

16:44 Changeset [19999] by tbretz
That should not have been there...


21:55 InstallingROOT edited by tbretz
21:54 InstallingROOT edited by tbretz
21:53 InstallingROOT edited by tbretz


20:26 Changeset [19998] by tbretz
Automatically disable gui
20:23 InstallingFACT++ edited by tbretz
20:20 Changeset [19997] by tbretz
Added a warning when the Qt5-dev package is missing but Qt5 is required
18:01 Changeset [19996] by tbretz
Added a warning to make users aware of an anaconda problem; improved some output; link openSSL::SSL explicitly to rootifysql and root2sql
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.