
Version 5 (modified by dneise, 10 years ago) ( diff )


Time Based Sllow Data DB

We want to see what happens if we write all FACT slow data into a databases. If this works out nicely, we want to try next to allow people to access and analyse slowdata less painfully than using the aux files directly. We are not sure yet, if it is possible to provide easier access, without hiding to much from the users. Often simplicity comes at a price and we try to reduce this price, while gaining as much simplicity as possible.

Table design

First we want to try, and see what happens if we directly translate the aux file bin table extension format into MySQL tables. No relations will be created at this point. Already this simple step, is not trivially possible, since arrays cannot be stored triviall in an RDMS. So our first approach would be to translate an array "stuff" of size 100 into 100 columns named "stuff_00" to "stuff_99".

Of course when reading the data back from the DB, the information, that the data has been an array before will be lost. (Well, not if we provide some helpful code, that is able to 'recreate' the array-like data structure just by 'looking' at the column names, but this is not included in the first approach).

Here is an overview over most of our aux files, sorted by size.

name delta t [s] stddev [s] rows width [bytes] size = rows*width [bytes]
BIAS_CONTROL_DAC 0.568 6.419 137359 1676 230213684
BIAS_CONTROL_VOLTAGE 0.568 6.419 137359 1676 230213684
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATED_CURRENTS 1.230 9.689 63269 3372 213343068
FAD_CONTROL_EVENT_DATA 5.386 15.066 7050 23052 162516600
BIAS_CONTROL_CURRENT 0.686 7.046 113823 844 96066612
FTM_CONTROL_DYNAMIC_DATA 1.415 1.239 61082 1086 66335052
FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES 1.415 1.239 61082 844 51553208
FAD_CONTROL_STATISTICS1 1.000 0.003 86431 428 36992468
FSC_CONTROL_BIAS_TEMP 16.722 4.993 5168 1304 6739072
FTM_CONTROL_COUNTER 0.647 1.043 133532 36 4807152
FAD_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE 5.392 15.020 7043 654 4606122
FTM_CONTROL_STATIC_DATA 15.309 69.539 5063 752 3807376
DATA_LOGGER_STATS 1.035 0.004 83494 44 3673736
FAD_CONTROL_STATS 1.048 0.006 82476 44 3628944
DRIVE_CONTROL_TRACKING_POSITION 1.068 0.555 33809 76 2569484
DRIVE_CONTROL_POINTING_POSITION 1.054 0.111 81983 28 2295524
FAD_CONTROL_STATUS 1.996 24.535 18960 96 1820160
FAD_CONTROL_RUN_NUMBER 3.992 34.784 9480 180 1706400
FAD_CONTROL_TRIGGER_COUNTER 1.081 6.753 35122 44 1545368
FSC_CONTROL_TEMPERATURE 16.722 4.993 5168 252 1302336
DRIVE_CONTROL_STATUS 1.054 0.111 81983 15 1229745
FAD_CONTROL_REFERENCE_CLOCK 5.392 15.020 7043 174 1225482
FAD_CONTROL_EVENTS 1.094 6.809 34703 28 971684
BIAS_CONTROL_MESSAGE 1.132 10.282 70635 12 847620
FSC_CONTROL_CURRENT 16.722 4.993 5168 136 702848
FSC_CONTROL_VOLTAGE 16.722 4.993 5168 136 702848
BIAS_CONTROL_STATE 1.698 14.192 47076 12 564912
SQM_CONTROL_DATA 5.000 0.001 17286 32 553152
LID_CONTROL_DATA 5.002 0.202 17278 32 552896
FAD_CONTROL_DAC 44.923 442.293 800 684 547200
FAD_CONTROL_CONNECTIONS 3.893 34.286 9722 53 515266
RATE_SCAN_DATA 102.766 956.443 573 836 479028
RATE_SCAN_MESSAGE 1.769 125.806 33225 12 398700
PWR_CONTROL_DATA 5.137 0.399 16826 20 336520
FEEDBACK_MESSAGE 3.339 19.504 23943 12 287316
MAGIC_WEATHER_DATA 19.767 7.996 4372 42 183624
FSC_CONTROL_HUMIDITY 16.722 4.993 5168 32 165376
AGILENT_CONTROL_24V_DATA 15.000 0.033 5762 28 161336
AGILENT_CONTROL_50V_DATA 15.000 0.032 5762 28 161336
AGILENT_CONTROL_80V_DATA 15.000 0.072 5762 28 161336
GPS_CONTROL_NEMA 60.000 0.001 1441 40 57640
MAGIC_WEATHER_MESSAGE 19.748 7.038 4376 12 52512
MCP_CONFIGURATION 22.903 75.766 1659 28 46452
FAD_CONTROL_MESSAGE 11.919 55.860 3187 12 38244
MCP_MESSAGE 12.409 56.926 3061 12 36732
TEMPERATURE_DATA 60.407 4.864 1431 24 34344
FTM_CONTROL_MESSAGE 29.959 538.642 2614 12 31368
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATION_STEPS 7977.991 15955.981 6 5008 30048
MCP_STATE 22.847 75.683 1663 12 19956
TNG_WEATHER_DATA 300.010 0.156 288 68 19584
RATE_CONTROL_MESSAGE 50.982 1019.175 1521 12 18252
TEMPERATURE_MESSAGE 59.288 6.809 1458 12 17496
FAD_CONTROL_STATE 26.647 81.170 1426 12 17112
FTM_CONTROL_STATE 62.956 782.737 1234 12 14808
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATION 39889.953 0.000 2 6668 13336
FAD_CONTROL_START_RUN 84.382 127.959 451 28 12628
DIM_CONTROL_MESSAGE 44.932 111.104 913 12 10956
FAD_CONTROL_RUNS 80.277 124.719 474 20 9480
RATE_CONTROL_STATE 108.382 1483.901 716 12 8592
FSC_CONTROL_MESSAGE 127.224 18.792 680 12 8160
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATION_R8 39889.953 0.000 2 3340 6680
DATA_LOGGER_STATE 88.927 131.025 428 12 5136
DRIVE_CONTROL_SOURCE_POSITION 694.667 722.352 53 91 4823
RATE_CONTROL_THRESHOLD 299.184 165.609 121 30 3630
DRIVE_CONTROL_MESSAGE 381.581 2995.895 221 12 2652
DATA_LOGGER_NUM_SUBS 608.098 3594.266 121 20 2420
TIME_CHECK_MESSAGE 447.689 441.846 192 12 2304
FEEDBACK_STATE 451.599 2810.061 178 12 2136
DATA_LOGGER_FILENAME_NIGHTLY 608.098 3594.266 121 16 1936
FAD_CONTROL_DRS_RUNS 651.135 10020.114 56 32 1792
TIME_CHECK_OFFSET 900.005 0.192 96 16 1536
DRIVE_CONTROL_STATE 307.644 595.365 127 12 1524
MAGIC_LIDAR_DATA 612.450 53.593 21 36 756
FAD_CONTROL_FILE_FORMAT 948.925 1698.665 39 14 546
FAD_CONTROL_REGION_OF_INTEREST 1976.848 1879.630 20 16 320
MAGIC_LIDAR_MESSAGE 612.822 52.446 21 12 252
FAD_CONTROL_INCOMPLETE 0.330 0.919 11 20 220
TEMPERATURE_STATE 2014.740 3929.100 18 12 216
TNG_WEATHER_DUST 7200.273 1.052 12 16 192
RATE_SCAN_STATE 4199.063 7709.202 15 12 180
TNG_WEATHER_MESSAGE 7200.041 0.049 12 12 144
RATE_SCAN_PROCESS_DATA 14632.373 15636.454 5 24 120
DIM_CONTROL_STATE 6773.531 14085.157 7 12 84
EVENT_SERVER_MESSAGE 10905.531 10767.661 5 12 60
LID_CONTROL_MESSAGE 9297.873 15467.975 5 12 60
LID_CONTROL_STATE 12040.861 16997.522 4 12 48
MAGIC_WEATHER_STATE 3122.660 4404.884 4 12 48
EVENT_SERVER_STATE 43622.122 0.000 2 12 24
GCN_MESSAGE 6.311 0.000 2 12 24
GCN_STATE 6.311 0.000 2 12 24
PWR_CONTROL_MESSAGE 40274.024 0.000 2 12 24
PWR_CONTROL_STATE 40274.024 0.000 2 12 24

So if we simply stick to this table deisgn, we can estimate, that for out longest table (the one with the most rows -- 137k per night) we might end with about 0.5 giga lines after 10 years. I think, this is still no problem for an InnoDB table index, so in principle, I don't see a problem in creating one table per file, for the entire lifetime of the experiment.

Table width

Since MySQL tables cannot be wider that 64kb , out widest fits tables might create problems, if we don't take care about column sizes: These are our widest tables:

name delta t [s] stddev [s] rows width [bytes] size = rows*width [bytes]
FAD_CONTROL_EVENT_DATA 5.386 15.066 7050 23052 162516600
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATION 39889.953 0.000 2 6668 13336
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATION_STEPS 7977.991 15955.981 6 5008 30048
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATED_CURRENTS 1.230 9.689 63269 3372 213343068
FEEDBACK_CALIBRATION_R8 39889.953 0.000 2 3340 6680
BIAS_CONTROL_DAC 0.568 6.419 137359 1676 230213684
BIAS_CONTROL_VOLTAGE 0.568 6.419 137359 1676 230213684
FSC_CONTROL_BIAS_TEMP 16.722 4.993 5168 1304 6739072
FTM_CONTROL_DYNAMIC_DATA 1.415 1.239 61082 1086 66335052
BIAS_CONTROL_CURRENT 0.686 7.046 113823 844 96066612
FTM_CONTROL_TRIGGER_RATES 1.415 1.239 61082 844 51553208

arrays --> columns, Number of columns

I found on SO that there is a limit on the total number of columns in a table at 3398 columns. Since storage of arrays is not suported natively by MySQL we decided to create a large number of columns fo each array.

This limit is crossed by FAD_CONTROL_EVENT_DATA, which ends up having 5762 columns. So we omit this aux file for the time being.

omitted FITS files

the following slow data files were omitted during table creation:

  • 'CLIENT_LIST' # ???
  • 'CHAT_MESSAGE' # ???
  • 'FAD_CONTROL_EVENT_DATA' # too many columns
  • 'FEEDBACK_CALIBRATION' # omitted because it generates a strange error, that might be connected to a column name, that is the same as an internal innoDB table name or so... strange
  • 'GPS_CONTROL_NEMA', # omitted, because of column name 'Time' and 'time', maybe my mysql installation is case insensitive .. :-| stupid me.

First experiences with slow data insertion

In about 8h I only managed to insert 262MB of data. While neither the python process, that was reading the data, nor the mysqld, that was writing the data comsumed 100% CPU load at any time. Not sure why this is the case? Mybe the stuff was io blocked.

--> python script is 40...500 times faster when not inserting the data into the DB, but just reading... so input side is not io blocked.

apparently one can improve the situation a bit by using bulk inserta, but one must also stay below the maximum paket size

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