

18:40 Changeset [17816] by tbretz
Switch CodeMirror theme to our own theme; some improvements in the drawing of the cameras; added a grid.
18:39 Changeset [17815] by tbretz
Added CodeMirror theme.
18:38 Changeset [17814] by tbretz
Some small layout improevemnts; added Grid-checkbox
16:33 Changeset [17813] by tbretz
Remove the carriage return from returned editor contents ;)
16:32 Changeset [17812] by tbretz
Allow gaps in the returned array of arrays; null is interpreted as 0 - fixed; display something if min==max


19:45 Changeset [17811] by tbretz
Minor optimizations.
17:09 Changeset [17810] by tbretz
Recalculate the image parameters with each redraw to allow to use the lower limit (min) value.
14:16 Changeset [17809] by dneise
debugged relative ROOT loading path
13:21 Changeset [17808] by tbretz
Added debug for caluclation time and removed the second loop from the image parameter calculation.
12:45 Changeset [17807] by tbretz
Added a checkbox for displaying the image and a help text for the meaning of the image.
12:45 Changeset [17806] by tbretz
Forgot to remove the debug output
12:44 Changeset [17805] by tbretz
Implemented the calculation of the basic image paremeters and the drawing of the hillas ellipse.
10:37 Changeset [17804] by dneise
using old revision since current revision does not work here anymore.
07:43 Changeset [17803] by dneise
adjusted libz loading to new_pyfact/pyfact.py


20:20 Changeset [17802] by dneise
some help text
17:44 Changeset [17801] by dneise
reverted externals link to older revision, since current version fits.h can't be compiled without MLog.h and MLogManip.h. Fixed some typos in pyfact.py
16:44 Changeset [17800] by tbretz
It is nicer to have teh distance between two neighbors as 1. Reinvented $.conv.
16:39 Changeset [17799] by tbretz
Removed conversion factor. Calculate geometry in degree instead.
16:38 Changeset [17798] by tbretz
Updated help text
16:33 Changeset [17797] by tbretz
Fixed the calculation of the geometry; added $.conv
16:32 Changeset [17796] by tbretz
Make sure image is on top during movement; remove zindex again afterwards
15:04 Changeset [17795] by dneise
new version
14:23 Changeset [17794] by kraehenb
Added TPK-Mobile to libz variants...
13:47 Changeset [17793] by tbretz
Now as JS code in internal.js
13:47 Changeset [17792] by tbretz
Neighbors is not used anymore. A JS array will be faster than a php array of fixed size with int-to-int will be faster than accessing a php array.
13:45 Changeset [17791] by tbretz
Code which is executed before proc and main.
13:45 Changeset [17790] by tbretz
Added $.geom and $.map
13:44 Changeset [17789] by tbretz
Some updates to the time calculation (more accurate position); check as soon as possible if file contains data; read internal.js and execute it before the rest of the code.
13:43 Changeset [17788] by tbretz
Simplified getIndex (now using the coordinate array)


10:03 Changeset [17787] by tbretz
Added more stuff which is necessary for proper interaction with the fits classes from the interpreter.
09:58 Changeset [17786] by tbretz
Automatically call SetSelctedPad once a new tab is created.
09:56 Changeset [17785] by tbretz
Fixed a compiler warning because title wasn't used in the constructor and DrswPixelCOntent had an unused argument.
09:54 Changeset [17784] by tbretz
Fixed the order of instantiation which the responsible person refuses to fix since several months.
09:53 Changeset [17783] by tbretz
Get rid of a few compiler warnings about obsolete const qualifiers.
09:52 Changeset [17782] by tbretz
Added a possibility to access the Fits Stream and the PCTime in a constant manner
09:51 Changeset [17781] by tbretz
Added a possibility to access the Fits Stream and the PCTime in a constant manner
09:51 Changeset [17780] by tbretz
Added a possibility to access the stream in a constant manner.
09:50 Changeset [17779] by tbretz
Use COmmentFromType and SizeFromType from FITS namespace; try using sysconf if std::thread::hardware_concurrency fails; added a fix in reallocateBuffer which could cause a buffer overrun; open must be called in the ocnstructor after the variables have been initialized
09:48 Changeset [17778] by tbretz
Cleanup includes and defines; moved CommentFromType and SizeFromType to the FITS namespace - I do not understand why that should be specific to ofits and not even static; some minor code cleanup; added a function CopyKeys which is intentionally safe if nobody alters the contents of the fist class; removed the SetKeyFromFitsString - it is a severe risk for the integrity of the FITS standard especially without any documentation.
09:44 Changeset [17777] by tbretz
Solved the problem that so far cint does not define __MARS__; added an option to PrintKeys; remove all reserved keywords from the list of printed keys; some minor code cleanup.
09:43 Changeset [17776] by tbretz
Added a function to check whether a key is a reserved key; added the CommentFrom type and SizeFrom Type.


16:43 Changeset [17775] by tbretz
unified the tooltip functions.
15:28 Changeset [17774] by tbretz
Added the possibility to access calibrated data files.
15:27 Changeset [17773] by tbretz
Added the container needed to display the histograms. It is more or less a copy of the camera display.
15:27 Changeset [17772] by tbretz
Added the possibility to load calibrated files, added a slider with histograms whihc correspond to the camera displays; added the possibility to right-click-save the images; make sure all pixel values are within range.


23:43 Changeset [17771] by tbretz
An interface to access the fits raw data files and get an event in as a binary output.


16:36 Changeset [17770] by tbretz
It looks like there is a problem with th eno-excpetion option and our fits classes. Therefore, I will remove it. I guess the optimization this once brought many years ago has been overcome by modern technology anyways.
16:25 Changeset [17769] by tbretz
Fixed a warning comparison between signed and unsigned.
16:24 Changeset [17768] by tbretz
Replaced my by scale.
16:21 Changeset [17767] by tbretz
Fixed a minor compilation problem.
16:21 Changeset [17766] by tbretz
Removing the std::exception_ptr by an ifdef is dangerous, because CINT will never set that define... therefore, make sure the correct size is always there.
16:19 Changeset [17765] by tbretz
If one function takes a pointer the other one should as well, offsets and sizes can by definition not be negtaive, so do not allow negative values -- the compiler warning could have told you already; simplified the logic.
14:27 Changeset [17764] by tbretz
endif was missing
14:25 Changeset [17763] by tbretz
MLogManip came from the fits headers.
14:24 Changeset [17762] by tbretz
The ready to save flag was not set.
14:24 Changeset [17761] by tbretz
Added an semi-automatic setting of PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_VERSION and REVISION
14:23 Changeset [17760] by tbretz
MLog and MLogManip came from the fits classes
14:23 Changeset [17759] by tbretz
MLog and MLogManip came from the fits classes
14:22 Changeset [17758] by tbretz
TSystem and MLogManip come from the fits classes.
14:22 Changeset [17757] by tbretz
MTime is not needed here anymore.
12:04 Changeset [17756] by tbretz
Got the libnova stuff from libnova-dir
12:04 Changeset [17755] by tbretz
Moved to root dir (MLinkDef and Makefile)


19:39 Changeset [17754] by tbretz
There were some casts missing to allow large memory sizes
19:31 Changeset [17753] by tbretz
I am not sure this is needed here, but to avoid potential problems I give CINT also a hint here about the size of the structure.
19:17 Changeset [17752] by tbretz
The condition was wrong... it was not possible to properly set the number of threads to be used and the default was all instead of none.
18:51 Changeset [17751] by tbretz
I realized that we were one level too high with deriving the class. Not only there was no possibility to use open/close, furthermore the close funtion was not virtual and therefore not necessarily correctly called. By writing a ofstream type class, both is now solved.
17:32 Changeset [17750] by tbretz
Improved error message.
17:31 Changeset [17749] by tbretz
Give CINT a hint about the size of the structures.
17:30 Changeset [17748] by tbretz
Minor simplifications.
17:30 Changeset [17747] by tbretz
'using namespace std' should never appear in header


20:22 Changeset [17746] by tbretz
Fixed an issue when the slected pixel had no value attached; some performance improvements; reset event number when new file is selected; if the retrurned arrays are not complete, they will be an object not an array - that should work now (however, the returning of incomplete arrays from javascript in v8js is broken so in reality it doesn't work)
20:20 Changeset [17745] by tbretz
There is no need to send the neighbors with the output; trim the null bytes from the runType
20:19 Changeset [17744] by tbretz
Performance improvement in the example.
16:04 Changeset [17743] by tbretz
Some fixes to the no-exception part.
13:26 Changeset [17742] by tbretz
Updated codemirror config; automatically colorize code snippets
13:26 Changeset [17741] by tbretz
Added style for match highlighting.
13:24 Changeset [17740] by tbretz
Switch to strict mode.
13:23 Changeset [17739] by tbretz
Use Codemirror colorized for code snippets in the help text; rearranged the javascript links
12:09 Changeset [17738] by tbretz
Added xmin and xmax controls for the waveform.


19:50 Changeset [17737] by tbretz
Unified the two SetupCommonFileStructure.
19:49 Changeset [17736] by tbretz
Do not require MTime... callisto allows now to use a root file as input.
19:47 Changeset [17735] by tbretz
Avoid a compiler warning.
19:45 Changeset [17734] by tbretz
Fixed the trigger pattern to be consistent with the FACT data.
19:42 Changeset [17733] by tbretz
18:37 Changeset [17732] by tbretz
Added another accordion for the display of additional controls; removed some obsoslet stuff from the debug text; store waveform data in the object to allow access when retrirveing it to a file.
16:48 Changeset [17731] by dneise
these files are not needed anymore
16:41 Changeset [17730] by dneise
Removed the dependency of SlowData class from the special Python Accessors in fits.h So now we can use the C++ header files from Mars/mcore. makelibs.C is not needed anymore. In order to make the so-files just call pyfact.py For testing one can do: python -i pyfact.py <filename> After a lot of compiler warnings one should get: len(test_m1) 0 len(test_m2) 0 <ROOT.pair<string,fits::Entry> object at 0x...> <ROOT.pair<string,fits::Table::Column> object at 0x...> Well ... for now.
16:17 Changeset [17729] by tbretz
Darker text color for diables elements in firefox
16:16 Changeset [17728] by tbretz
Added marker for selected pixel; added runinfo and trigger info; updated position of autocomplete dialog
16:15 Changeset [17727] by tbretz
Read more data from getevent; some simplification to the global structure; decode trigger pattern
16:15 Changeset [17726] by tbretz
A pixel neighbors table to be used in php.
13:26 Changeset [17725] by tbretz
Added evtserver, getevent and soem improrvement to the doc rule.
12:02 Changeset [17724] by tbretz
The error message wasn't that clear for the case a schedule of tonight was saved, but no active tasks were there.
11:44 Changeset [17723] by tbretz
Some more help text.
11:37 Changeset [17722] by tbretz
By never using more than one php array for a single pixel at a time instead of 1440 the memory consumption could be significantly decreased, however, I do not know how much memory the corresponding JS array uses, but I guess it is much less.
11:20 Changeset [17721] by tbretz
Added missing disable of submit button. Adapted debug output to changes in php.
11:19 Changeset [17720] by tbretz
Some minor improvements to layout, mainly nowrap.


20:21 Changeset [17719] by tbretz
Fixed the pixel click issue on firefox... and hopefully other browsers as well.
19:09 Changeset [17718] by tbretz
Increased memory limit to allow for roi=1024 -- There is unfortunately no easy way to reduce the memory consumption of php arrays... they are in the order of 100 bytes per entry\! Therefore a maximum event size is 100 MB \!
18:44 Changeset [17717] by tbretz
Removed an obsolete comment.
18:38 Changeset [17716] by tbretz
Do not line break the date in the table header; added more help text.
17:25 Changeset [17715] by dneise
taking back commit 17692
12:43 Changeset [17714] by tbretz
getevent.php is now called index.php; added some more help texts
12:41 Changeset [17713] by tbretz
Proc wasn't in the global namespace anymore.
12:40 Changeset [17712] by tbretz
Fixed a case when proc returns more than one waveform.
12:17 Changeset [17711] by tbretz
Do not process main when only the pixel has been changed; some imporvements to the main accordion; A slightly nicer test code.
11:58 Changeset [17710] by tbretz
Added a missing whitespace.
11:54 Changeset [17709] by tbretz
Some more HTML5 cleanup
11:48 Changeset [17708] by tbretz
Fixed table layout.
11:33 Changeset [17707] by tbretz
Adapted table name from measurement to Measurement
11:17 Changeset [17706] by tbretz
Turn off debug text by default.
11:17 Changeset [17705] by tbretz
Added more checks for the schedule.
09:47 Changeset [17704] by tbretz
Times could change if the first task was removed from an observation -- fixed.


22:59 Changeset [17703] by tbretz
Added a help paragraph about the data.
22:51 Changeset [17702] by tbretz
Updated the styles for the calendar
22:33 Changeset [17701] by tbretz
A first version of the scheduling interface created from the svn/schedule.
21:01 Changeset [17700] by tbretz
First version of a web based event viewer.


15:35 Changeset [17699] by tbretz
Improved the calling convention. There is really no need to give so many arguments. Pipe some Monte Carlo values through. I wonder what special MC macros are for which omit all the Monte Carlo data in their output.


18:01 Changeset [17698] by tbretz
A wrong checksum was silently ignored
18:00 Changeset [17697] by tbretz
Some cosmetics
12:00 Changeset [17696] by dneise
was missing
12:00 Changeset [17695] by dneise
removed: warning: narrowing conversion and adjusted two includes
10:01 Changeset [17694] by dneise
removed rm in externals folder
10:00 Changeset [17693] by dneise
removed warning about time marker channels, since it is there since ages and nothing happens. So why should we warn about it?
09:59 Changeset [17692] by dneise
removed warning: "list-initializer for non-class type must not be parenthesized"


18:14 Changeset [17691] by kraehenb
The file extern_Mars_mcore/factfits.h was imported instead of factfits.h. Now corrected.
17:51 Changeset [17690] by dneise
reverting back to copied headers, because SVN externals do not yet work :-(
16:29 Changeset [17689] by dneise
some new deveolpment. not really working .. just some thoughts
15:59 Changeset [17688] by dneise
adjusted class name FactFits to factfits
15:58 Changeset [17687] by dneise
differs from Mars/mcore only in special python accessors like GetPy_KeyKeys and similar.
15:33 Changeset [17686] by dneise
towards using only C++ Header files from Mars/mcore
11:16 Changeset [17685] by tbretz
Fixed revision 17607. When starting with tile 0 the currentTile can be either -1 or 0 depending on fNumRowsPerTile; this can lead to wrong results for isNextTile or when checked if a new tikle should be read; therefore implemented a different solution which also ensures that the copy feature and the checksum calculation gets every tile if read sequentially.


17:04 Changeset [17684] by dneise
adding externals link
16:50 Changeset [17683] by dneise
adjusted to new C++ header files
13:53 Changeset [17682] by ftemme
Added the clipping of the trigger signal


23:31 Changeset [17681] by tbretz
Some updated to the authentication code to make the result more logical; a minor update to handling interrupts
23:30 Changeset [17680] by tbretz
Opacity of 'gray out' to 50%
14:55 Changeset [17679] by tbretz
Fixed a bug which could cause infinite loops when an event with invalid FADhead was checked for timout (the it++ was missing), added a lot of comments


01:13 Changeset [17678] by tbretz
It can happen that an event has been created but no header is ever received. If it times out, the header was accessed which is not valid. With the recent fix, I assume that whenever something is received all the rest from the board is received as well, or: half events from one board do not time out.


22:00 Changeset [17677] by tbretz
Fixed the last fix... using a variable type which allows hundreds of terabytes to be allocated is for sure no option. Actually, restricting the amount of memory which can be allocated is a feature not a problem. The correct way to fix the problem is to properly cast the variable before it is converted from kB to Byte.
21:13 Changeset [17676] by tbretz
New program to display smartfact events from the previous night during daytime.


08:40 Changeset [17675] by lyard
modified the fitsDecompressor code to take into account the refactoring of the fits classes, namely the introduction of FITS.h
08:32 Changeset [17674] by lyard
modified the fitsCompressor code to take into account the refactoring of the fits classes, namely the introduction of FITS.h


23:51 Changeset [17673] by tbretz
Adapted to have three agilentctrl running instead of one.
21:07 Changeset [17672] by tbretz
Replaced one agilentctrl by three; fixed the calculatio of the power; display all pixels, and use ch8 at TM channel
20:33 Changeset [17671] by tbretz
Removed old agilent.page and replaced that with one per Agilent.
20:32 Changeset [17670] by tbretz
Added all three agients
18:43 Changeset [17669] by tbretz
Implemented the possibility to start more than one agilentctrl to read from all agilents.
17:11 Changeset [17668] by tbretz
Remplaced the double backslash in a root axis title by a #. Otherwiese some root version fail to create the eps


12:36 Changeset [17667] by lyard
fixed uint32 bug for max available memory


12:03 Changeset [17666] by ftemme
Forget to compile, before checkin, and therefore didn't see some small mistakes in the code
11:57 Changeset [17665] by ftemme
Forget to set the arrays of the MTruePhotonsPerPixel container to zero, before adding the photons in MSimCamera
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.