- 18:19 Changeset [387] by
- I have included the include-MFadc directory.
- 18:17 Changeset [386] by
- Now, it compiles and links to the MFadc class.
- 18:15 Changeset [385] by
- *** empty log message ***
- 18:14 Changeset [384] by
- Parameters that tell as if we are going to see the diskriminator and/or FADC signal have been included.
- 18:10 Changeset [383] by
- A first FADC simulation and a trigger simulation are already implemented. The calculation of the Hillas Parameters have been removed, since it was decided that it should be in the analysis software. A loop over trigger threshold and some corretcions in the time range where it looks for a trigger will be implemented as soon as possible.
- 08:26 Changeset [382] by
- *** empty log message ***
- 08:25 Changeset [381] by
- small bug in aliases. no okay!small bug in aliases. no okay!!
- 08:01 Changeset [380] by
- adding the directory MFadc. Including this subproject into TimeCam.
- 18:35 Changeset [379] by
- The trigger is already implemented but it does not save the trigger information in any file as it is implemented in timecam. In the next days there will be a version which also creates the files with the trigger information. It is going to be a mixing of the current camera and timecam programs.
- 13:40 Changeset [378] by
- This is the startpoint for the further development of the FADC system. This implementation of the class MFadc is based on the implementation of the class MTRigger (see ../include-MTrigger ).
- 13:33 Changeset [377] by
- Due to some conflicts on merge this is the new version.
- 08:25 Changeset [376] by
- Some changes in the timecam.cxx to run with the updated functions of the class MTrigger.
- 08:18 Changeset [375] by
- I found in the implementation of Oscar a smaller bug concerning the procedure of copying two arrays.
- 09:27 Changeset [374] by
- some small changes to get out the timestamp of the event.
- 09:12 Changeset [373] by
- This is the Version of MTrigger Class from the 10th of March 2000. Some work was done by Oscar Blanch and Harald Kornmayer.
See TracTimeline
for information about the timeline view.