To calculate the source position for each event (from the '''Events''' table) in the camera, a tool called `calcsource` was developed. The toll is called like this {{{ calcsource YYMMDDNNN }}} where '''YYMMDDNNN''' is the identifier of a run created from the night of sun-set '''YYMMDD''' and the run-id '''NNN'''. It is also known as !FileId. == Getting the source == The tool then requests right ascension and declination of the source observed with a given run (Source.*) and the pointing position of the telescope (!RunInfo.*) by the following query: {{{#!sql SELECT RunInfo.fRightAscension, RunInfo.fDeclination, Source.fRightAscension, Source.fDeclination, Source.fSourceName FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN Source USING (fSourceKey) WHERE fNight=20YYMMDD AND fRunID=NNN }}} Here, YYMMDD and NNN are again the parts from the !FileId given as positional option. The table names `Source` and `RunInfo` can be altered by the options `--table.source` and `--table.runinfo`. == Getting events == Then, a list of all event times together with the corresponding event number is obtained for the given run by {{{#!sql SELECT MJD, MilliSec, EvtNumber FROM Images WHERE FileId=YYMMDDNNN }}} The !FileId comes again from the command line argument. The table name for the '''Images''' table can be altered by ``. For source and pointing position, zenith distance and azimuth is calculated using `libnova` and the wrapper `Nova::GetHrzFromEqu`. The result is then rotated into the camera and projected on a plane which gives the x/y coordinates in the camera. The result is then inserted into a table '''Position''' which name can be altered with `--table.position`. By default, all entries corresponding to the given !FileId are deleted from the table before the new positions are inserted running {{{#!sql DELETE FROM Position WHERE FileId=YYMMDDNNN }}} == Table Creation == It is not very handy if the SQL table has to be created manually beforehand. Therefore, `calcsource` can automatically create the table. To do this, specify `--create`. The query which would be used to create the table can be printed with `--print-create` even when `--create` has not been specified. Tables are created only if the do not yet exist (`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS`). To ensure recreation of a table, the old table can be dropped with `--drop`. As any insert operation would fail if the required table is dropped and no new one is created, `--drop` always implies `--create`. The table is created as {{{#!sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Position ( FileId INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, EvtNumber INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, X FLOAT NOT NULL, Y FLOAT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (FileId, EvtNumber) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_general_ci }}} === Database Engine === The default database engine is to create the table with the default of the database. If a database engine (`ENGINE=`) should be forced for the table the `--engine ENGINE` option can be used. Similarly, the row-format (`ROW_FORMAT=`) can be defined using `--row-format FORMAT`. For example: {{{ --engine InnoDB --row-format=COMPRESSED }}} == Ignore duplicate entries == Usually, the `INSERT` query would fail if another row with the same primary key exists already. This can be avoided adding the `IGNORE` keyword to the `INSERT` query by `--ignore-errors`, which essentially ignores all errors and turns them into warnings which are printed after the query succeeded. If the `--update` option is given, column are updated with `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE X=VALUES(X), Y=VALUES(Y)`. == Source position == Instead of obtaining the source position automatically, right-ascension and declination can be specified manually with `--ra` and `--dec`. == Focal Distance == For a correct calculation of X and Y, the focal distance has to be known. The default is 4889mm. It can be altered with `--focal-dist`. == Debugging == The `INSERT` query can be skipped with `--insert`. A dry run which guarantees that nothing in the database is altered can be done with `--dry-run` (note that this might produce subsequent errors). To print out the meta queries (DROP, CREATE, DELETE, SELECT), the option `--print-meta` exists. The longer `INSERT` query can be printed using `--print-insert`.