

19:42 Changeset [489] by magicsol
A define that fixs the number of time slices written to the raw format has been added.
19:04 Changeset [488] by magicsol
*** empty log message ***
19:02 Changeset [487] by magicsol
Header file for the 1.9 version.
19:00 Changeset [486] by magicsol
The overlaping time has been added as data member of the Trigger class. Now this class checks if the trigger condition is fullfiled for the required overlapingtime. The actual trigger arquitecture with several cells has been also implemented.
16:50 Changeset [485] by magicsol
Map of each pixel is in each trigger cell.
16:46 Changeset [484] by magicsol
It is the old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcTrig.hxx, which has been moved to this directory.
16:44 Changeset [483] by magicsol
It is the old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcTrig.cxx, which has been moved to this directory.
16:42 Changeset [482] by magicsol
It is the old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcEvt.h, which has been moved to this directory.
16:40 Changeset [481] by magicsol
It is teh old file MagicSoft/include-classes/MMcEvt.cxx, which has been moved to this directory.
16:38 Changeset [480] by magicsol
It is the ols file MagicSoft/include-classes/MHeaderTrig.hxx, which has been moved to this directory.
16:31 Changeset [479] by magicsol
This is the old /MagicSoft/include-classes, which has been moved to this new directory.
16:03 Changeset [478] by magicsol
*** empty log message ***
16:02 Changeset [477] by magicsol
First version. Defines MAGIC base information.
15:59 Changeset [476] by magicsol
First version.
15:50 Changeset [475] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:48 Changeset [474] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:46 Changeset [473] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:45 Changeset [472] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:45 Changeset [471] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:36 Changeset [470] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:32 Changeset [469] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:30 Changeset [468] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
15:28 Changeset [467] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
14:48 Changeset [466] by tbretz
see Changelog


13:07 Changeset [465] by harald
*** empty log message ***
13:04 Changeset [464] by harald
Some changes to run the gui on linux.
12:54 Changeset [463] by harald
The first implementation of a gui to test the data of Octobertest was implemented. Therefore the two subdirs mgui and mdatacheck were introduced. The program for the gui is called -> mars <-.
12:52 Changeset [462] by harald
Import the files for the datacheck section in this subdir.
12:51 Changeset [461] by harald
Starting the subdir for the gui Graphical user interfaces.


16:29 Changeset [460] by harald
Some changes in the MFadc class were neccessary for the StarResponse program.
16:28 Changeset [459] by harald
For the development of the StarResponse program, some smaller changes in the class MTrigger are neccessary. Be carefull, perhaps a change in the destructor of MTrigger can effect other programs. Be aware of that!!


13:49 Changeset [458] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***


16:30 Changeset [457] by tbretz
*** empty log message ***
16:25 Changeset [456] by tbretz
2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog. 2000/12/23: Thomas Bretz, changes see Changelog.


13:41 Changeset [455] by harald
Setting the aliases for the cvs controll of MARS.
13:30 Changeset [454] by harald
Import the first sources of the MAGIC Analysis and Reconstruction Software. T. Bretz and H. Kornmayer 20.December 2000


12:52 Changeset [453] by harald
The changes in the access to the repository are described.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.