Back to DataTakingMainPage = Trouble shooting [[TroubleShootingAutomaticFailureHandling | Automatic Failure Handling]] - Autoresume - Fad connection loss [[TroubleShootingBias | Bias]] - bias disconnection - Overcurrent status - Status notReferenced [[TroubleShootingFads | FADs]] - crate reset - start up connection problem - in-run fad loss - drs underflow problem - startup - no proper connection problem - fadctrl hangs in state configuring by taking an external lp run [[TroubleShootingFtus | FTUs]] - ftmctrl in state ERROR - ftmctrl in state !ClockCondError [[TroubleShootingDrivectrl | Drivectrl ]] - cosy in state ERROR - drivectrl in state LOCKED - Manual parking of the telescope [[TroubleShootingComputers | Computers ]] - Informations about the Computers - Restarting a hanging PC [[TroubleShootingArduino | Arduino ]] - Arduino Reset [[TroubleShootingHardware | Hardware ]] - Power Cycling the camera - Switching off the bias crate [[TroubleShootingLid | Lid ]] - Emergency procedure for manual operation [[TroubleShootingSoftware | Software]] - Stopping Programs - List of needed software and the corresponding screen Sessions