Get the latest version of Corsika from here: Extract Corsika {{{ [0] tar xvf corsika-76400.tar.bz2 }}} Call coconut {{{ [1] cd corsika-76400 [2] ./coconut }}} You can use the defaults (just press return) for * Compile in 32 or 64bit mode? [64 bit] * Which high energy hadronic interaction model do you want to use? [QGSJET 01C] * Which low energy hadronic interaction model do you want to use? [GHEISHA 2002d] * Which detector geometry do you have? [horizontal flat] Now you should get a long list of possible options {{{ Which additional CORSIKA program options do you need? }}} Enter {{{ (multiple selections accepted, leading '-' removes option): 1a 1b 1c 1e 7c 9 }}} There options correspond to: CERENKOV, IACT, CEFFIC, TRAJECT, VIEWCONE and ATMEXT. Now you will get asked more question, answer them as follows * Cherenkov light vertical (longitudinal) distribution option? [only in step] * Do you want Cherenkov light emission angle wavelength dependence? [depending on wavelength] {This corresponds to the CERWLEN option} * IACTEXT external output file option? [not stored] {no eventio format} Now, coconut can create the input files, configure the make system and make. To proceed, select `*** Finish selection ***`. You should see {{{ Are you sure you want to continue with these current option selection: BERNLOHRDIR IACT TRAJECT CEFFIC CERENKOV CERWLEN IACTDIR VIEWCONE ATMEXT yes or no ? (default: yes) > }}} Which you acknowledge. Now, go ahead! = Options = CEFFIC: All three look-up-tables (QE, Atmabs, Mirror) are limited to 105 values between 180nm and 700nm -> This turns the extension to 2000nm in the IACT option off IACT: Redirects photons to eventio (telescope.dat) file (CER files exists, but only for one telescope and it is empty), extends wavelength range to 2000nm. IACTEXT: Write also particles to eventio file CEFFIC/CERWLEN: The 8-th number (production height) of each photon is replaced by the wavelength {{{#!fortran C LIMITING FACTOR FOR STEP SIZE OF ELECTRON IN MAGNETIC FIELD #if __CERENKOV__ && __IACT__ C LIMIT IN DEFLECTION ANGLE IS 2.5 MILLIRADIAN = 0.143 DEG C WE USE A LIMIT OF ABOUT 0.05 DEG (APPROX. 1 MILLIRAD) BLIMIT = 0.001D0 / BNORM #else C WE USE A LIMIT OF ABOUT 11.4 DEG (0.2 RAD) BLIMIT = 0.2D0 / BNORM #endif }}} This is from the muon tracking (MUTRAC) {{{#!fortran #if __CERENKOV__ && __IACT__ C SCATTERING ANGLES OF MUONS SHOULD BE SMALLER THAN THE PIXEL SIZE. * AUX = MIN( 1.D0, 0.015D0*GAMMA ) C THE SAME SHOULD HOLD FOR DEFLECTION IN THE GEOMAGNETIC FIELD. C HERE USING A MAXIMUM RMS SCATTERING / DEFLECTION ANGLE OF 0.05 DEG C AND APPROXIMATE ALL BETA*GAMMA TERMS BY GAMMA. Cxx Write(*,*) 'mu step old-style step=',MIN( 1.D0,0.015D0*GAMMA ) C FOR A MEAN SCATTERING ANGLE THETA WE HAVE A STEP LENGTH OF ABOUT C (THETA / (13.6 MEV/(BETA*C*P))**2 RADIATION LENGTHS (PDG), C NOT TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE NON-GAUSSIAN PART OF THE DISTIBUTION. C FOR THE MOMENT DON''T CARE ABOUT THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE C 'COULOMB SCATTERING LENGTH' 37.7 G/CM**2 (=C(21)) AND THE C RADIATION LENGTH OF 36.66 OR 36.62 G/CM**2 IN AIR. C NOTE: PI/180/(13.6 MEV/(BETA*C*P)) APPROX 0.136*GAMMA FOR MUONS. AUX = MIN( 1.D0, ((0.05*0.136)*GAMMA)**2 ) IF ( BNORMC .GT. 0.D0 ) THEN C NOTE: PI/180*PAMA(5)*BETA*GAMMA APPROX 0.00185*GAMMA AUX = MIN( AUX, (0.05*0.00185)*GAMMA*RHOF(H)/(BNORMC*C(21)) ) ENDIF Cxx Write(*,*) 'mu step new-style step=',AUX #else AUX = MIN( 10.D0, 0.015D0*GAMMA ) #endif }}} For me this seems only relevant if someone wants to backtrack a single muon, i.e. determin its arrival direction.