The !HealPix concept (and the original libraries) are described at A !HealPix implementation for ROOT is available at You can compile that into your Mars libarary. After checking out Mars from the repository (see InstallingMars), simple extract the attached zip-file into your Mars source directory or get !RootHealPix from git: {{{ [0] cd Mars [1] git clone }}} If !RootHealPix is located in your Mars source directory, cmake should find it automatically and compile the healpix classes into the Mars library, otherwise call cmake with the corresponding path: {{{ [2] cmake -DHEALPIX_PREFIX= }}} To test the installation, start root in your Mars build directory and try something like: {{{#!c++ THealPixD hp("name", "", 2); for (int i=0; i<10000; i++) hp.Fill(gRandom->Uniform()*90, gRandom->Uniform()*180); hp.Draw("COLZ HAMMER"); }}} The following example on reading and writing to and from FITS files is adapted from !RootHealPix/tutorials/ReadAndWrite.C. {{{#!Spoiler {{{#!c++ void ReadAndWrite() { THealPixD hpd1("hpd1", "data1", 5); THealPixD hpd2("hpd2", "data2", 4); hpd1.SetUnit("MeV"); // Set the unit of entries hpd2.SetUnit("GeV"); hpd1.SetDegree(); // change the unit of Fill(theta, phi) hpd2.SetDegree(); for(Int_t i = 0; i<1800; i++) { for(Int_t j = 0; j<3600; j++) { hpd1.Fill(i/10., j/10., 1); hpd2.Fill(i/10., j/10., 5); } } vector vec; vec.push_back(&hpd1); vec.push_back(&hpd2); THealUtil::SaveToFits("!test.fits", vec); // hpd1/2 are saved in one file // Read only "data2" from FITS file THealPixD* hpd = THealPixD::ReadFits("test.fits", "data2"); cout << "Order: " << hpd->GetOrder() << endl; cout << "Nside: " << hpd->GetNside() << endl; cout << "Npix : " << hpd->GetNpix() << endl; cout << "Unit : " << hpd->GetUnit() << endl; cout << "Title: " << hpd->GetTitle() << endl; } }}} }}} The documentation is not very complete, but you can find it here: The available !Draw/Paint options are described at The example above should produce something like this: [[Image(healpix-example.png)]].