Back to DataTakingMainPage = Shutdown Manually If the shutdown task in the schedule does not work you have to do the the following task to finish the shutdown manually: 0. stop datataking script with following command from a bash: - dimctrl --stop 0. Start a dimclient: - dimctrl 0. Turn off bias - in dimctrl: BIAS_CONTROL/SET_GLOBAL_DAC 0 0. close Lid: - in dimctrl: LID_CONTROL/CLOSE 0. the trigger is off - in dimctrl: FTM_CONTROL/STOP_TRIGGER 0. Park telescope - in dimctrl: DRIVE_CONTROL/PARK 0. Disconnect Biasctrl - in dimctrl: BIAS_CONTROL/DISCONNECT 0. stop the drive by: - in dimctrl: PWR_CONTROL/TOGGLE_DRIVE 0. close dimctrl - in dimctrl: .q 0. Please fill out the shutdown Checklist: - make sure you have already chosen and informed someone to check you shutdown everything ok: use them in the "Nominated Checker's Email" field.