

20:55 Changeset [18344] by dneise
found the mistake, that lead to an exception without any more information. The 'names' in SetupConfiguration and EvalOPtions must of course be that same, if they are not. One gets an exception ... but not a little bit more ... really awesome.
20:27 Changeset [18343] by dneise
changing names of ressources as Thomas wanted. setting them to not-required and setting a hopefully useful default. It does throw an exception when being started, and I don't know where it is thrown yet.
20:07 Changeset [18342] by dneise
removing a struct and renamed some variables as Thomas wanted it.


17:08 Changeset [18341] by dneise
Starting with Current limits: * define limits in config-file, or config-DB * add new state 'OverCurrent' * add some functionality to make SET_VERBOSE look different. (maybe not meant to stay forever)
16:08 Changeset [18340] by dneise
Creating a branch to track development of power comsumption security limit checking in FSCctrl, but also other parts of FACT++ might be involved ... not sure yet.


16:47 Changeset [18339] by tbretz
Moved seeing to its own service.
10:51 Changeset [18338] by tbretz
Adapted to the latest changed on the TNG weather report web site and to its new location.
09:12 Changeset [18337] by tbretz
Implemented a moon mode which turns of the voltage of the inner pixels but still returning the correct overvoltage. The pixels are operated 5V below operation voltage.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.