- 16:53 Changeset [19555] by
- Implemnted the possibility to setup individual conditions for individual type-IDs
- 16:52 Changeset [19554] by
- Remove the trailing '=' for ID=140
- 16:51 Changeset [19553] by
- Do not print sources when RELOAD_SOURCES is issued.
- 16:21 Changeset [19552] by
- Added functions to get rise/transit/set times of any object
- 13:23 Changeset [19551] by
- When the bunch size is 1 then the photons still carry their original probability (that is my interpretation) which is stored as 'bunch size'. Therefore, all bunch sizes <= 1 are ok.
- 13:22 Changeset [19550] by
- Support also the 0-th telescope.
- 13:17 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:17 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:14 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:12 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:12 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:11 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:11 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:09 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 13:08 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 11:30 InstallingCorsika edited by
- (diff)
- 20:34 Changeset [19549] by
- add grb-run
- 10:31 Changeset [19548] by
- Added new G-APD type (SensL FJ 6x6, preliminary\!)
- 10:30 Changeset [19547] by
- Replaced MReflector by new base class MOptics.
- 10:29 Changeset [19546] by
- No shadowing if the camera.
- 10:28 Changeset [19545] by
- Added new classes MOptics and MLens
- 10:27 Changeset [19544] by
- Replaced MReflector by new base class MOptics.
- 10:26 Changeset [19543] by
- Derive from the new base class. Added a member function to test if the reflector geometry is valid, for consistency renamed EXecuteReflector to ExecuteOptics
- 10:25 Changeset [19542] by
- Allow to turn some checks off for testing purposes (only\!), replaces MReflector by the new base class MOptics
- 10:18 Changeset [19541] by
- MReflector has been replaces by a common base class MOptics.
- 10:18 Changeset [19540] by
- Added a check to ensure that telescope positions are set if required.
- 10:17 Changeset [19539] by
- This is basically a copy of MReflector supposed to describe a lens.
- 10:17 Changeset [19538] by
- Added a base class describing the common features of a lens and a reflector
- 15:57 Changeset [19537] by
- Adapted regexp to remove '-telXXX' from filename.
- 15:56 Changeset [19536] by
- Added setter.
- 15:55 Changeset [19535] by
- Allow to read telescope positions from a corsika input card and apply them to plain corsika data according to the telescope is in the filename.
- 09:30 Changeset [19534] by
- Instead of a constant number for Type==1 use BinningImpact. Also, if available, allow to overwrite this number from the environment (fMaxImpact). Updated class version accordingly
- 09:07 Changeset [19533] by
- Tell where the warning happened
- 09:06 Changeset [19532] by
- Two minor fixed to displayed text in plots
- 11:10 Changeset [19531] by
- No special handling for PREPARE required.
- 11:07 Changeset [19530] by
- Reunified ToO and GCN commands, default state is now Armed, enter none trigger under certain conditions into the FlareAlert table, added issued triggers into a ToO table, added rise/transit/set caclulation for source and sun, some changes to the logic for pointing directions.
- 11:05 Changeset [19529] by
- Send a name instead of a trigger id... removed from struct
- 11:04 Changeset [19528] by
- Minor changes, mainly added a name which is sent.
- 10:03 Changeset [19527] by
- There was a ] too much already for a while...
- 11:48 Changeset [19526] by
- improved logging output
- 11:45 Changeset [19525] by
- added (script to fill source catalogs to DB)
- 11:44 Changeset [19524] by
- removed not needed line
- 11:43 Changeset [19523] by
- removed not needed line
- 11:41 Changeset [19522] by
- added runtype grb
- 11:39 Changeset [19521] by
- added new alert type for incoming alerts
- 11:37 Changeset [19520] by
- added run type grb
- 11:36 Changeset [19519] by
- bugfixes
- 19:47 Changeset [19518] by
- added (script to plot visibility)
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.