= Trouble Shooting - FTUs == ftm in state ERROR: __Symptom__ - ftmctrl in state ERROR - one FTU is not green in the FTU tab of the GUI __Solution__ - stop dimscript - dimctrl --stop from a bash - switch off the trigger and try *Ping* (FTU-tab) - a FTU can erroneously be marked as *in error* after the GUI has been restartet, a *Ping* resolve that - if this doesn't help do a Crate Reset (see above) __Not Helping__ - stopping fadctrl or ftmctrl - Reset other or all Crates - quiting or killing any program - power cycling the camera == ftmctrl in state ClockCondError: __Symptom__ - ftmctrl in state ClockCondError - clock conditioner is not locked __Solution__ - FTM_CONTROL/RESET_CONFIGURATION - or the MCP Reset button - make sure that the clock conditioner is locked before data taking __Not Helping__