

14:54 Changeset [372] by harald
Introduction of the baseline shift behaviour!!
14:52 Changeset [371] by harald
Changed the namespace for all the members. To be more readable all the prefixes to tell the type of variables are removed. This is a topic only of the class and is not really interesting for the outside world.


18:01 Changeset [370] by petry
This file was added in order to communicate some descriptions to other developers. It was too long to put it into the CVS log of the source code files. Later versions can add to this file.
17:52 Changeset [369] by petry
This version belongs to camera.cxx 1.5. The format of the parameter file has changed. Therefore the version was counted up.
17:50 Changeset [368] by petry
This version belongs to camera.cxx 1.5. It version has been put in the repository in order to be able to share the further development with others. If you need something working, wait or take an earlier one. See file README
17:45 Changeset [367] by petry
This version belongs to camera.cxx 1.5. It has been put in the repository in order to be able to share the further development with others. If you need something working, wait or take an earlier one. See file README
17:42 Changeset [366] by petry
This version includes drastic changes and belongs to camera.cxx 1.5. It is not yet finished and not immediately useful because the trigger simulation is not yet re-implemented. I had to take it out together with some other stuff in order to tidy the whole program up. This is not meant as an insult to anyone. I needed to do this in order to be able to work on it. This version has been put in the repository in order to be able to share the further development with others. If you need something working, wait or take an earlier one. See file README.
17:40 Changeset [365] by petry
This version includes drastic changes compared to camera.cxx 1.4. It is not yet finished and not immediately useful because the trigger simulation is not yet re-implemented. I had to take it out together with some other stuff in order to tidy the whole program up. This is not meant as an insult to anyone. I needed to do this in order to be able to work on it. This version has been put in the repository in order to be able to share the further development with others. If you need something working, wait or take an earlier one. See file README.


15:50 Changeset [364] by harald
Small change!! To compile it on alphas!!
15:41 Changeset [363] by harald
Now okay!!
12:50 Changeset [362] by harald
At the meeting in Barcelona Dirk preseted an error in the pixelization of the cphotons in the camera. He changed this in the camera program. Now this change is also in the timecam.cxx code. It was tested and looks allright now.


11:03 Changeset [361] by harald
*** empty log message ***
11:01 Changeset [360] by harald
Adding the StarField Project.
09:42 Changeset [359] by harald
Updating the new projects in the page of the repository. The new projects were the StarField and the TimeCam


12:48 Changeset [358] by harald
create the new project TimeCam.
12:45 Changeset [357] by harald
small changes to run the timecam program.
09:17 Changeset [356] by harald
small changes due to screen output of some warnings!
09:14 Changeset [355] by harald
The data file "magic.def" was changed because there will be no gap-pixels in the MAGIC-camera design. Now there are only 577 pixels.


15:22 Changeset [354] by harald
This is the status of this directory as it was at the time of the general MAGIC meeting in Barcelona. A new class MMcTrig is introduced in which the output of the Trigger is stored. This is the very first attempt of this class.
15:13 Changeset [353] by harald
this is just the starting point of the further development of the camera project to simulate MonteCarloShower for MAGIC. The TimeCam is using also the information of the arrival time of the cerenkov photons (or the photoelectrons). This is the status of the program as presented on the general MAGIC meeting in Barcelona! Each one is invited to collaborate!!!
13:19 Changeset [352] by harald
Adding some file that are neccessary to run the MTrigger simulation as presented in Barcelona.
12:50 Changeset [351] by harald
This is the version of the class MTrigger that was presented at the general MAGIC in BARCELONA at the beginning of February. It is inside the repository for further development. Especially for a better implementation of diskriminator, NN, secondLevelTrigger, and NSB simulations.


21:01 Changeset [350] by harald
The member function get_deviations has changed!!! That is all at the moment!
20:53 Changeset [349] by harald
A smaller change concerning the random pointing. I got from Jose Carlos the information: >>The point was that the get_new_ct_pointing routine now generates >>the right coordinates randomly from the original direction with >>a maximum deviatiation given by the user, but this new directions >>were not uniformly distributed. Now they are !! need to be check soon!!


09:19 Changeset [348] by harald
A new version from JoseCarlosGonzalez. The old routine for random_pointing was not correct. This one should be okay!!
08:59 Changeset [347] by harald
smaller changes


16:25 Changeset [346] by blanch
A sign problem in get_new_ct_pointing was solved
15:21 Changeset [345] by petry
config file for Linux using ROOT 2.23 or later
08:36 Changeset [344] by petry
The pixelization in previous versions was buggy. This is the first version with a correct pixelization.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.