

19:33 Changeset [18180] by dbaack
Fixed bug with non cleared "PhotonEvent"


13:37 DataTakingMainPage edited by Jens Buss
added link to the Known Problems (diff)


12:32 Changeset [18179] by dbaack


12:04 Changeset [18178] by daqct3
Changed DIM server location given in Logon script.


09:07 Changeset [18177] by Daniela Dorner
macro to retrieve official data from QLA


07:57 Changeset [18176] by dneise
increased timeout of waiting for DriveOff, took 5 seconds once.


14:29 Changeset [18175] by dbaack
Ceres compatibility for current Corsika


08:06 Changeset [18174] by dneise
Also this file has been changed by Daniela Dorner in February, while introducing the new CUSTOM run feature. It has been tested now since quite a while, so I take the liberty to check it in.
08:04 Changeset [18173] by dneise
Also this file has been changed by Daniela Dorner in February, while introducing the new CUSTOM run feature. It has been tested now since quite a while, so I take the liberty to check it in.
08:02 Changeset [18172] by dneise
Also this file has been changed by Daniela Dorner in February, while introducing the new CUSTOM run feature. It has been tested now since quite a while, so I take the liberty to check it in.


12:44 Changeset [18171] by dneise
renamed some variables
12:17 Changeset [18170] by dneise
As discussed in the last telcon on 14.04.15, I implemented a new feature into the Shutdown() function. Now the Drive cabinet is powered off after shutting the system completely down.
12:06 Changeset [18169] by dneise
on 21. or 22.02.15 Daniela Dorner made this modification. Since it's now nearly 2 month ago and all tests of this new feature should be done, I take the liberty to check it in.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.