== Writing Input Files == {{{#!Spoiler {{{#!cpp #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; void writesim() { // Create chain for the tree Result // This is just easier than using TFile/TTree TChain c("Result"); // Add the input file to the c.AddFile("simulation.root"); // Define variables for all leaves to be accessed // By definition rootifysql writes only doubles double X, Y, MeanX, MeanY, Width, Length, CosDelta, SinDelta, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, SlopeSpreadWeighted, Size, ConcCore, ConcCOG, NumIslands, NumUsedPixels, Zd, Energy; // Connect the variables to the cordesponding leaves //c.SetBranchAddress("FileId", &FileId); //c.SetBranchAddress("EvtNumber", &EvtNumber); c.SetBranchAddress("X", &X); c.SetBranchAddress("Y", &Y); c.SetBranchAddress("MeanX", &MeanX); c.SetBranchAddress("MeanY", &MeanY); c.SetBranchAddress("Width", &Width); c.SetBranchAddress("Length", &Length); c.SetBranchAddress("CosDelta", &CosDelta); c.SetBranchAddress("SinDelta", &SinDelta); c.SetBranchAddress("M3Long", &M3Long); c.SetBranchAddress("SlopeLong", &SlopeLong); c.SetBranchAddress("Leakage1", &Leakage1); c.SetBranchAddress("NumIslands", &NumIslands); c.SetBranchAddress("NumUsedPixels", &NumUsedPixels); c.SetBranchAddress("Size", &Size); c.SetBranchAddress("Zd", &Zd); c.SetBranchAddress("Energy", &Energy); // Set some constants (they could be included in the database // in the future) double mm2deg = +0.0117193246260285378; //double abberation = 1.02; // -------------------- Source dependent parameter calculation ------------------- ofstream fout0("sim-train.csv"); // %1 ofstream fout1("sim-test.csv"); // %0 ofstream fout2("sim-test-cuts.csv"); fout0 << "Energy Size Zd Dist Disp Slope M3L Leakage Width Length" << endl; fout1 << "Energy Size Zd Dist Disp Slope M3L Leakage Width Length" << endl; fout2 << "Energy Size Zd Dist Disp Slope M3L Leakage Width Length" << endl; // Loop over all wobble positions in the camera for (int i=0; i5.5 && Leakage1<0.1; if (!cutq) continue; bool cut0 = area < log10(Size)*898-1535; if (!cut0) continue; fout2 << log10(Energy) << " "; fout2 << log10(Size) << " "; fout2 << Zd << " "; fout2 << dist << " "; fout2 << disp << " "; fout2 << slope << " "; fout2 << m3l << " "; fout2 << Leakage1 << " "; fout2 << Width << " "; fout2 << Length << endl; } } } }}} }}} == Training == {{{ fact@ihp-pc45:~/Analysis> nice -n 10 ~/ranger-master/cpp_version/build/ranger --file sim-train.csv --depvarname Energy --memmode 1 --treetype 3 --verbose --impmeasure 1 --outprefix sim-train Starting Ranger. Loading input file: sim-train.csv. Growing trees .. Computing prediction error .. Tree type: Regression Dependent variable name: Energy Dependent variable ID: 0 Number of trees: 500 Sample size: 55417 Number of independent variables: 9 Mtry: 3 Target node size: 5 Variable importance mode: 1 Memory mode: 1 Seed: 0 Number of threads: 8 Overall OOB prediction error: 0.0178514 Saved variable importance to file sim-train.importance. Saved prediction error to file sim-train.confusion. Finished Ranger. }}} It will write a file called '''sim-train.forest'''. == Testing == {{{ nice -n 10 ~/ranger-master/cpp_version/build/ranger --file sim-test.csv --depvarname Energy --memmode 1 --treetype 3 --verbose --impmeasure 1 --predict sim-train.forest nice -n 10 ~/ranger-master/cpp_version/build/ranger --file sim-test-cuts.csv --depvarname Energy --memmode 1 --treetype 3 --verbose --impmeasure 1 --predict sim-train.forest }}} Here is an example output {{{ Starting Ranger. Loading input file: sim-test-cuts.csv. Loading forest from file sim-train.forest. Predicting .. Tree type: Regression Dependent variable name: Energy Dependent variable ID: 0 Number of trees: 500 Sample size: 5135 Number of independent variables: 9 Mtry: 3 Target node size: 5 Variable importance mode: 1 Memory mode: 1 Seed: 0 Number of threads: 8 Saved predictions to file ranger_out.prediction. Finished Ranger. }}}