[[TOC]] == Purpose == The idea is to write all image parameters for data and Monte Carlo files into a database, so that the access to the data becomes more easy. To some extend (also not necessarily very efficient) the database server can already do the analysis. Everybody is free to use the programming language or tool of their choice to do the analysis. Writing the data to be analysed into a root file has the advantage that no additional software installation other than root itself is required. However, be aware that the files can easily become large. The original proposal can be found here: https://www.fact-project.org/logbook/showthread.php?tid=5604&pid=27027#pid27027 == Status == Most of the data is in the database. Due to some technical reasons still about 1/5th of the data is missing. Most of it from 2016 (seems 2016 the data was more noisy). No automatic process is currently updating the tables and no process is replicating the existing data from La Palma. == Basics == Although this page will give some basic examples how to implement an analysis, this is neither an analysis tutorial nor a reference guide to SQL or the required tools. For this, please refer to their manuals. Here are a few examples: * MySQL Manual: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/ * MAN page of the mysql client: `man mysql` * `rootifysql --help` and https://www.fact-project.org/logbook/showthread.php?tid=4192 * PHP MySQL API: http://php.net/manual/en/book.mysql.php * MySQL++: https://tangentsoft.com/mysqlpp/home == Installing FACT++ == If you want to install `rootifysql`, you find a description here: [[InstallingFACT++]] == Connecting to the Database == Find some basic instructions here how to access the database: DatabaseBasedAnalysis/Connection == Tools to access the database == === mysql === The mysql-client is the classical way to connect to the database and get data. Data is retrieved from a MySQl database always as pure ascii. `mysql` can print the ascii table to the console either as a nicely formatted text or as a machine readable ascii table. === rootifysql === A convenient way to retrieve data is the ''rootifysql'' tool which is part of the FACT++ package. As the name suggests, it writes the data into root files (but can also write the data into ascii files as the mysql-client). More details can be found either calling it with the `--help` option or at https://www.fact-project.org/logbook/showthread.php?tid=4192. To build only the FACT++ tools (fitsdump, root2sql, fits2sql, rootifysql) you can use `cmake -DTOOLS_ONLY=1`. You can create a debian and package and a tar file then with `make package`. You will certainly need the development packages of curses, libnova, libmysql-client, libmysql++ and libopenssl. In addition, you need help2man and groff. Some more detailed instructions can be found at [[DatabaseBasedAnalysis/rootifysql]]. === Other alternatives === Many possibilities exist to access a mysql database as a C API, MySQL++, Python (MySQL.Connector), PHP and others. You are free to use whatever tool you like. In the following, an analysis will be outlined using the ''rootifysql'' client and because it is most convenient. === !PhpMyAdmin === To get a fast glimpse on the accessible databases and the contents of the tables, you can log-in to !PhpMyAdmin at http://iph-pc45.ethz.ch/phpmyadmin == The Analysis == Generally speaking, it makes sens to get familiar with the available columns in the table and their meaning. Right now, the best is to guess from the column name (see !PhPMyAdmin). More details will follow soon. === Data Selection === For data selection only run-wise information should be relevant which are stored in the table '''!RunInfo'''. The reason is that if you select data on a more fine grained level (e.g. event-wise zenith angle), right now there is no easy method to determine the corresponding observation time. So whenever data is selected event-wise make sure that you do not cut the data in a variable which cuts out events systematically and not randomly. For example, an event-wise cut in zenith angel usually keeps or discards two consecutive events because their zenith angle is correlated. For a cut in any image parameter (Width, Length, Size, ...), the result on two consecutive events is random because their image parameters are not correlated. As an example we analyse the Crab data from our public sample (01/11/2013 - 06/11/2013). Let's first have a look at the total observation time of all Crab data in this period: {{{#!sql SELECT COUNT(*), SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(fRunStop,fRunStart))*fEffectiveOn/3600) AS EffOnTime, MIN(fZenithDistanceMin) AS MinZd, MAX(fZenithDistanceMax) AS MaxZd, MIN(fR750Cor/fR750Ref) AS MinQ, MAX(fR750Cor/fR750Ref) AS MaxQ FROM RunInfo WHERE fSourceKey=5 AND fRunTypeKey=1 AND FileId BETWEEN 131101000 AND 131107000 }}} The result using {{{mysql}}} is {{{ +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | COUNT(*) | EffOnTime | MinZd | MaxZd | MinQ | MaxQ | +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | 435 | 32.53992354 | 6.36 | 67.89 | 0.01477 | 1.10584 | +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ 1 row in set (0.01 sec) }}} So we have 435 data runs from Crab with a total effective observation time of 32.5 hours in a zenith angle range between 6° and 68° and a bad weather factor between 0.01 (really bad) to 1.1 (extremely good). Taking only good data by adding "`AND fR750Cor/fR750Ref>0.9`" to the WHERE-clause gives us {{{ +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | COUNT(*) | EffOnTime | ZdMin | ZdMax | MinQ | MaxQ | +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | 328 | 24.58955887 | 6.36 | 67.86 | 0.90084 | 1.10584 | +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) }}} But we also want to restrict ourselves to "good" zenith angles (zenith angles at which there is no significant efficiency loss). So we add "`AND fZenithDistanceMax<35`" to the WHERE-clause which yields {{{ +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | COUNT(*) | EffOnTime | ZdMin | ZdMax | MinQ | MaxQ | +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ | 244 | 19.06608557 | 6.36 | 34.90 | 0.90084 | 1.10584 | +----------+-------------+-------+-------+---------+---------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec) }}} Now we need to get a list of these runs with {{{#!sql SELECT FileId FROM RunInfo WHERE fSourceKey=5 AND fRunTypeKey=1 AND FileId BETWEEN 131101000 AND 131107000 AND fR750Ref/fR750Cor>0.9 AND fZenithDistanceMax<35 }}} This can later be '''JOIN'''ed with the following queries. Let's write the list of runs into a file. There are plenty of options. Here are a few (assuming the query is in a file query.sql) {{{ mysql -N [...] < query.sql > Crab.txt cat query.sql | mysql -N [...] > Crab.txt rootifysql [...] -n -v0 -d query.sql > Crab.txt rootifysql [...] -n -w Crab.txt query.sql }}} The [...] is placeholder for additional options, in particular the login credentials (ideally they are kept in a file which can not be read by everyone). An alternative is to put {{{ #!/path/to/rootifysql --config=/path/to/resources.rc }}} in the first line of your query.sql. Make it executable "`chmod u+x query.sql`" and put your credentials (uri=) into resources.rc. Now you can call it directly {{{ ./query.sql -n -w Crab.txt }}} === Data statistics === Now we want to get some statistics about the Crab data between 01/11/2013 and 06/11/2013 and see if we can do simple plots. For this we write the table into a root file. {{{ rootifysql [...] --query " \ SELECT \ * \ FROM \ RunInfo \ WHERE \ fSourceKey=5 \ AND \ fRunTypeKey=1 \ AND \ FileId BETWEEN 131101000 AND 131107000 \ AND \ fR750Ref/fR750Cor>0.9 \ AND \ fZenithDistanceMax<35 \ " }}} If the file already exists, either give it a different name (see --help for details) or overwrite it with --force. The output should look similar to this {{{ ------------------------ Rootify SQL ------------------------- Connecting to database... Client Version: 5.7.23 Server Version: 5.7.23-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Requesting data... Opening file 'rootify.root' [compression=1]... Trying to setup 120 branches... Configured 115 branches. Filling branches... 317 rows fetched. 317 rows skipped due to NULL field. 0 rows filled into tree. 10 kB written to disk. File closed. Execution time: 0.0537751s (169.6 us/row) -------------------------------------------------------------- }}} Per default rows which contain any NULL are not written to the file because all values are converted to a DOUBLE and there is no representation for a NULL-value in double. So, we need to force the output with `--ignore-null` and will get something like: {{{ ------------------------ Rootify SQL ------------------------- Connecting to database... Client Version: 5.7.23 Server Version: 5.7.23-0ubuntu0.18.04.1 Requesting data... Opening file 'rootify.root' [compression=1]... Trying to setup 120 branches... Configured 115 branches. Filling branches... 317 rows fetched. 317 rows filled into tree. 86 kB written to disk. File closed. Execution time: 0.072247s (227.9 us/row) -------------------------------------------------------------- }}} Now we can open the file in root and do plots. The easiest ist to use the tree viewer: {{{ root rootify.root root [0] Attaching file rootify.root as _file0... root [1] TTree *T = (TTree*)_file0->Get("Result"); root [2] T->StartViewer(); root [3] }}} Or plot the zenith angle distribution directly: {{{ root rootify.root root [0] Attaching file rootify.root as _file0... root [1] TTree *T = (TTree*)_file0->Get("Result"); root [2] T->Draw("fZenithDistanceMean"); root [3] }}} or zenith angle versus time (Hint: DATETIME columns are converted to Unix-time in seconds): {{{ root rootify.root root [0] Attaching file rootify.root as _file0... root [1] TTree *T = (TTree*)_file0->Get("Result"); root [2] T->Draw("fZenithDistanceMean:fRunStart"); root [3] }}} === Data retrieval === The events themselves are stored in a table named '''Events'''. The position of the source in camera coordinates is stored in '''Position'''. To get them, you can run the following query {{{#!sql SELECT Events.*, Position.X, Position.Y FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN Events USING (FileId) LEFT JOIN Position USING (FileId, EvtNumber) WHERE fSourceKey=5 AND fRunTypeKey=1 AND FileId BETWEEN 131101000 AND 131107000 AND fZenithDistanceMax<35 AND fR750Ref/fR750Cor>0.9 }}} or with the list you wrote before {{{#!sql SELECT Events.*, Position.X, Position.Y LEFT JOIN Events USING (FileId) LEFT JOIN Position USING (FileId, EvtNumber) WHERE FileId IN ($MyList) }}} using `--list.MyList=Crab.txt` as command-line option to rootifysql. Both queries are similar in execution time. Let's assume the output file is ''crab-data-only.root'' (`rootifysql --out=crab-data-only.root`). Requesting the data and writing the file took me about 60s. To run an analysis on the data you can use the following root macro "''analysis.C''". It produces a theta-square plot. Its execution took about five seconds (`root analysis.C++`). The `++` behind the macro name forces root to compile the macro before execution (might not be necessary anymore with root 6) to increase performance. {{{#!cpp #include #include #include #include #include void analysis() { // Create chain for the tree Result // This is just easier than using TFile/TTree TChain c("Result"); // Add the input file to the c.AddFile("crab-data-only.root"); // Define variables for all leaves to be accessed // By definition rootifysql writes only doubles double X, Y, MeanX, MeanY, Width, Length, CosDelta, SinDelta, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, SlopeSpreadWeighted, Size, ConcCore, ConcCOG, NumIslands, NumUsedPixels; // Connect the variables to the cordesponding leaves c.SetBranchAddress("X", &X); c.SetBranchAddress("Y", &Y); c.SetBranchAddress("MeanX", &MeanX); c.SetBranchAddress("MeanY", &MeanY); c.SetBranchAddress("Width", &Width); c.SetBranchAddress("Length", &Length); c.SetBranchAddress("CosDelta", &CosDelta); c.SetBranchAddress("SinDelta", &SinDelta); c.SetBranchAddress("M3Long", &M3Long); c.SetBranchAddress("SlopeLong", &SlopeLong); c.SetBranchAddress("Leakage1", &Leakage1); c.SetBranchAddress("NumIslands", &NumIslands); c.SetBranchAddress("NumUsedPixels", &NumUsedPixels); c.SetBranchAddress("SlopeSpreadWeighted", &SlopeSpreadWeighted); c.SetBranchAddress("Size", &Size); c.SetBranchAddress("ConcCOG", &ConcCOG); c.SetBranchAddress("ConcCore", &ConcCore); // Set some constants (they could be included in the database // in the future) double mm2deg = +0.0117193246260285378; double abberation = 1.02; // -------------------- Source dependent parameter calculation ------------------- // Create a histogram for on- and off-data TH1F hon("on", "", 55, 0, 1); TH1F hoff("off", "", 55, 0, 1); // Loop over all events TStopwatch clock; for (int i=0; i5.5 && Leakage1<0.1; bool cut0 = log10(area)0.9 }}} Or you use the existing table for the standard 60° Wobble positions and do just `CROSS JOIN Wobble`. This will give you all you need in ''crab.root'' (`rootifysql --out=crab.root`), but significantly increases computing time and the output file will be about six times larger. A simple macro just applying all the cuts would then be enough to do a theta-square plot {{{#!cpp void analysis() { // Create chain for the tree Result // This is just easier than using TFile/TTree TChain c("Result"); // Add the input file to the c.AddFile("crab.root"); // Set some constants (they could be included in the database // in the future) c.SetAlias("mm2deg", "+0.0117193246260285378"); // Define the cuts c.SetAlias("CutQ", "NumIslands<3.5 && NumUsedPixels>5.5 && Leakage1<0.1"); c.SetAlias("Cut0", "log10(Area)0, 1, NULL)) AS `Signal`, COUNT(IF(Weight<0, 1, NULL)) AS `Background` FROM ( SELECT Size, NumUsedPixels, NumIslands, Leakage1, Weight, PI()*Width*Length AS Area, @PX := cosa*X - sina*Y, @PY := cosa*Y + sina*X, @DX := MeanX-@PX/1.02, @DY := MeanY-@PY/1.02, @Norm := SQRT(@DX*@DX + @DY*@DY), @Dist := @Norm*0.0117193246260285378 AS Dist, @LX := TRUNCATE((CosDelta*@DY - SinDelta*@DX)/@Norm, 6), @LY := TRUNCATE((CosDelta*@DX + SinDelta*@DY)/@Norm, 6), @Alpha := ASIN(@LX) AS Alpha, @Sign := SIGN(@LY) AS Sign, @M3L := M3Long*@Sign*0.0117193246260285378, @Slope := SlopeLong*@Sign/0.0117193246260285378 AS Slope, @Xi := 1.39252 + 0.154247*@Slope + 1.67972*(1-1/(1+4.86232*Leakage1)), @Sign1 := @M3L+0.07, @Sign2 := (@Dist-0.5)*7.2-@Slope, @Disp := IF (SIGN(@Sign1)<0 || SIGN(@Sign2)<0, -@Xi, @Xi) * (1-Width/Length), @ThetaSq := (@Disp*@Disp + @Dist*@Dist - 2*@Disp*@Dist*SQRT(1-@LX*@LX)) AS ThetaSq FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN Events USING (FileId) LEFT JOIN Position USING (FileId, EvtNumber) CROSS JOIN Wobble WHERE fSourceKey=5 AND fRunTypeKey=1 AND FileId BETWEEN 131101000 AND 131107000 AND fZenithDistanceMax<35 AND fR750Cor>0.9*fR750Ref ) TableAlias WHERE ThetaSq<0.024 AND Area < LOG10(Size)*898-1535 AND NumUsedPixels>5.5 AND NumIslands<3.5 AND Leakage1<0.1 ) Counter }}} The output in mysql looks something like: {{{ +--------+------------+----------+-------------------+ | Signal | Background | Excess | Significance | +--------+------------+----------+-------------------+ | 984 | 2205 | 543.0000 | 19.72239008502298 | +--------+------------+----------+-------------------+ 1 row in set (2 min 5.48 sec) }}} Or like this if you finish the query with "\G" instead of a semicolon: {{{ *************************** 1. row *************************** Signal: 984 Background: 2205 Excess: 543.0000 Significance: 19.72239008502298 1 row in set (2 min 0.02 sec) }}} I am sure there is also a query which in addition prints the effective on-time. == WARNING: SQL User Variables == The MySQL Reference manual warns explicitly {{{#!div style="background: #d88; border: 3px ridge" As a general rule, other than in SET statements, you should never assign a value to a user variable and read the value within the same statement. }}} This is explain in the manual in more details here: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/user-variables.html So generally speaking, the above example is supposed to FAIL! (...and works only by chance...) I have kept that here for convenience (and with the current server, it works, simply because the optimizer does not shuffle the columns. Now let's have a look at how the query should look correctly (''' Don't panic! '''): {{{#!sql SELECT Counter.*, `Signal` - `Background`/5 AS `Excess`, LiMa(`Signal`, `Background`/5) AS `Significance` FROM ( /* Counter */ SELECT COUNT(IF(Weight>0, 1, NULL)) AS `Signal`, COUNT(IF(Weight<0, 1, NULL)) AS `Background` FROM ( /* Table9 */ SELECT Weight, (Disp*Disp + Dist*Dist - 2*Disp*Dist*SQRT(1-LX*LX)) AS ThetaSq FROM ( /* Table8 */ SELECT Weight, Dist, LX, IF (SIGN(Sign1)<0 || SIGN(Sign2)<0, -Xi, Xi) * (1-WL) AS Disp FROM ( /* Table7 */ SELECT Weight, WL, Dist, LX, 1.39252 + 0.154247*Slope + 1.67972*(1-1/(1+4.86232*Leakage1)) AS Xi, M3L+0.07 AS Sign1, (Dist-0.5)*7.2-Slope AS Sign2 FROM ( /* Table6 */ SELECT Weight, Leakage1, WL, LX, Norm *0.0117193246260285378 AS Dist, M3Long *Sign*0.0117193246260285378 AS M3L, SlopeLong*Sign/0.0117193246260285378 AS Slope FROM ( /* Table5 */ SELECT Weight, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, Norm, WL, LX, ASIN(LX) AS Alpha, SIGN(LY) AS Sign FROM ( /* Table4 */ SELECT Weight, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, Norm, WL, TRUNCATE((CosDelta*DY - SinDelta*DX)/Norm, 6) AS LX, TRUNCATE((CosDelta*DX + SinDelta*DY)/Norm, 6) AS LY FROM ( /* Table3 */ SELECT Weight, CosDelta, SinDelta, DX, DY, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, WL, SQRT(DX*DX + DY*DY) AS Norm FROM ( /* Table2 */ SELECT Weight, CosDelta, SinDelta, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, WL, MeanX - PX/1.02 AS DX, MeanY - PY/1.02 AS DY FROM ( /* Table1 */ SELECT Weight, MeanX, MeanY, CosDelta, SinDelta, M3Long, SlopeLong, Leakage1, WL, cosa*X - sina*Y AS PX, cosa*Y + sina*X AS PY FROM ( /* Table0 */ SELECT Weight, Size, NumUsedPixels, NumIslands, Leakage1, MeanX, MeanY, CosDelta, SinDelta, M3Long, SlopeLong, Width/Length AS WL, PI()*Width*Length AS Area, cosa, sina, X, Y FROM RunInfo LEFT JOIN Events USING (FileId) LEFT JOIN Position USING (FileId, EvtNumber) CROSS JOIN Wobble WHERE fSourceKey=5 AND fRunTypeKey=1 AND FileId BETWEEN 131101000 AND 131107000 AND fZenithDistanceMax<35 AND fR750Cor>0.9*fR750Ref AND NumUsedPixels>5.5 AND NumIslands<3.5 AND Leakage1<0.1 ) Table0 WHERE Area < LOG10(Size)*898-1535 ) Table1 ) Table2 ) Table3 ) Table4 ) Table5 ) Table6 ) Table7 ) Table8 HAVING ThetaSq<0.024 ) Table9 ) Counter }}} Now what makes the difference... first, execution time shows the power of MySQL. The old query leads: {{{ Execution time: 122.145s }}} This new query results in {{{ Execution time: 12.2317s }}} Note that this is the result of the analysis of a dataset which, as a whole, is more than 100GB and even reduced to Crab after quality cuts still is of the order of GB! As a comparison. The source code which does all the calculations in compiled C++ code takes about 4.5s on the same machine. Why is this query so much faster? I guess it has two reasons: 1) Only variables which are really needed in the next step are kept (reduces memory consumption) 2) Cuts are evaluated by the optimizer as soon as possible (e.g. the Area cuts might be evaluated even before the other values are loaded from disk) Another example (apart from the obvious difficulty to read the query) is that it is very well structured. For each step it is very well defined what values are available from the previous step (the fields which are requested in each SELECT statement) and it is very well defined in which order the algorithm is executed. If somebody find a way to write that query in an easier readable way, I would be glad to know. {{{#!div style="background: #d88; border: 3px ridge" Generally, it is '''not recommended''' to run the full analysis on the server - as long as you want to optimize or change things. Running it on the server only makes sense if you have finished optimizing your analysis and want to process a lot of data (as in an automatic process). }}} On a side note, it seems that explaining a query and profiling a query fails with this type of nested queried because it only gives information on the outermost query which is (in this example) irrelevant. == Optimization and precision maths == A very interesting read is https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/precision-math.html (and its sub-sections! Click on ''NEXT''). In short: A value like 1.234 is an ''exact'' value and exact arithmetic calculations are performed utilizing a dedicated library. If a value is given as an approximate ''floating-point'' value (which all '''DOUBLE''' columns are), for example 1.234e0, the calculation is ''not exact''. ''Not exact'' means that it using (faster) ''floating-point'' arithmetic rather than (slower) ''exact'' arithmetic. Now, any mathematical operation which at least contains one ''floating-point'' number is evaluated as a floating-point approximation. This sounds very simple and as if it has nothing to do with our analysis, but it has: All the numbers in the previous SQL queries were given as ''exact'' numbers and thus stored by the engine as ''exact'' numbers. Whenever they take place in one of our calculations, they have to be converted to a floating-point value first (it seems this does not happen in advance but during run-time), which is an operation which is obviously not for free. So as a test, let's append a `e0` to all fractional values in the query, e.g. instead of `0.5`, let's write `0.5e0` (or `5e-1`). This essentially tells the SQL engine to store the value as an approximate ''floating-point'' value and not as an ''exact'' value. Now, let's run the query again... And voila! {{{ Execution time: 7.64598s }}} '' This is again much faster! '' {{{#!div style="background: #8d8; border: 3px ridge" Conclusion: Wherever you use floating-point values in your query and you are not interested in a 100% machine independent result, write them as ''floating-point'' values by appending `e0` instead of writing them as an ''exact'' values. For integer values (numbers without fractional parts) this is not needed. They mix well with floating-point values and thus no internal conversion is required. }}}