

14:37 Changeset [19420] by tbretz
The new line must always be displayed.


22:13 Changeset [19419] by tbretz
Added an option to send the global shutdown (DIS_DNS/KILL_SERVERS)
22:12 Changeset [19418] by tbretz
Added a comment


21:55 Changeset [19417] by tbretz
A full parameter set in drivetop and sercos format (save and print) and from 2017 (complete) and 2018 (should be identical but only 'reasonable' parameters)


20:40 Changeset [19416] by tbretz
Allow RECONNECT also if the IndraDrives are unavailable. Allow to propagate an error in PDO2 (the default in our PLCs is 'no error')
16:56 Changeset [19415] by tbretz
FACT camera as default, correctly center cameras, slight modification to under-/overflow color, fixed calculation of image parameters.


20:06 Changeset [19414] by tbretz
There was a bug in the order, that's why the first page sometimes was not properly scaled.


19:58 InstallingFACT++ edited by tbretz
18:32 Changeset [19413] by tbretz
Fixed a copy&paste naming
18:32 Changeset [19412] by tbretz
Added beaglectrl to famous section.
11:54 Changeset [19411] by tbretz
Newer boost versions complain about an invalid argument.


21:28 InstallingFACT++ edited by tbretz
21:17 InstallingFACT++ edited by tbretz


13:59 Changeset [19410] by tbretz
This will help to identify if the environment is screwed up.
13:58 Changeset [19409] by tbretz
This will help to identify if the environment is screwed up.
13:41 Changeset [19408] by tbretz
OpenSSL is only required for the non-tools (ConnectionSSL).
10:23 Changeset [19407] by tbretz
Comparison between signed an unsigned
10:23 Changeset [19406] by tbretz
The version number had to be changed as the data member description changed (I think that is new...)
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.