

20:27 Changeset [19967] by tbretz
Fixed another last minute change.
20:20 Changeset [19966] by tbretz
Added an accurate mode in which all SQL column types are converted as accurately as possible.
20:18 Changeset [19965] by tbretz
Added a decription for more (particularly SQL) types, such as kTime, kDate, kDateTime, kDecimal, kNumeric and also added a column to describe the conversion to a root-file branch.


13:01 Changeset [19964] by tbretz
Fix a none compile issue.
10:13 Changeset [19963] by tbretz
Program to insert corsika input cards.


18:24 Changeset [19962] by Daniela Dorner
added information on who is also in magic


17:15 Changeset [19961] by Daniela Dorner
added datacheck and factorcut for binnings smaller than 1 night


16:25 Changeset [19960] by tbretz
Added some comment.
16:24 Changeset [19959] by tbretz
Added some comment
09:49 Changeset [19958] by tbretz
THis is the default path on our Mexico telescopes and it should stay:


21:05 Changeset [19957] by tbretz
Make sure that TTime is split in root 6, see bug report 10757
21:03 Changeset [19956] by tbretz
Make sure that TTime is split in root 6, see bug report 10757
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.