

11:24 Changeset [12753] by tbretz
Added the option to switch the compiler to c++0x mode to make everything compile again. Note that this and the latest changes breaks compiling on older systems.
11:23 Changeset [12752] by tbretz


23:41 Changeset [12751] by neise
introduced runtype drs-time-upshifted into DataTakingWoblle1
11:45 Changeset [12750] by lyard
added ingest stuff
09:06 Changeset [12749] by lyard
fixed compil without plotting
09:04 Changeset [12748] by lyard
removed plotting
09:03 Changeset [12747] by lyard
put fitsdump in line with fits.h


13:17 Changeset [12746] by Daniela Dorner
changed name as transfer has been moved to different machine
13:13 Changeset [12745] by Daniela Dorner
removed -p from rsync options; adapted home path
13:11 Changeset [12744] by Daniela Dorner
removed -p from rsync options; adapted home path
12:26 Changeset [12743] by Daniela Dorner
included changes of Watz


14:19 Changeset [12742] by Jens Buss
Macro to produce pulse templates ala tpeak for a given pulsehight
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.