[[TOC]] == Gate == * [[http://ark.intel.com/products/46473/Intel-Core-i3-540-Processor-4M-Cache-3_06-GHz|DualCore Intel i3 540 @3.06 GHz, hyperthreaded]] * 4 GB of RAM Usage: * Provides DHCP and Internet access for the internal network (gateway) * Provides user authentification via LDAP * Mail and Webserver running fact-project.org * MySQL database server * VPN server Ethernet interfaces: eth0, eth1\\ Virtual interfaces: br0, tap0, eth1:0 Check /etc/network/interfaces '''eth0''' eth0 is bridged to the virtual ethernet interface br0 together with tap0 for the VPN network. eth0 itself has no IP address '''eth1''' eth1 provides the external network access to the internet and is configured as '''br0''' br0 has and holds therefore the main address to the internal interface. '''tap0''' Transport interface for OpenVPN. This interfaces is bridged to the internal network via eth0 and the bridge device br0.\\ tap0 has no IP address '''eth1:0''' Secondary ip address to the private network Legacy? == aux == * [[http://ark.intel.com/products/46473/Intel-Core-i3-540-Processor-4M-Cache-3_06-GHz|DualCore Intel i3 540 @3.06 GHz, hyperthreaded]] * 4 GB of RAM Usage: * Provides framegrabber card (T-Point camera) * Drive control Ethernet interfaces: eth0, eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4\\ Virtual interfaces: eth0:1, eth0:2, eth0:3 .... == gui == * [[http://ark.intel.com/products/46473/Intel-Core-i3-540-Processor-4M-Cache-3_06-GHz|DualCore Intel i3 540 @3.06 GHz, hyperthreaded]] * 4 GB of RAM Usage: * Machine to run the FACT GUI on .... == daq == * [[http://ark.intel.com/products/33927/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5420-12M-Cache-2_50-GHz-1333-MHz-FSB?q=E5420|Quad Core Intel Xeon E5420 @2.50GHz, hyperthreaded]] * 12 GB of RAM Usage: * Old data acquisition machine .... == data == * [[http://ark.intel.com/products/33927/Intel-Xeon-Processor-E5420-12M-Cache-2_50-GHz-1333-MHz-FSB?q=E5420|Quad Core Intel Xeon E5420 @2.50GHz, hyperthreaded]] * 12 GB of RAM Usage: * Provides /home for users * data transfer machine via rsync ... == newdaq == * [[http://www.amd.com/de/products/server/processors/6000-series-platform/6200/Pages/6200-series-processors.aspx|16 Core AMD Opteron 6272 @2.10 GHz]] * 32 GB of RAM Usage: * data acquisition machine