= Trouble Shooting - Software == Stopping Programs - **never** stop a not hanging program with ctrl+c - when a restart of the program is really necessary use .q instead - restarting a program is in most cases not a solution and only increase the risk to trigger more problems. So avoid restarting programs as long as possible == Starting Programs Do not forget **start.sh** before all programs! It makes sure that the programs are automatically restarted. == List of needed software and the corresponding screen sessions === screen-session on NEWDAQ === see also /home/fact/.screenrc_newdaq on newdaq 0. dimserver /home/fact/operation/dimserver 0. mcp /home/fact/operation/mcp 0. fadctrl /home/fact/operation/fadctrl 0. datalogger /home/fact/operation/datalogger 0. drivectrl /home/fact/operation/drivectrl 0. lidctrl /home/fact/operation/lidctrl 0. biasctrl /home/fact/operation/biasctrl 0. pwrctrl /home/fact/operation/pwrctrl 0. ftmctrl /home/fact/operation/ftmctrl 0. feedback /home/fact/operation/feedback 0. ratecontrol /home/fact/operation/ratecontrol 0. ratescan /home/fact/operation/ratescan 0. fscctrl /home/fact/operation/fscctrl 0. temperature /home/fact/operation/temperature 0. magiclidar /home/fact/operation/magiclidar 0. magicweather /home/fact/operation/magicweather 0. tngweather /home/fact/operation/tngweather 0. agilentctrl-24V /home/fact/operation/agilentctrl 24V 0. agilentctrl-50V /home/fact/operation/agilentctrl 50V 0. agilentctrl-80V /home/fact/operation/agilentctrl 80V 0. gpsctrl /home/fact/operation/gpsctrl 0. sqmctrl /home/fact/operation/sqmctrl 0. gcn /home/fact/operation/gcn 0. chatserv /home/fact/operation/chatserv 0. dns /home/fact/operation/dns 0. bash === screen-session on GATE === see also /users/fact/.screenrc_gate on gate 0. smartfact /home/fact/FACT++/start.sh smartfact 0. bash === screen-session on DAQ (**OUTDATED**) === Do not forget **start.sh** before all programs 0. biasctrl - has to be running on the PC, where the bias crate is connected, currently daq 0. dns - has to be running before hardware startup 0. dimserver - **start.sh dimctrl --server** 0. drivectrl 0. mcp 0. lidctrl 0. bash - just an empty bash for working on daq 0. ftmctrl 0. feedback 0. magicweather 0. fscctrl 0. agilentctrl 0. powerctr. 0. magiclidar 0. ratescan 0. tngweather 0. ratectrl 0. chatserv === screen-session on newdaq (**OUTDATED**) === 0. fadctrl - has to be running on newdaq 0. datalogger - has to be running on newdaq - has to be running before hardware startup Do not forget **start.sh** before all programs === screen-session on AUX (**OUTDATED**) === Do not forget **start.sh** before all programs 0. timecheck - has to be running on aux === screen-session on GATE (**OUTDATED**) === Do not forget **start.sh** before all programs 0. smartfact - has to be running on gate