

15:28 WikiStart edited by tbretz
13:52 WikiStart edited by tbretz


20:56 Changeset [20100] by tbretz
Minor fixes.
20:53 Changeset [20099] by tbretz
Adapted to the new command for reset.
20:49 Changeset [20098] by tbretz
Thread can not be killed anymore - new way to stop.
12:38 Changeset [20097] by tbretz
Oh master...
12:37 Changeset [20096] by tbretz
root 6.24 requires some more includes, clasng 10 is a bit more picky about overload warinings and casting, gErrorMutex i deprecated -> so we can only lock our error handler again ourselves... well... mess ahead... thank you.
12:35 Changeset [20095] by tbretz
Oh great master of the root universe, thanks for you namepace polution.
12:33 Changeset [20094] by tbretz
Switch off warnings in root header ... hmpf.


18:27 Changeset [20093] by maslowski
Fixed error handeling regarding fitsdump, star and callisto. Also Fixed some typos.


10:09 Changeset [20092] by tbretz
Made consitsent return codes.


15:25 Changeset [20091] by maslowski
First commit of disk to database scripts.


18:48 Changeset [20090] by tbretz
ObjectTemplates can not hold non primitive values anymore, therefore implemented a workaround.
00:21 Changeset [20089] by tbretz
Updated port number.
00:19 Changeset [20088] by tbretz
Updated, server uses SSL connection now.


23:27 Changeset [20087] by tbretz
Fixed an (un)signed comparison; in case of a bad file descriptor, it seems the connection terminated (looks like a featue of the most recent boost). trying to close the connection can produce crashes. So better avoid that.
23:25 Changeset [20086] by tbretz
Trying to improve exception safety of closing a connection. Calling shutdown is suggested in the close documentation and using the error code should prevent exceptions.


11:43 Changeset [20085] by tbretz
First argument not required anymore
11:30 Changeset [20084] by tbretz
Fixed a typo
11:29 Changeset [20083] by tbretz
Replaced my own PersistentCopy by UniquePersistent, repaired Thread object (with the drawback that individual threads can not be killed anymore as everything is executed effectively in a single thread. So threads can execute code interleaved but not really in a parallel, like a singel core cpu.
11:20 Changeset [20082] by tbretz
Trying to setup to use the new miniftm for fad reset.


10:09 Changeset [20081] by tbretz
Updated where the program looks for fact++.rc: 1) current working directory, 2) executable location, 3) sysconfdir (if available)
10:08 Changeset [20080] by tbretz
Updated where the program looks for fact++.rc: 1) current working directory, 2) executable location, 3) sysconfdir (if available)
10:07 Changeset [20079] by tbretz
Define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_NO_DEPRECATED as suggested in the documentation.
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