

20:18 Changeset [17979] by dneise
removed all pylint warnings and errors
17:16 Changeset [17978] by dneise
more convenient way of opening Fits files and better __str__ and __repr__ functions


15:06 SvnRules edited by dneise
15:03 SvnRules edited by dneise
15:01 SvnRules edited by dneise
01:04 Changeset [17977] by mknoetig
cleanup commit
00:44 Changeset [17976] by mknoetig
mknoetig: Added static cast to resolve the ambiguous overloaded to_string that was making problems in pre C++11 compiler (aka ISDC)


09:30 Changeset [17975] by dneise
more pythonic way of getting the number of events


12:53 Changeset [17974] by dneise
making pyfact a py-package
12:50 Changeset [17973] by dneise
deleted private stuff, that accidentally found it's way into pyfact.py
12:45 Changeset [17972] by dneise
added convenience class AuxFile


22:46 WikiStart edited by ghughes
22:45 WikiStart edited by ghughes
22:27 Maintenance edited by ghughes
22:25 check_coolant_level.pdf attached to Maintenance by ghughes
how to check the coolant level
22:24 Maintenance created by ghughes
22:19 WikiStart edited by ghughes
22:06 WikiStart edited by ghughes
19:08 Changeset [17971] by dneise
new GSM features ... now binary will be too large for atmega328p manual linker call might help here.


16:57 Changeset [17970] by dneise
variant of arduinoGSMFACT that can handle flodding via ethernet while still checking for SMS


14:26 Changeset [17969] by dneise
adding libraries folder, with LSM303 lib, this takes precedence over any locally installed LSM303 library, e.g. in HOME/arduino-1.0.6/libraries.


02:01 Changeset [17968] by ghughes
Arduino Software Stuff


07:51 Changeset [17967] by dneise
still on the way
07:49 Changeset [17966] by dneise
on my way to create a maintainable callisto for both data and mc. not yet sure how it will look in the end.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.