

04:02 Changeset [18166] by Daniela Dorner
updated IP for lidcam


16:25 Changeset [18165] by ftemme
Bugfix: wrong spelling of kFALSE, Copy and paste error: forgot to change the check for the fSimSourcePosition from fPointing to fSimSourcePosition
16:21 Changeset [18164] by ftemme
Added the MSimSourcePos container to the output files. Removed also the MPhotonEvent from the Fits output (as it is currently ignored during fits writing
16:18 Changeset [18163] by ftemme
Restructuring the calculation of the pointing position: The old behavior is preserved, but in addition the MSimSourcePos container is filled, according to the new description in the comments
16:16 Changeset [18162] by ftemme
Adding the MSimSourcePos container
16:04 Changeset [18161] by ftemme
It is possible that two objects of the same class will be added to MWriteFitsFile. For these cases it is better that the column name is derived from the name of the object and not from the name of the class
11:50 Changeset [18160] by ftemme
Creating a new branch to handle wobble modus in the simulation


14:31 Changeset [18159] by Jens Buss
added some comments
08:41 Changeset [18158] by ftemme
Added an additional photon acceptance to the simulation.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.