blanch
Header file of creadparam.cxx version 1.9
10:43 Changeset [672] by blanch
New input commands have been added: - write_McFadc: to write the FADC simulation information. - fadc_prop: gives the shape of the single phe response of the FADC And new value has been added in the mean_NSB command that tells how many phes have to come from the shower to do the NSB simulation in that shower (it speeds up the simulation).
10:36 Changeset [671] by blanch
A branch with information about the FADC simulation (MMcFadcHeader) is writen in the McHeaders tree of the aoutput root file. The NSB contribution is only applied if the the number of phe form the shower are above a given number.


14:36 Changeset [670] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
14:25 Changeset [669] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
14:24 Changeset [668] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
13:43 Changeset [667] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
12:48 Changeset [666] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
12:09 Changeset [665] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
10:46 Changeset [664] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***


17:48 Changeset [663] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
17:47 Changeset [662] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
17:35 Changeset [661] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
17:35 Changeset [660] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
17:32 Changeset [659] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
17:22 Changeset [658] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
17:16 Changeset [657] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
16:27 Changeset [656] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
16:07 Changeset [655] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:56 Changeset [654] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:42 Changeset [653] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***


10:43 Changeset [652] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***


16:49 Changeset [651] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:39 Changeset [650] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
11:42 Changeset [649] by magicsol
MLog class has been added.
11:40 Changeset [648] by magicsol
MLog in MBase has been introduced.
11:20 Changeset [647] by magicsol
New project StarRespo, which produce the database for NSB. New subdirectories include-MLons and StarResponse
11:05 Changeset [646] by magicsol
Small changes due to slightly different output format and the introduction of pedesals for teh FADC.
11:04 Changeset [645] by magicsol
The new file MMcFadcHeader and MMcTrigHeader has been added as well as the files inside the new subdirectories include-MLons and StarResponse.
10:59 Changeset [644] by magicsol
There are two new classe: MMcTrigHeader, which comes from the old MTrigHeader, and MMcFadcHeader.
10:57 Changeset [643] by magicsol
We added teh command for NSB path
10:56 Changeset [642] by magicsol
Header file for creadparam.cxx version 1.8
10:55 Changeset [641] by magicsol
An input commmand that talls the path for the NSB database has been added.
10:52 Changeset [640] by magicsol
The new directories include-MLons and StarResponse have been added.
10:52 Changeset [639] by magicsol
The new directories include-MLons and StarResponse have been added
10:45 Changeset [638] by magicsol
Header file for MFadc.cxx version 1.7 The defines, which described the trigger simulation, have moved to include-Classes/MMcFormat/MFadcDefine.h
10:43 Changeset [637] by magicsol
Two member functions for the pedestal simualtion have been implemented. One allows to set given values and the other assign random values. There is also a new memeber function that adds the pedestal values to the FADC siganl. Functions like the constructors have been modified to take into account pedestals which are a new member. A function to add the NSB signal from the database has been added.
10:38 Changeset [636] by magicsol
It has some definition about the FADC simulation that were in Simualtion/Detector/include-MFadc/MFadc.hxx
10:34 Changeset [635] by magicsol
Header file for MTrigger.cxx version 1.12
10:33 Changeset [634] by magicsol
A redundant class has been removed.
10:32 Changeset [633] by magicsol
Member functions to get the diskriminator map of pixel at given time and to set the NSb response from the databse have been added.
10:20 Changeset [632] by magicsol
Header file for starresponse.cxx version 1.1
10:18 Changeset [631] by magicsol
It produces the database for the NSB.
10:17 Changeset [630] by magicsol
Makefile for the sterresponse program.
10:14 Changeset [629] by magicsol
Header file for srreadparam.cxx version 1.1
10:13 Changeset [628] by magicsol
It read form an input card (defeult=starresponse.par) the parameters that are needed for the starresponse program.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.