

20:04 Changeset [13069] by tbretz
Replaced SET_CHANNEL_DAC by SET_GLOBAL_DAC; adapted FFEDBACK state number to new state number.
20:00 Changeset [13068] by tbretz
Removed some old debug output when commands are issued.
17:41 Changeset [13067] by Daniela Dorner
added new monitoring script
17:24 Changeset [13066] by Daniela Dorner
added new monitoring scripts
17:10 Changeset [13065] by Daniela Dorner
added temp directory for rsync
17:09 Changeset [13064] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to check database for failed and crashed jobs)
17:08 Changeset [13063] by Daniela Dorner
added (script to check global logfile for errors and warnings)
13:29 Changeset [13062] by tbretz
Updated the resistors. We have now 3900Ohm at the G-APD, 1kOhm serial resistor; 1kOhm in the bias crate; 100Ohm measurement resistor in the bias crate.
13:11 Changeset [13061] by tbretz
Adapted to changed in feedback states; skip start values from feedback
13:10 Changeset [13060] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility of a current feedback which corrects the applied voltage according to the measured currents.


00:17 Changeset [13059] by Daniela Dorner
adapted paths


23:32 Changeset [13058] by Daniela Dorner
23:31 Changeset [13057] by Daniela Dorner
added priority to status queries
22:58 Changeset [13056] by Daniela Dorner
adapted paths in crontab files
22:27 Changeset [13055] by Daniela Dorner
adapted scripts to changes in directory structure
22:18 Changeset [13054] by Daniela Dorner
reworked version of scripts doing backup to Wuerzburg
22:15 Changeset [13053] by Daniela Dorner
added (scripts for transfer from LP to ISDC)
22:13 Changeset [13052] by Daniela Dorner
added (setup file for processing in La Palma)
22:12 Changeset [13051] by Daniela Dorner
added (setup files for processing at ISDC)
22:11 Changeset [13050] by Daniela Dorner
added (jobmanager to run callisto and star on a computing cluster
22:09 Changeset [13049] by Daniela Dorner
added (scripts for callisto and star)
22:08 Changeset [13048] by Daniela Dorner
added (scripts to check availability of files)
22:04 Changeset [13047] by Daniela Dorner
moved db backup script to transfer directory
22:03 Changeset [13046] by Daniela Dorner
moved rsync scripts to transfer directory
22:01 Changeset [13045] by Daniela Dorner
moved La Palma rsync scripts to transfer directory
21:28 Changeset [13044] by Daniela Dorner
added (directory for setup files)
21:27 Changeset [13043] by Daniela Dorner
moved check scripts to monitoring directory
21:23 Changeset [13042] by Daniela Dorner
moved to processing directory
21:23 Changeset [13041] by Daniela Dorner
moved to processing directory
21:19 Changeset [13040] by Daniela Dorner
moved FillAuxData.sh to processing directory
21:18 Changeset [13039] by Daniela Dorner
added queries to fill status tables
21:12 Changeset [13038] by Daniela Dorner
moved zipscript to transfer directory
21:11 Changeset [13037] by Daniela Dorner
added (directory for monitoring scripts)
21:08 Changeset [13036] by Daniela Dorner
moved crontab files to cron directory
21:07 Changeset [13035] by Daniela Dorner
moved crontab files to cron directory
21:02 Changeset [13034] by Daniela Dorner
added (directory for processing scripts)
20:53 Changeset [13033] by Daniela Dorner
added (directory for crontab files)
20:50 Changeset [13032] by Daniela Dorner
added (directory for transfer scripts)
20:36 Changeset [13031] by tbretz
Switch on dot by default; fixed the summary output for colorgcc
16:49 Changeset [13030] by tbretz
Debugged a few issues like too long comments and a missing check.
10:25 Changeset [13029] by neise
class somewhere from the internet. used in coor.py for 2D vectors
10:23 Changeset [13028] by neise
added class WindowIntegrator, which integrate around a give position in a given window
10:19 Changeset [13027] by neise
in case the length of the filter coeffs is zero, the shape of the return was not ok. now it should be.
10:15 Changeset [13026] by neise
intitial commit of class that calculates list of NN for each pixel
10:13 Changeset [13025] by neise
comment translated to engl
10:08 Changeset [13024] by neise
added checking for input files, before using them :-)
10:01 Changeset [13023] by neise
initial commit python trigger studies scripts ... you need to put correct pathes in
09:39 Changeset [13022] by neise
debug: some ROI=1024 was still hardcoded ... using now self.Nbln, self.Ntom and self.Ngm .. which were already defined but not used
09:04 Changeset [13021] by lusterma
added callback function
09:04 Changeset [13020] by lusterma
added spike_ana.py a simple script using the callback function of DRSSpikes class


16:03 Changeset [13019] by neise
updated doc strings
15:56 Changeset [13018] by neise
more plotters: testable via ./plotters.py
12:11 Changeset [13017] by neise
example finished
12:04 Changeset [13016] by neise
added some functions
12:01 Changeset [13015] by neise
initial commit of a test file
11:24 Changeset [13014] by lusterma
bugs fixed, looks o.k., but more detailed testing needed, threshold = 7.
11:24 Changeset [13013] by lusterma
pyfact: bugs fixed, looks o.k., but more detailed testing needed, threshold = 7.
10:04 Changeset [13012] by lusterma
improved algorithm, now only loops previously defined candidates, now uses all function and sign of the pattern
08:30 Changeset [13011] by lusterma
use plt.figure.number instead of UniqueID, class UniqueID removed


20:08 Changeset [13010] by tbretz
Fixed the size of the received magic weather reports.
18:51 Changeset [13009] by tbretz
Updated to latest changes.
18:49 Changeset [13008] by tbretz
Scale the patch currents to pixle currents.
18:48 Changeset [13007] by tbretz
Mini change to the hep output.
18:48 Changeset [13006] by tbretz
Reformated the output to make it better fit the help2man conversion.
18:47 Changeset [13005] by tbretz
Added some debug options; moved the PrintHelp at a better position so that exceptions wouldn't effect the output.
17:47 Changeset [13004] by tbretz
Added new program fitscheck.
16:28 Changeset [13003] by tbretz
Improved the possible combinations of how to extract the leading edge or position of maximum and the intgeral or amplitude.
16:27 Changeset [13002] by tbretz
Propagate the weight and allow to calculate the difference of two camera.
16:25 Changeset [13001] by tbretz
Added AddCamDifference and weights to some Add-functions.
14:23 Changeset [13000] by tbretz
Fixed a few shadows of previous local
14:22 Changeset [12999] by tbretz
Added DataWriteFits2
14:11 Changeset [12998] by tbretz
Added out own FITS streamer to the list of possible file formats (5).
14:10 Changeset [12997] by tbretz
Data writer using our own fits streamer class.
14:08 Changeset [12996] by tbretz
Added automatic checksum checking.
14:08 Changeset [12995] by tbretz
First version of a fits writer.
10:17 Changeset [12994] by tbretz
Added the number of events to interpolate to the feedback commands; implemented an exponent of 1./1.6 for the global feedback


22:52 Changeset [12993] by tbretz
Fixed an issue with the console and shell selection.


15:48 Changeset [12992] by lusterma
added plotter.py


09:48 Changeset [12991] by tbretz
Added quality of service to Deviation
09:41 Changeset [12990] by tbretz
Added dim service descriptions


19:00 Changeset [12989] by tbretz
Replaces status==0 but 0x100-3 (ERROR) instead of 99, leading to a state 102


22:39 Changeset [12988] by Daniela Dorner
fixed typo in mysql query
15:47 Changeset [12987] by lusterma
next() fixed, filters removed
15:31 Changeset [12986] by neise
generator now allows for more than one spike .... generator option string changedsvn diff extractor.py | colordiff ! so I had to change it in extractor as well... sorry
15:02 Changeset [12985] by Daniela Dorner
removed check for pw-file, adapted check for modification time, added insert to new run table
15:01 Changeset [12984] by Daniela Dorner
removed check for pw-file
14:46 Changeset [12983] by neise
filters work now also in the case of: length = 0 ... they do nothing then
12:33 Changeset [12982] by neise
renamed SignalGenerator.py to generator.py
12:32 Changeset [12981] by neise
included test functions in __main__ and debugged a lot
11:41 Changeset [12980] by Daniela Dorner
unified method to get dates to be processed
11:32 Changeset [12979] by Daniela Dorner
small changes in logging
11:27 Changeset [12978] by Daniela Dorner
not needed as job is done by FillAuxData.sh
08:29 Changeset [12977] by neise
debugged wrong handling of option_str in __init__
08:14 Changeset [12976] by neise
initial commit - test with ./SignalGenerator.py


22:02 Changeset [12975] by lusterma
added iterator to RawData, _test_iter function gives an example on usage, ./pyfact.py can be run directly
13:41 Changeset [12974] by Daniela Dorner
adapted logpaths
13:41 Changeset [12973] by Daniela Dorner
changed from nail to mail
13:16 Changeset [12972] by Daniela Dorner
introduced usage of global logfile and function sendquery
13:15 Changeset [12971] by Daniela Dorner
introduced usage of global logfile
12:39 Changeset [12970] by Daniela Dorner
introduced usage of global logfile
12:30 Changeset [12969] by Daniela Dorner
introduced logfile to get trace of fitsfile errors
11:08 Changeset [12968] by Daniela Dorner
changed MAILTO
10:30 Changeset [12967] by tbretz
Fixed some trivial compiler warnings.
10:13 Changeset [12966] by tbretz
Added wind gusts to GUI.
10:09 Changeset [12965] by tbretz
Added interpretation of 'WP' hoping that the interpretation to be the wind gusts is correct.
10:06 Changeset [12964] by tbretz
Now used the common Main::execute approach to launch the program; implemented a dummy StateMachine class based on MainImp to allow this approach.
10:05 Changeset [12963] by tbretz
Print jumps and labels help text; use a MessageImp for output now.
10:05 Changeset [12962] by tbretz
Print jumps and labels help text
10:04 Changeset [12961] by tbretz
Implementd jumps and labels
10:03 Changeset [12960] by tbretz
Flush the buffer before the boot message is printed.
10:03 Changeset [12959] by tbretz
Fixed a compiler warning about an unused variable.
10:03 Changeset [12958] by tbretz
Removed obsolete include of Time.h
10:02 Changeset [12957] by tbretz
10:01 Changeset [12956] by tbretz
To dfine the virtual Run() function a new class MainImp is used now instead of the full state machine class.
10:01 Changeset [12955] by tbretz
Added include of boost/version.hpp removed obsolete forward class definition of StateMachineImo
10:00 Changeset [12954] by tbretz
Added include of LocalControl.h


18:29 Changeset [12953] by neise
implemented correcto handling for 2D data arrays ... 3D will still fail.
17:51 Changeset [12952] by neise
now it does at least compile...
17:43 Changeset [12951] by neise
debugged interpolation of zero-x-ing time in class ZeroXing
17:38 Changeset [12950] by lusterma
added drs_spikes.py: finds and removes double spikes, contains a small _test, not yet tested with real data
17:37 Changeset [12949] by neise
initial commit. not even tested, but you can look at it :-)
17:37 Changeset [12948] by neise
filters use the 1st sample as initial values, instead of zero.


17:19 Changeset [12947] by lusterma
added labels to plots in _test* of fir_filter.py
14:23 Changeset [12946] by tbretz
Updated some log-messages; added RemoveSpikes2
14:21 Changeset [12945] by tbretz
Some more improvements to FACT header printing.
14:19 Changeset [12944] by tbretz
Added additional plots for slope in case of 'same' option


12:46 Changeset [12943] by tbretz
Implemented a root-mode which allows to use mathematical expressions instead of just column names.


23:35 Changeset [12942] by ogrimm
GUI bug fix for negative array index
23:05 Changeset [12941] by ogrimm
Less digits deplayed in widgets
20:43 Changeset [12940] by ogrimm
History handling in Edd faster, improved drag and drop functionality, version of Edd for La Palma
10:00 Changeset [12939] by tbretz
Should have been a check for fCameraVersion not fFormatVersion in Print
09:59 Changeset [12938] by tbretz
Added missing intialization of fArrivalTime
09:57 Changeset [12937] by tbretz
Added GetNightAsInt


16:55 Changeset [12936] by Daniela Dorner
bugfix for ftcopy in cron; adapted paths
16:54 Changeset [12935] by Daniela Dorner
implemented function for getting statistics; usage of sendquery
16:53 Changeset [12934] by Daniela Dorner
adapted path, changed mailto
16:49 Changeset [12933] by Daniela Dorner
added new variables and further checks
16:42 Changeset [12932] by Daniela Dorner
changed limits
16:40 Changeset [12931] by Daniela Dorner
changed names of 2 DB columns
16:39 Changeset [12930] by Daniela Dorner
added new variables, adapted initial menu settings
16:38 Changeset [12929] by Daniela Dorner
added new variables
12:11 Changeset [12928] by tbretz
Fixed median calculation.


22:33 Changeset [12927] by tbretz
Implemented more verbosy output for FACT
19:10 Changeset [12926] by tbretz
Added another workaround to suppress some root error.
19:09 Changeset [12925] by tbretz
The name and title was ignored in the constructor... added at least setting of the name.
19:09 Changeset [12924] by tbretz
Added DrsCalibrateTime; removed obsolete old AddT
19:04 Changeset [12923] by tbretz
Added the possibility to set min and max; increased version number accordingly
19:04 Changeset [12922] by tbretz
Added a possibility to histogram the deviation from a median or mean value event per event.
19:03 Changeset [12921] by tbretz
Added AddMedianShift and AddMeanShift
19:02 Changeset [12920] by tbretz
Added a function to return the median of the whole camera.
17:38 Changeset [12919] by Jens Buss
Bug Fixes
17:37 Changeset [12918] by Jens Buss
Bug Fixes
15:37 Changeset [12917] by lyard
added calibration display
14:35 Changeset [12916] by neise
reduced line length, of most lines to 79 characters
14:27 Changeset [12915] by neise
renamed maxPos, maxAmp & sums --> pulse_amplitude, _time_of_maximum & _integral_simple


20:01 Changeset [12914] by tbretz
Removed the zero trigger check for the time being.
19:53 Changeset [12913] by tbretz
Do not stop immediately in case of zero triggers, wait until the required number of reports was collected.
08:52 Changeset [12912] by tbretz
Transfer precision to stream which is used for formattting
08:51 Changeset [12911] by tbretz
Transfer precision to stream which is used for formattting


22:04 Changeset [12910] by ogrimm
EvidenceServer::ToString() can handle all DIM formats as long as padding is disabled


17:19 Changeset [12909] by ogrimm
Improved filter function for History server
10:46 Changeset [12908] by tbretz
Fixed a bug which caused crashes for runs without run-types, e.g. self triggered events.
10:21 Changeset [12907] by tbretz
Do not throw an exception if a server which is requested to be removed is not in the list; datalogger should now accept this condition, too.


10:13 Changeset [12906] by tbretz
Added an example filter.
10:12 Changeset [12905] by tbretz
Added the possibility to give a start row and limit on row-numbers; implemented th epossibility to filter the dump.
10:11 Changeset [12904] by tbretz
Added basic root libraries to fitsdump


21:50 Changeset [12903] by tbretz
Improved some log-output.
14:51 Changeset [12902] by lusterma
bug fix, because of names not changed to pyfact_rename.py
14:34 Changeset [12901] by lusterma
added myhisto.py
13:53 Changeset [12900] by tbretz
Added new states in the feedback which allow to run the temp feedback and the Calibration without the FADs connected and the feedback without the FSC connected -- updated GUI and scripts accordingly
12:58 Changeset [12899] by tbretz
Correction is sent to biasctrl not to feedback -- log-message was wrong.


22:14 Changeset [12898] by lusterma
added submit.py and my_ana.py as example for automatic script submission
21:32 Changeset [12897] by lusterma
updated fbsl2.py to work with pyfact_rename instead of pyfact
21:07 Changeset [12896] by lusterma
corrections to pyfact coding style
20:30 Changeset [12895] by lusterma
14:44 Changeset [12894] by ogrimm
Updated Edd for history plotting of more complex arrays
09:10 Changeset [12893] by tbretz
Checked in as agreed in th emeeting.


17:30 Changeset [12892] by ogrimm
New inCallback() method of DIM version v19r23 used
17:23 Changeset [12891] by ogrimm
Added code for automized measurement of dynamic range, not yet tested


12:55 Changeset [12890] by tbretz
Added a missing parenthesis and a missing cast


11:10 Changeset [12889] by tbretz
Improved grouping. Write more than just a single \0 to end the ascii strings
10:59 Changeset [12888] by tbretz
Removed nonsense default comments and units.
10:29 Changeset [12887] by lyard
fixed problem with sub-column selection


10:19 Changeset [12886] by tbretz
Automatically assume all columns if none is given; improved output of keywords (more fits stylish)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.